Category Archive for Clean & Green Club

The Clean and Green Club, January 2024

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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip: January 2024

How to Change the World Without War or Weapons—and Three Reasons Why This Works
Photo Credit: RDNE Stock project via Pexels

In the video I review below, Bill McKibben of and Third Act cites Erica Chenoweth’s finding that when just 3-1/2 percent of a population engages in disciplined nonviolent resistance, it can be enough to topple a government.

He doesn’t mention that Chenoweth’s research also showed that
nonviolent resistance was 10 times more effective than violent insurrection. Those who used it were more likely to achieve even “impossible” goals, even when facing the most repressive governments in history, such as Nazi Germany and apartheid South Africa. AND they were more likely to achieve lasting change that didn’t just swing back with the next change in government. Other researchers including the late Gene Sharp have identified literally hundreds of nonviolent tactics. Sharp’s list of 198 nonviolent tactics predates the Internet and the Covid pandemic. Those two phenomena alone probably doubled the list.

Chenoweth was not originally an advocate of nonviolence. In fact, she was quite skeptical at first—until her own statistical analyses proved that nonviolence works better. This validates what lifetime pacifists like Stephen Zunes, George Lakey, Barbara Deming, Harvey Wasserman, Anna Gyorgy, Gene Sharp, my late friends Dave Dellinger, Frances Crowe, and Wally and Juanita Nelson, and many others have said for decades. It also validates the strategic commitment to nonviolence by people like MLK, Gandhi, and Mandela (none of whom was originally pacifist in principle).

The Three Reasons

I think I can shed some light on why this is true:

1) You can’t outgun the state. They have tanks, WMDs, and lots of person-power. Engaging in violence is letting them choose the battlefield and the tools. You probably can’t outgun the Oath Keepers either, unless you ARE the state. But
vigilante groups (sorry this article is so difficult to parse), predatory employers, and even governments (see citations above) don’t tend to be successful against disciplined massive resistance, even if they inflict damage against the nonviolent resisters.

2) When the state attacks unarmed civilians, it has a jiu-jitsu effect of creating sympathy for those who are attacked, not just locally but across the world (as is happening in Ukraine and Gaza right now). But when armed radicals attack the state or civilians or even destroy the property of the middle and upper classes, that rebound effect creates support for the government, who can then marginalize and isolate the opposition as “terrorists”–and have an excuse to clamp down further on civil liberties. We see this in the wildly disproportionate Israeli response to the (brutal and completely unacceptable) Hamas murder of 1200 and taking 240 as hostages.

Because of the Hamas brutality, Israel felt justified in killing tens of thousands (mostly civilians and including thousands of kids) and making millions homeless. But Israel’s government does not seem to realize that they have just sewn the seeds for another generation of embittered radicals to rise up against them. And just as the US, which had the moral high ground and support of the global community in the immediate aftermath of 9/11/2001 but lost it in the twin wars of Iraq and Afghanistan, found itself a pariah, so does Israel. (I’m writing this on December 23, 2023. The situation I describe is current as of that date.)

3) When a government falls by force of arms, the conquerors want to make sure they aren’t taken out next. Thus, the pressure to become more dictatorial, which erodes popular support. I am old enough to remember when thugs like Zimbabwe’s Mugabe, the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, and even the Iranian mullahs were welcomed as heroes by the local population, until they turned out to be just as vile as their predecessors, if not more. So the violence ends up blocking the transition to a better society, causing resentment and apathy.
Bonus Article: 12 New Year’s Resolutions for a More Ethical, Ecological, Profitable, and Successful Business

Normally, I only have one main article and a review of one resource. I’m doing this extra one as a gift to you to help you start your year off while you’re still thinking about this new beginning.


Remember: businesses based on ethics and quality actually work better. With that in mind, here are twelve easy resolutions to inspire your business to achieve a very profitable 2024. This is not coming from God, just me, your newsletter writer. Accept and honor what’s useful to you. Modify or discard what’s not. 

1) I will base every aspect of my business on honesty, integrity, and quality.

2) I will make sure every employee, from janitor to CEO, is trained to view every interaction with a customer as a key step in the marketing process and to always give the customer respect and attention.

3) I will train and empower every employee to let the customer go away feeling good about the entire interaction.

4) I will stand behind my products and services. It is better to refund the money and create a positive buzz.

5) Understanding that it costs an average of five times more to bring in a new customer as to keep an existing one, I will see that the entire organization exceeds customer expectations.

6) Recognizing that my competitors can be my strongest allies, I will initiate at least one joint venture (after all, if FedEx and the Postal Service, Apple and IBM, and General Motors and Toyota can cooperate, surely I can too).

7) If my company is not the best answer to prospect’s needs, I will refer that prospect to the company that can best serve, if I know of one. 

8) I will devote business resources to make the world a better place.

9) I will volunteer on a community project and set up incentives for my employees to volunteer on the projects of their choice.

10) I will base decisions on the Abundance Principle that there is enough to go around, and not on market share.

11) I will reduce my firm’s use of water and energy, and reduce my family’s use at home, and inform others of the easy changes I’ve made. (See
my ebook, Painless Green, for 111 suggestions)

12) I will grow by marketing the advantages of doing business with a socially and environmentally conscious, ethical company.

Four of marketing and profitability consultant/copywriter Shel Horowitz’s 10 books cover marketing for green and social equity businesses. Three of those have won awards, including his most recent book,
Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World (co-authored with Jay Conrad Levinson).

Discover why Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, futurist Seth Godin, and many others recommend Shel’s 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World (and download a free sampler). Autographed and inscribed copies available.
View highlights from (and listen to) more than 30 podcasts ranging from 5 minutes to a full hour. Click here to see descriptions and replay links.

History of Nonviolence: From Thoreau and Tolstoy and Gandhi towards the present

History of Nonviolent Action: From Thoreau and Tolstoy and Gandhi towards the present
Narrated by Bill McKibben

If you’ve been on my list for a while, you probably know that I consider my two careers of activism and marketing to be inextricably braided together. I’ve brought lessons from the business world into my activism, and lessons from activism into business. The synergy makes both far more effective than either on their own. And on the activist side, I’ve been a proponent, practitioner, and publicizer of nonviolent social change. I’ve read a lot of the research, and it all proves that nonviolent struggles are more likely to win, less likely to result in mass civilian death (though it does happen sometimes, at the hands of particularly brutal opponents), and more likely to create lasting positive change. Think about the US civil rights, feminist, safe energy and LGBTQ movements, the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, and Arab Spring.

Bill McKibben, founder of both and Third Act, narrates an hour-long history of nonviolent civil disobedience going all the way back to Thoreau, who influenced Tolstoy, who in turn corresponded with a very young Gandhi, whose work both in South Africa and pre-partition India in turn influenced MLK. The video doesn’t explicitly say so, but MLK clearly influenced Mandela, and so the circle came back around to South Africa. And MLK and Mandela have certainly impacted every nonviolent campaign I’m familiar with in our own time. Because I’ve been studying this movement since the 1970s, I knew much of the history he narrates, but I hadn’t seen most of the wonderful archival footage it includes, such as Gandhi standing with his Muslim counterpart Abdul Ghaffar Khan and a movie clip of the Salt March.

Of course, activism is not only, or even mostly, about charismatic leaders. These are people’s movements and some of them involved tens or even hundreds of thousands of people. This video is the first of a four-part series. If you change the number at the end of (to 2, then 3, then 4), you ought to be able to watch them as they become available. The second one is available now and the third one will air at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, January 18. You can register on the site.

And if you’re not yet an activist, I hope watching this series may help you find a passion for changing the world through nonviolent action. If you think you can’t make a difference, consider these blog posts: the second and fourth parts of a five-part series I wrote reflecting back on the 40
th anniversary of the 1977 Seabrook Occupation (which was a life-changing event for me):

(If you want to read the whole series all the way through, start at and click the link to the next part at the bottom of each segment.)

Connect with Shel

Turn Your Sustainability/CSR Report Into Powerful Marketing!

About Shel

Speaker, author, and consultant Shel Horowitz of helps businesses find the sweet spot at the intersections of profitability with environmental and social good — creating and marketing profitable products and services that make a direct difference on problems like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change. His 10th book is Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World.

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The Clean and Green Club, December 2023

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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip: December 2023

How Would YOU React if you Received This Note?

Photo Credit: Christina Morillo via Pexels

This email from GlobalGiving, a UK-based nonprofit, might be the best letter to donors I’ve ever seen—and it’s not even a direct fundraising pitch. My reaction was to immediately write to them asking permission to reprint their letter and analyze it in my newsletter. As you can see, they responded with a yes (in a gracious and warm brief note).

First their message, then my analysis in the footnotes:

[Subject line] Thank you for your generosity, SHEL


As we approach the end of the year and reflect on the many moments that defined it, I am in awe of people like you.
Your support of organizations like The Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project2 has touched so many lives, and I want to take a moment to express my profound gratitude for your generosity.3

Your gift hasn’t just funded a project, it’s uplifted a community. 4 Across the globe, locally-led organizations are pillars of change and innovation.5 They understand their communities’ unique needs and dreams, and thanks to your support, they can continue their invaluable work and grow their impact.6

This year, many communities are facing heartbreak and conflict. The circumstances under which local nonprofits are working are truly unfathomable7 and yet they inspire me with their ability to hold onto hope.8 I strive to hold them in the light, to stand beside them, and to send a deep desire for healing.9

Your generosity has touched countless lives.10 As we move into the season of gatherings and gratitude, know that you’ve made a difference.11

May your holidays be a reflection of the hope and joy you’ve given to others.12

With heartfelt gratitude,

White middle-aged womanVictoria Vrana
CEO, GlobalGiving13

Here and in the salutation, they use personalization, which is a good thing when not done to excess unless there are typos—but I would have run the mail merge through a case changer so regardless of how the subscriber entered their name, only the first letter was capitalized
2 Mentioning a specific charity with a link to that charity’s page on the GlobalGiving site is brilliant. It creates a direct connection with the results of donors’ gifts. Right at the top, the landing page lists the year that organization was founded, the total raised for this charity on the GlobalGiving platform, the years the two organizations have partnered, and the number of projects funded. Then a 22-word mission statement, followed by clickable listings of 22 funded or fundable projects with donation links to the ones that haven’t been fully funded yet.
3 This sounds sincere. It’s grateful, but not obsequious.
4 A perfect way to pull in the bigger goal of sweeping transformation. You’re not just funding one project. You’re uplifting a community.
5 And now it’s gone global, and it’s about massive transformation.
6 But then it circles back to the people on the ground, doing the work. So we have local to global, to local someplace else.
7 Yes, she’s tugging on a pain point—but it’s not the focus of the letter.
8 And she moves immediately to hope and optimism rather than trying to dig a “misery hole” (as far too many nonprofits do).
9 She includes a prayer—without calling it a prayer, which can be a divisive label—for those dedicated workers she just cited. I found that a lovely touch.
10 Another pat on the back for her donors.
11 This is as close as she comes to a fundraising pitch. She states explicitly that the recipient of this letter has made a difference. She implies that the donor could continue to make a difference by giving again, but she has too much respect for her readers’ intelligence to come out and ask. And this, to a person who sees a gazillion fund appeals, especially in the last six weeks of the year, is really refreshing. I happen to be writing this on Giving Tuesday and I received about 50 fund appeals today. I didn’t even open them. Too many and not a good way to quickly tell the good organizations apart from the lesser ones. Her letter arrived on US Thanksgiving Day. I’m betting that a lot of people might be motivated to give because she DIDN’T ask! And yes, I am aware that this is heresy in the marketing world.
12 Another really sweet touch, and again, something that could have turned saccharine in the hands of a less skilled copywriter. She reflects back the light and good that the donor has done—right back to the donor.
13 She’s literally putting a face on the organization by including her picture. The email also used a template to add color and visual interest (I would guess Constant Contact). And she DOESN’T include a PS—another marketing heresy. So don’t be afraid to break the rules. Know what you’re doing and why, know why these rules have been developed over time. But then don’t be afraid to violate them and follow your heart.

Discover why Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, futurist Seth Godin, and many others recommend Shel’s 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World (and download a free sampler). Autographed and inscribed copies available.
View highlights from (and listen to) more than 30 podcasts ranging from 5 minutes to a full hour. Click here to see descriptions and replay links.

Heart Centered Business: Healing from toxic business culture so your small business can thrive

Heart Centered Business: Healing from toxic business culture so your small business can thrive
by: Mark Silver (Wildhouse Publications, 2023)

How I wish someone had given me this book 41 years ago when I was brand new in business, very unsure of myself, and confused about how I would fit in to a business culture I had learned to despise! Of course, it was only published this year. But I hope it finds its way to many progressive and holistic people who are starting or struggling with heart-based businesses.

The book is a treasure trove, mixing conventional business wisdom (e.g., the crucial roles of business systems, marketing, and financial literacy—and some really excellent advice (p. 84) on pricing) with very UNconventional approaches such as:

  • It’s totally understandable that you might worry about participating in a business culture that has embraced some really icky stuff—but there’s absolutely no reason you have to embrace the ick. It is possible, and in many ways actually easier, to run an ethical, heart-centered business that exists to serve (and he infers that maybe we who follow this path can eventually help change that culture).
  • Marketing, as far too many businesses practice it, is responsible for quite a bit of that ick factor—using disinformation, pressure tactics, pain-point hyping, and attempting to funnel customers into ever-larger purchases whether or not the offer is right for them. But again, there are plenty of ways to market that are in total alignment with the purpose and mission of a heart-centered business. Silver devotes a lot of space (pp.123-165) to marketing the right ways while rejecting the slimy approaches. 
  • Overnight success is not only uncommon, it’s undesirable. Much better to let your business gain traction organically, and it’s fine if it takes a few years to really get solid. He suggests having the resources to let the business evolve toward viability, when possible. I recognize, and I’m betting he does as well, that sometimes we don’t have that luxury.

Silver is strongly influenced by decades studying and practicing Sufism. His 12 chapter titles give a great introduction to his philosophy, including, among others, “Healing Your Relationship with Business”, “Healing Your Relationship with Money”, “The True Purpose of Marketing”, “What Your Heart Needs So Your Business Can Succeed”, and a powerful two-page unnumbered final blessing just called “A Blessing.”

Silver divides a business lifecycle into four stages: Creation (pp. 76-89); Concentration (pp. 89-100; Momentum (pp. 102-109); and Independence (pp. 110-120). Interestingly, he doesn’t see Stage 4 as seen desirable for many businesses, and spends most of those pages helping business owners evaluate whether they actually would benefit from embracing Stage 4 or if they’re better off hanging out in Stage 3. He also cautions that it could easily take two to four years to move from Stage 1 to Stage 3, and it might take just as long to move from Stage 3 to Stage 4 (p. 122). For many of us with very small businesses, attempting to scale, and to create a business that can survive our own involvement, is simply not worth the effort—and as someone who has stayed a one-person shop with some freelance help for four decades, I really respect him for being willing to say this in public.

Marketing also has different stages in Silver’s view—he calls them journeys: Becoming Known; Nourishing Those Waiting; and Supporting Referrals. They’re less linear than the business stage; sometimes, they even overlap. And instead of the worn-out funnel metaphor that assumes everyone will take the same path and arrive at the same destination, he praises the “garden path,” where everyone can determine their own route, their own sequence, and their own destination within a larger whole.

In discussing the Third Journey, he points out something obvious and true but ignored by far too many businesses: if you’re seeking referrals, make sure you have the systems in place to handle them. In my own referral handling, I take this very seriously. If people are spending some of their precious social capital to do you a good turn, you need to follow up properly, explore whether there’s a fit, express thanks, refer to others if appropriate, etc. Otherwise, your existing client’s good experience will be damaged by their referral’s poor experience, and neither is likely to patronize or endorse you again. It’s pretty easy to do this correctly, so be ready when others come knocking.

Connect with Shel

Turn Your Sustainability/CSR Report Into Powerful Marketing!

About Shel

Speaker, author, and consultant Shel Horowitz of helps businesses find the sweet spot at the intersections of profitability with environmental and social good — creating and marketing profitable products and services that make a direct difference on problems like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change. His 10th book is Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World.

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The Clean and Green Club, November 2023

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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip: November 2023

Don’t Let ANYONE Tell You This is a Good Idea

Photo Credit: Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels

I tried to watch an SNL skit sent to me by a marketing colleague. First, a hoodie ad at 2:49–so I went and did something else. I have plenty of sweaters and almost never buy from online ads. Then they hit me with a 49-minute ad for some nutritional thing. No way to fast-forward to the end, so I exited immediately. And I never got to see the skit.

Good morning, YouTube. Didn’t anyone ever tell you that pissing off your customers is not a smart business strategy?

Never mind the mismatch of message and market (I don’t purchase nutritional supplements other than vitamins)—you don’t hit ANYONE with a 49-minute infomercial when they want to watch a three-minute video. The only thing YouTube accomplished with this was that henceforth, if people ask what video platform I recommend for their content, the answer will be Vimeo. And if I were running that nutritional company, I’d be hiring a different Chief Marketing Officer. It’s totally desirable to offer a 49-minute infomercial to those who are seeking detailed information—though it would be much better to offer a dozen 3-minute videos covering specific aspects plus an overview. But it’s totally counterproductive to jam it into the eyes and ears of people who weren’t even looking for that type of product. This unfortunate company actually paid YouTube to piss me off. Ugh!

Discover why Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, futurist Seth Godin, and many others recommend Shel’s 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World (and download a free sampler). Autographed and inscribed copies available.
View highlights from (and listen to) more than 30 podcasts ranging from 5 minutes to a full hour. Click here to see descriptions and replay links.

From What Is to What If: Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create the Future We Want

 From What Is to What If: Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create the Future We Want
by: Rob Hopkins (Chelsea Green, 2019)

When I did my TEDx talk several years ago, I called it “‘Impossible’ Is A Dare!” So I was primed to love a book that looks at possibility as both an open door—and a door opener. And indeed, I loved it!

Hopkins, co-founder of the Transition Towns movement and of Transition Town Totnes (the community in the UK that created the concept), envisions a world where it’s always OK to ask questions, to try out new ideas, and to think holistically at local, regional, national, and global levels. He envisions societies that embrace—and democratize—the arts, follow patient-centered/student-centered health and educational models (including Reggio Emilia, p. 93, which was the educational model used by the elementary school my own kids attended), use biomimicry to harness nature’s wisdom develop over eons, and more.

While many of his examples are drawn from either the Transition Town movement or living experiments around the UK, he goes well beyond these sources, drawing on currents as diverse as comedy improv, art therapy, temporary takeovers of town squares and other public spaces—all leavened with a lot of play and humor—in locations as widespread as: Bolivia; rural Iceland; Jackson, Mississippi; Mexico including both extremely rural Chiapas and extremely urban Mexico City; Bologna, Italy; both modern and ancient China, to name a few. His thinking is influenced by practical visionaries from speculative fiction authors Moshin Hamid of Pakistan and Ursula LeGuin of the US to today’s Extinction Rebellion global youth movement.

Some of it we’ve heard before, like making sure to get away from our screens and devices and out into nature, get off social media and into real-world human-to-human connections. And some might be new, like the idea that “boredom is your imagination calling you” (p. 79).

A lot of it is telling the stories of people who dared to think and feel differently—and then build new and different kinds of experiences, institutions, and even entire communities out of those new thoughts and feelings—from the movement to declare all of London the UK’s first city-wide national park (pp. 62-64, 126-128) to a school system that supplies its cafeterias with student-grown organic food (p. 155) to asking the kinds of questions that create longing and wonder (p. 126).

Hopkins himself asks great questions, including how would we need to evolve democracy to replace “the imagination-devouring dragon of endless growth and economic development…with something more humane, more interesting, and better suited to meet the needs of the people and the planet?” (p. 142, and his answer posits the creation of a national Ministry of Imagination that would be involved in all aspects of governance).

Each chapter title is actually another sweeping question:

  1. What if we took play seriously?
  2. What if we considered imagination vital to our health?
  3. What if we followed nature’s lead
  4. What if we fought back to reclaim our attention?
  5. What if school nurtured young imagination?
  6. What if we became better storytellers
  7. What if we started asking better questions?
  8. What if your leaders prioritised [he’s British] the cultivation of imagination
  9. What if all this came to pass?

For Hopkins, imagination in all its forms, and the art across many disciplines that it generates, is essential—and he says it’s long past time for the educational system to acknowledge its importance. After noting that creative pursuits generate more jobs than aerospace, automotive, fossil fuels and life sciences together, he continues:

     Being involved in art at school can increase cognitive abilities by 17 percent and           improve attainment across all subjects. Students from low-income families are               three times more likely to get a degree and twice as likely to vote if they do art in           school. They are also more employable. (p. 88)

Ask yourself—and your government—the sorts of questions Hopkins does. And read this book. It could change your life.

Connect with Shel

Turn Your Sustainability/CSR Report Into Powerful Marketing!

About Shel

Speaker, author, and consultant Shel Horowitz of helps businesses find the sweet spot at the intersections of profitability with environmental and social good — creating and marketing profitable products and services that make a direct difference on problems like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change. His 10th book is Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World.

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The Clean and Green Club, October 2023

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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip: October 2023

Products that Should Have Been
Photo Credit: Fauxels via Pexels 
One cool way to get the juices flowing AND have quite a bit of fun is to make stuff up and then write promotional material for it. The first time I remember doing this was in 1978 or 1979, when I worked as a manuscript reader for a New York City literary agency. A particularly bad manuscript led to this poem (copyright 1979 by Shel Horowitz, all rights reserved):

Advertisement (Melodramamine)
And now, from the makers of Dramamine, for motion sickness…
an exciting new product,
Melodramamine, for EMOTION sickness.
Yes, this special formula will overcome that nasty, nauseous feeling
from indulgence in overwritten books.
Let Melodramamine return YOU to the world of literary enjoyment.
Use only as directed.

My 2000 book Grassroots Marketing: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World had a few examples, too. One was a series of six radio commercials for a fictitious Armenian grocery: five illustrating how the same business could target different market segments on different shows—and one demonstrating how they could get too clever and forget that the purpose of an ad is to get people to buy (that one involved singing apricots and the arrest of their importer). While Grassroots Marketing is officially out of print, I still have copies for sale, with the price reduced all the way from the original $22.95 down to just $10 before shipping for the paperback, $10 and no shipping cost for the PDF ebook. (And while you’re on my shopping cart, why not pick up a copy of my latest book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World? It’s all about building environmental and social good into profitable products, services, and mindsets. You’ll save on shipping costs by getting both at the same time.)

And sometimes, I make up products without writing copy for them. Anyone who wants to start a Chicagoland heavy metal festival called Illinoise or a nonsmoking vegan casino in (guess what city) called Las Vegans—you have my blessing. My daughter enjoys this kind of game too. Years ago, she came up with L’Auberge d’Aubergine, which translates as The Eggplant Inn. So, besides a few laughs, what do you get from doing this sort of exercise?

Most of all, you get a creativity jumpstart. It gets your brain thinking in different ways. You think about what’s missing in the marketplace and what niche you night fill (not with your imaginary product but with a real product that you imagine and then create)—and you think about what makes a good name for a product, service, company, or even an idea, which is a very good skill to have. I actually have a section of Grassroots Marketing covering eight factors to consider in choosing a name. And for those doing social change and planetary healing, it’s a way of expanding what’s possible. Conceiving of something can be a first step to achieving it. For every invention that happened through serendipity, a lot more showed up by doing the work.

Of course, if you’re in the market for a new business name and would rather not do it yourself, drop me a line. While I’m not a professional naming consultant (and I don’t charge like one either), I have named a fair number of things over the years.

Discover why Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, futurist Seth Godin, and many others recommend Shel’s 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World (and download a free sampler). Autographed and inscribed copies available.
View highlights from (and listen to) more than 30 podcasts ranging from 5 minutes to a full hour. Click here to see descriptions and replay links.

The Sustainability Scorecard: How to Implement and Profit from Unexpected Solutions

The Sustainability Scorecard: How to Implement and Profit from Unexpected Solutions
by Urvashi Bhatnagar and Paul Anastas (Chelsea Green, 2022)

Yes, another book brimming with examples of companies that re-imagined and then reinvented, piloting initiatives that if widely copied would go a long way toward greening the planet. I’ve reviewed plenty of those, and this will not be the last one, I’m sure. A few things make this one different:

  • Anastas’ expertise in green chemistry
  • A data-driven, quantifiable scorecard that companies can use or adopt to drive innovation, working on the principle that before you improve something, you have to measure it
  • Emphasis on large corporations
  • A proposed shift in the sustainability conversations at those corporations—from risk management to strategic opportunity (first introduced on page 14 and a theme throughout the book): “We can achieve superior performance, convenience, efficiency, and profitability not in spite of a focus on sustainability but because of it” (p. 28)

In my consulting, I personally don’t generally begin with the data, preferring to start with the vision and then figure out how the engineers can get us there—but I don’t think either approach precludes the other. And while I run a one-person business and don’t ever expect to be an employee of a huge corporation, I still found significant utility in this book. The writing is clear, and the data-driven outcomes are impressive. Small businesses and solopreneurs have to think differently about implementation, but can still draw many useful lessons.

Bhatnagar and Anastas design their whole-lifecycle scorecard around four principles: waste prevention, maximizing efficiency and performance, supply chain renewability, and safe degradation at the end of a product’s lifecycle—and measure three categories of impact: environmental, employee, and community (p. 16). One key takeaway is to design safety and end-of-life considerations in from the beginning—preferably by turning waste into monetizable inputs for other products (pp. 48-50, 81-83).

As a marketer, I find it odd that their scorecard aims for the lowest possible score: a zero in each metric. I would have designed it to give points for good initiatives so that a higher score provides companies with a clear and obvious marketing benefit. But even though it gives the book its name, the instrument is only a small portion of the content.

Much of the rest is examples of companies jumpstarting eco-friendly and socially just innovation. To list a few among many: design electronic chips WITHOUT generating 600 times the product weight in waste (p. 63); sequester not just whatever carbon you create but some of the backlog (p. 65); lower not just carbon footprint but water footprint (pp. 73-74); eliminate toxic chemical flame retardants by switching to non-flammable materials (p. 80); extract and recycle the water in human waste while turning urine into electricity (pp. 116, 118); replace forever chemicals including poisonous plasticizers such as phthalates with safe, degradable alternatives (p. 133) and chemical insecticides with yeast-grown non-toxic ones (p. 144); change pharmaceutical packaging so extra doses can be used instead of thrown away (p. 136); eliminate hunger by approaching food waste differently (pp. 147-149); extract and reuse materials like nickel and cobalt from used batteries (pp. 151-152); fund more expensive green and social justice initiatives through the savings in health care costs (p. 174)…

A few organizations get extended case studies, some including their full scorecards:

  • Electronics giant Philips (pp. 106-112; 191-197) already generates 70 percent of revenue from green products and services and is aiming for 100 percent.
  • Hospital system Gunderson Health (pp. 159-161) parlayed a $2MM investment into annual savings of $1.2MM—that’s an astounding 60 percent annual ROI— including slashing the cost of managing pharmaceutical waste from $151,000 to less than $10,000 per year.
  • Janitorial products company Coastwide Laboratories (pp. 161-170; 177-185) re-engineered its product line to combine functions in fewer products, marketed its private-label solutions to some of the largest manufacturers in the country, and brought distribution in-house, allowing them to market honestly as the lowest cost solution even while increasing the product price (because the customer only needed one product to replace two or more).
  • P2Science, maker of eco-friendly silicones for cosmetics and hair products, boosted yield to 95 percent while simplifying the production process.

The book is also full of sets of principles and steps that would be useful to companies of any size. And it has a terrific index, which I wish more publishers would model.

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About Shel

Speaker, author, and consultant Shel Horowitz of helps businesses find the sweet spot at the intersections of profitability with environmental and social good — creating and marketing profitable products and services that make a direct difference on problems like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change. His 10th book is Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World.

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The Clean and Green Club, September 2023

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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip: September 2023

To all those, like me, who are entering the Jewish year 5784 tonight: Shanah tovah!
This Month’s Tip:
Rule-Breaking Wordless Ad Convinces a Word Nerd
Home being sold by singer Ray LaMontagne

Home being sold by singer Ray LaMontagne

Spend six minutes with this video, designed to sell a 104-acre estate belonging to the singer Ray LaMontagne, with an asking price of $5.25 MM. What did you notice?

Here are a few things I spotted:

1. It breaks a rule of mine that text is more important than visuals. There is not one word spoken, and almost no text displayed—just the property address in the first frame and a slide of contact info for the agents at the very end.

2. It breaks a well-known real estate rule to show rooms empty, so prospects can imagine their own furniture and taste imposed on the property. These rooms are lushly furnished and one of them prominently includes a full-size hand-loom, before we’ve even seen the kitchen.

3. Nearly the entire first minute is focused on the setting, most of it emphasizing an almost tactile immersion in the natural world. We don’t get to go inside except for one brief early glance until 1:25, almost a quarter of the way through. And the natural theme is carried through into the house by the presence of plants and flowers, the capturing of sunlight, etc., and returns in the quick tour of outbuildings and grounds at the end.

4. Subtle reminders sneak in about LaMontagne’s career—the mixing board, the beautiful piano—reinforcing that this house belonged to a celebrity.

5. It’s EFFECTIVE! I tend to be a hard sell, but if I were in the market for a multimillion-dollar historic home/estate/retreat center, I’d be setting up an appointment. Admittedly, falling in love with this property is easy for me because I live three towns away and am familiar with the area, happen to love the town where it’s located, and already live in a (much more modest and significantly older) historic home. I see the negatives: excessive reliance on open fireplaces (highly polluting and not efficient—and for me, a health irritant); no green features highlighted anywhere in the video—which means the house is probably an energy nightmare; possible absence of a two-base kitchen sink; lots of buildings and acreage to maintain, meaning a payroll. But they wouldn’t keep me from making a bid if I had a reason to own such a property.

With LaMontagne’s fame and celebrity friends, and an asking price that will seem really cheap in those circles for those used to California or New York prices, I’m expecting this house will not be on the market long and the video will probably be taken down once a deal closes. If it’s already gone when you go to look, you can see if a copy shows up on’s Wayback Machine, or at least view still pictures on Zillow.

Discover why Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, futurist Seth Godin, and many others recommend Shel’s 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World (and download a free sampler). Autographed and inscribed copies available.
View highlights from (and listen to) more than 30 podcasts ranging from 5 minutes to a full hour. Click here to see descriptions and replay links.

Recommended Book: The Blue Economy 3.0: The Marriage of Science, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Creates a New Business Model that Transforms Society

The Blue Economy 3.0: The Marriage of Science, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Creates a New Business Model that Transforms Society
by Gunter Pauli (Xlibris, 2017)

What can termites show us about zero-energy air conditioning and heating, or zebras about keeping cool outside on a hot day by turning themselves into air current machines?

How can coffee farmers create a new high-protein, high-profit crop that regenerates forests, protects oak trees, and has an economic return far greater than just the coffee bean—from the 99.8 percent of the plant that’s usually thrown away?

How can mosquitos teach the medical world how to make injections painless?

These are some of the many questions Pauli asks and answers in his amazing book. Pauli’s solutions are rooted in both biomimicry—learning from the plants, animals, fungi, microbes, and even rocks around us—and replacing invasive chemistry with eco-friendly physics. And he has decades of practical experience designing, funding, and implementing these systemic, holistic solutions and helping small communities build whole new economies from these insights.
I heard him speak at a conference about 20 years ago and was blown away, so I was thrilled to get my hands on his book.

Right from the beginning, pages 2-3, he lays out four principles (with several subsections):

  1. Be Constantly Inspired by Nature
  2. Change the Rules of the Game
  3. Focus on What is Locally Available
  4. See Change as the Only Constant

Taking inspiration from nature starts with understanding nature’s own principles: everything has at least one purpose—and usually several purposes, nothing is wasted, solutions are very efficient and use the least possible energy and materials, everything is interdependent and part of a complex ecosystem with many parts, and course-correction happens automatically.

Pauli’s solution set—much of it tested in real-world projects—includes circular systems where “residue” (he prefers not to think of it as waste) becomes input for the next link in the loop. So the 99.8 of the plant that coffee processors now pay to get rid of becomes fertile ground to grow shitake mushrooms (p. 10, p. 135, and many other references) as well as provide several other benefits including odor control (pp. 137-138); medical supply companies can mimic the mosquito’s conical penetrator to reduce injection pain; HVAC designers can copy termites’ ancient zero-energy temperature control for buildings (pp. 53-56)—or the way zebras’ stripes create convection currents and vortices that keep them cool outdoors in the hot African summers (pp. 56-57). Architects can design inexpensive earthquake-proof bamboo homes and regenerate the bamboo far more quickly than a forest (pp. 253-255).

Pauli envisions a world where we no longer need toxic batteries, health-hazardous radio-wave-based Internet (he prefers to use light), or even solar and wind farms. Innovations with cascading benefits across multiple industries will make them obsolete while raising living standards, health outcomes, local self-reliance, and connection with community. And much of this is stuff we already know how to do. Three among many examples:

  • Seaweed-based (p. 112) or even maggot-based antibacterial protection (p. 162) can replace antibiotics
  • Tomato processing residue can be turned into sunscreen and lipstick (pp. 181-182)
  • Mining, that traditionally dirty industry, can create paper from stone tailings (pp. 214-215), as well as pure drinking water as a byproduct while chelating bacteria can detoxify the metals that used to pollute that water (pp. 218-19).

He’s posted 109 more at
Pauli says we humans were designed to live in alkaline environments, yet many human constructions create an acid world that’s not healthy for us. Since this was the first time I encountered this idea, I checked with Terry Cline of Dwellright. Terry is an architect and Feng Shui practitioner who pays a lot of attention to the interaction of human factors with spaces. He and I are each other’s clients and friends. Terry agrees that our lives would be better if they were more alkaline.

One caution: while Pauli’s ideas are brilliant and his/his colleagues’ implementations are astonishing, his writing is less approachable than it could be (one more pass by a skilled editor would have helped a lot). He’s Austrian and he writes with the dense syntax of his first language (German). He’s also a non-linear thinker, so the book’s organization is a bit rough (and made worse by the lack of an index in a book that cries out for one). And I wish he would not revisit the same examples over and over again. But it’s worth the struggle. I took 9 pages of notes and feel that my life is better for reading it.

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About Shel

Speaker, author, and consultant Shel Horowitz of helps businesses find the sweet spot at the intersections of profitability with environmental and social good — creating and marketing profitable products and services that make a direct difference on problems like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change. His 10th book is Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World.

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The Clean and Green Club, August 2023

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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip: August 2023

Do You HAVE to Kaizen Your Headline? Why Not Try This Instead?

Image Credit: Mikael Blomkvist via Pexels 

In 40+ years as a student and practitioner of copywriting, I’ve often come across the advice to only test one variable. But some people might be taking that too far. In my email recently, I saw someone assert that the variable has to be tiny, like changing a single word in a headline.

You might remember that I most recently discussed the difference between Kaizen (continuous improvement, usually through small steps) technology improvements and technological Great Leaps in my October newsletter. Just like any other culture change, I think copywriting changes can be Kaizen—or they can be Great Leaps.

Let’s say there was such a thing as a haircutting robot, and you’re a copywriter assigned to write headlines for that device. Sure, you can test a single-word Kaizen variable like New Instant Salon Cuts Your Hair While You Sleep vs. This Instant Salon Cuts Your Hair While You Sleep–but I think it’s also fine to test a big-leap variable like New Instant Salon Cuts Your Hair While You Sleep vs. Wake Up Tomorrow Morning with the Hairstyle of Your Dreams.

I’ve always understood the one-variable rule to mean that if you’re testing the headline, don’t change the body copy, the layout, etc. in the same test. But the change could be as small or as bold as you want.

And why not test three or even four headlines in an A/B/C or A/B/C/D test? As long as it’s emailed to the same demographics and the same list on the same day, we can track a lot more things now than we could in the old days, so why not? We can even test for things like how response translates into long-term customer value. One version may get more clicks but fewer buys or lower total purchases. Make sure your testing gives you the metrics you need to properly evaluate your efforts.

By the way, I’d argue that there may be good reasons to violate the one-change rule, and strategies for understanding the data when you do. As an example, if you’re dealing with a time-sensitive offer that’s going to be worthless in a month, you may want to test a whole lot of stuff all at once. Go ahead, call me a marketing heretic!

And if you want a heretic’s fresh thinking in YOUR marketing, especially if your firm makes a positive difference in the world call me: 413-586-2388 (8 a.m. to 10 p.m. US Eastern Time—or email me with the subject, Your Marketing Services—Newsletter Reader. (Note that I’ll be away with very limited email through August 22. I recommend writing your email right away but scheduling it to arrive a few days after I get back.)

Discover why Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, futurist Seth Godin, and many others recommend Shel’s 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World (and download a free sampler). Autographed and inscribed copies available.
View highlights from (and listen to) more than 30 podcasts ranging from 5 minutes to a full hour. Click here to see descriptions and replay links.

Living a Committed Life: Finding Freedom and Fulfillment in a Purpose Larger Than Yourself

Living a Committed Life: Finding Freedom and Fulfillment in a Purpose Larger Than Yourself
by Lynne Twist (Berrett-Koehler, 2023, with Mary Earle Chase)

“The greatest threat to creating the future we want is fear, discouragement, and cynicism. People are dis-couraged because they’re disconnected from their own courage. They think somebody else is supposed to fix things…Once you get back in touch with your own courage, you realize, ‘Oh, I can do something about this. I care. I have heart. I have power. I can act!’ It is only in action that we can find hope; active hope becomes a beacon for our lives.” (pp. 196-197, hyphenation of “discouraged” is in the original and is deliberate)

Lynne Twist knows a thing or two about finding the power and creating action. Starting as an ordinary housewife in an acquisitive, suburban lifestyle, she has focused since the 1970s on creating a better world. She started and nurtured several major organizations including Pachamama Alliance and played a key role in several others, among them The Hunger Project. She’s helped organize female Nobel Laureates to harness their celebrity to increase their impact. She’s helped remote indigenous communities in Latin America and Africa seek justice from the corporations exploiting their land and undermining their traditions—while, at the same time, finding ways to work respectfully within that culture to drastically improve health outcomes (especially around birthing) even when that meant changing millennia-old patterns. She’s even taken on the demon of creating a positive relationship with money: overcoming scarcity mentalities (personal, regional, global) while setting boundaries of sufficiency instead of always “needing” more. She’s also a warm and accessible human being, as I found out when I attended a conference several years ago where she was presenting.

Twist was lucky enough to be directly mentored by (and built personal relationships) with quite a few luminaries including Buckminster Fuller, Mother Teresa, and various indigenous shamans—and much of their wisdom is also in these pages.

And she’s written a wonderful memoir/how-to manual on how to create meaning through social and environmental justice. It didn’t take me long to read this well-written, very accessible, and super-inspiring book.

Twist tells us not to worry if we don’t know how we’ll accomplish whatever lofty goals we’ve set. We take a stand for something positive, make the commitment, and the pieces to enable it begin to come together (p. 23).

Twist’s own five key commitments are:

  1. Ending world hunger
  2. Preserving the Amazon rainforest
  3. “Changing the dream of the modern world” (away from materialism and hoarding and toward recognizing the enoughness around us)
  4. Transforming how people relate to money
  5. Empowering women (p. 38)

All within a larger purpose of “creating a world that works for everyone with no one and nothing left out—what I call a you and me world” (p. 56, emphasis in original). Some of that happens when we change the narrative and the context, for example, talking about resilient “survivors” rather than passive “victims” (p. 85)—whether the person has survived directly-experienced violence or abuse, fraud at the hands of the Bernie Madoffs of the world, environmental catastrophe, a health crisis, etc. Another reframing (pp. 90-91) is that events happen FOR us, rather than TO us, and there are gifts to be found in even the tough experiences. She describes finding her own resilience after setbacks throughout the book, particularly pp. 104-106, 135-139, and 157-160.

You need to read the rest of the book for full context, but don’t neglect the action-focused final chapters 13-15 and the brief conclusion. Think of them as a short-form guide to effective activism. Chapter 13 shines a light on the crucial but often-ignored steps of self-care so as not to burn out, forgiveness (in both directions) to avoid strangling on your own hatred, and always seeking the new possibilities that arise from the wreckage. Chapter 14 is about discovering your big dream, taking your stand, and nine different ways to stay energized as your commitment begins to manifest. Chapter 15 uses the metaphors of hospicing the dysfunctional society we inherited and birthing not only new systems and institutions, but “a new kind of human being” (p. 193). And the conclusion is a quick pep talk, recognizing not only the contributions of the full-time activists and the famous, but the power of ordinary people to make change:

“Living your commitment does not mean you have to do something big and global. People who live their commitments are kindergarten teachers, nurses, firefighters, entrepreneurs, mothers—anyone who sees their life as a gift that they feel called to give in service. What is different is that your work and your life are now held in a larger context. You are focused not just on yourself and your job, but on the bigger picture—seeking to bring about systemic or transformational change…It is not the size of the commitment, but the intention and focus: What is the fulfillment of your       life’s purpose—your ‘splendid torch’ to hand on to future generations?” (p.201)

Pick up this book and read its life-changing contents in full. Take notes, and look for—and implement—the ways YOU can make a difference!

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About Shel

Speaker, author, and consultant Shel Horowitz of helps businesses find the sweet spot at the intersections of profitability with environmental and social good — creating and marketing profitable products and services that make a direct difference on problems like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change. His 10th book is Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World.

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The Clean and Green Club, July 2023

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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip: July 2023

What Got Left Off His List?

In a recent newsletter, Ian Brodie discusses having a signature style for your public-facing writing: the stuff that you write to draw an audience specifically to YOU (or, fellow writers-for-hire, for your client). You might have to subscribe to see it; I had to subscribe (again) to get into the archives so I could share the direct link. He describes several possibilities in some detail:

  1. Cause-motivated maverick
  2. Serious expert
  3. Charming and funny
  4. Angry ranter
  5. Experienced friend

Brodie recognizes that his list is not complete. And here’s one I’d add: Passionate purveyor (PP).

I think a lot of you are probably PPs: you run some kind of artisan business where quality and craftsmanship matter far more than volume. Maybe you make the product, maybe you sell or service it. Maybe you run a retail store that showcases your curation of those kinds of products, and you don’t just put stuff on the shelves but work with your customers to understand their needs and help them sort through the offerings to find the perfect one for them at that exact moment.

Two days before writing this, my wife and I spent $2000 on a bed set from someone who did just that. Yes, we probably could have saved a few hundred dollars elsewhere—but even as frugal as I am, I wanted the guidance. (And I bought the floor model, which knocked the $3800 price down by $1800). We went to three bed and mattress stores that day, starting with the one that got the sale. The other two convinced us that we had made a good choice not just in what we bought, but in whom we bought it from.

You want to be the best so your customers and clients will fall in love with what you do (and, perhaps subconsciously, by extension you want them to fall in love with you—nothing wrong with that!). You might do this through your sales floor personnel (as the bed store did), but also with personal touches in your signage: the way you describe a certain cheese, or an incisive book, or the comfort and quality of the all-natural fabrics you use—in short, telling the product’s story in a compelling way.

My first understanding of the power of the PP approach harnessed to story-based copywriting was through
Drew Kaplan’s DAK catalog in the 1980s. I think he could probably have fascinated me into wanting to buy a cardboard box. While I would only buy a few items a year from him, I would eagerly devour the catalogs, reading about products that didn’t interest me at all just to catch his enthusiasm—his passion. The link above takes you to an archive that allows you to download any of the catalogs just by clicking on the cover, no charge.

If this is what you do, make it very clear in your marketing. People will pay more to do business with experts who understand how to find the best match for each and every buyer—who understand that one size never fits all, who can make them feel special and send them home with exactly the right thing.

Discover why Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, futurist Seth Godin, and many others recommend Shel’s 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World (and download a free sampler). Autographed and inscribed copies available.
I consider this one of my best interviews ever, and we covered a lot of ground I don’t normally get to in interviews. Aveline Clarke of the 6 Star Business Podcast (all the way in Australia) is a terrific interviewer! You can read details in a much more thorough summary on my recent interviews page.

Audio only with transcript:

Or video without transcript:

Fantastic Fungi (Movie)

 Fantastic Fungi
 Directed by Louie Schwartzberg

I’ve been fascinated by the intricacy of nature for decades and began to pay attention to non-animal natural systems around 1971, when I took high school electives in ecology and field biology. I remember discovering the book The Secret Life of Plants a few years later—and listening to Stevie Wonder’s album with the same title when HE discovered the book. At the Bioneers-by-the-Bay conference in 2005, I heard the late Dr. Lynn Margulis give a
fascinating slide talk on the secret life of bacteria (the link will take you to her section of my report; only rough notes on the beginnings of her talk, as I couldn’t take notes in the dark when she ran the slide show). I’ve known for several years that trees not only communicate with each other but act in ways that benefit the forest even if that collaborative action puts the individual at risk—just as people sometimes do. And for at least a few years I’ve known that the primary inter-tree communication system is the underground mycelial network: in other words, fungi.

Neither plant nor animal, fungi are the most diverse kingdom in nature, with something like a million species. About 20,000 of those species produce mushrooms as their reproductive organs. And this movie tells some of their astonishing story—including (and this I’d never heard before) that the evolutionary tree of mammals branched off from mycelium. If it was
controversial even as recently as 98 years ago to claim that humans are descended from other primates such as apes, imagine the backlash when people start hearing that we’re descended from mushroom networks!

“Fantastic Fungi” would be worth watching for the cinematography alone. Time-lapse movies allow us to see the opening and blossoming of dozens of mushrooms, often in clusters and sometimes accompanied by plants opening right next door. The natural landscapes run the gamut from dense forests to arid canyons. It’s as visually stunning as a Jacques Cousteau film.

But there’s so much more in this roughly hour-long movie (the YouTube version I saw was an hour and twelve minutes and included material before and after the actual film). The filmmakers interview a number of leading-edge scientists across several disciplines such as ethnopharmacology, as well as food writer/chef Eugenia Bone and natural wellness celebrity Dr. Andrew Weil. They also interview two cancer patients who were part of a clinical trial involving psylocibin, both of whom described the experience in deeply spiritual terms.

Are you wondering, why is Shel reviewing this movie—what does it have to with environmentally- and social-equity-friendly business or how social change happens? I would make the case that it’s directly relevant. Understanding the natural world, the complexities of interdependent species across different kingdoms and the threat to civilization if these networks are destroyed is crucial to preserving them, and thus preserving humans on Earth. And it happens that the day I watched the movie and wrote this review, I also became aware of an attempt to pass a law in Brazil that would trash the Amazon basin and evict indigenous people so the whole thing could be industrialized—cutting off the regenerative system that is probably keeping our planet alive. Understanding the fungal world seems like an important first step in protecting that natural heritage, in the Amazon and elsewhere.

Connect with Shel

Turn Your Sustainability/CSR Report Into Powerful Marketing!

About Shel

Speaker, author, and consultant Shel Horowitz of helps businesses find the sweet spot at the intersections of profitability with environmental and social good — creating and marketing profitable products and services that make a direct difference on problems like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change. His 10th book is Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World.

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The Clean and Green Club, June 2023

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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip: June 2023

 Will Your Packaging Make the SECOND Sale?
Smart business owners recognize that present and previous customers (clients, patients, students, etc.) are gold. Studies say it costs anywhere from five to ten times as much to bring in a new cold prospect as to bring back an old one. So when you succeed in bringing that person back, you’ve cut your marketing cost by up to 90 percent—and increased your profit by the amount you didn’t need to spend on marketing. And when that person tells a friend, your customer acquisition cost is a very happy zero.
Last month, we discussed some tips to design your packaging so it helps prospects select you. Can that packaging also turn the one-time buyer into a repeater, and maybe even an unpaid ambassador for your brand?

Yes, you can! The same kinds of talking points that got them to take your product off the shelf or click the buy button the first time (
see the list in the May newsletter) can also reinforce your brand’s relationship with them. And it works even better if you can make them feel special and honored because they’ve already purchased from you.

How do you make a customer feel special while reading a box printed in a run of thousands? Here’s one idea: use messaging in parts of the package that you can’t see until you open it. In the picture, you see a mild example: the inside flap from a box of Celestial Seasoning Bengal Spice herbal tea. I happen to love that tea blend, so I saw this because I bought the product.

But Celestial missed a chance to go much deeper to engage its customers. Why not use part of that inside space to create a VIP program or customers club? Give them reasons to join in community for a higher good? Provide them with even more ways to engage others and bring them into the fold?

Here’s how another premium natural-foods company, Equal Exchange, grabbed this ball and ran with it
. The outside wrapper offers some hints: “Grown by small farmer co-ops” on both the front and (in small letters above the barcode) back panels; organic, worker-owner, and kosher/pareve certification seals—and a relatively large “Join Us in Changing the Food System” slug with a picture of one of their farmers, a description in very small type with not one but two emotional outreaches: it begins “With your support” and concludes with “puts power back in the hands of small farmers, workers and chocolate lovers (like you).” Most importantly, the “Join Us” banner ends in an arrow directing readers to the inside of the label. That in itself is a subliminal call to buy—because the only way to see what’s on the inside is to buy and open the bar.

Once opened, the entire inside is a well-designed, informative magazine-style page. It starts with a call-to-action banner with three small graphics declaring a partnership of the small co-ops, the company, and its customers. The three paragraphs under the banner layout their philosophy and history, describe the challenge of doing this work amid climate change and greedy multinationals, and then another call to action with both a URL and a phone number to get involved. Then, wrapped around drawings of the cacao plant and a photo of the product, a puff paragraph about co-ops and a description of the sources, followed by another photo of the same farmer and a description of his coop.

I’d only change a few things if they’d been my client:

  1. Tighten up some of the copy and make it more benefit-oriented (especially the part about the online community)
  2. Add more reasons to click through (maybe a special offer like a newsletter with coupons)
  3. Most importantly, I’d acknowledge the disability issue they’ve created by adding, in larger type, something like “Is the print here too small for you? Don’t worry—we’ve got your back (and your eyes). Visit [URL] to read it comfortably online. There’s not much room on a chocolate bar wrapper, but online, you can make the print as big as you like.” While I’m 66 and can read it easily, I’m aware that many people in their 40s and beyond have trouble reading small print.

So, if you sell stuff in a package, think about how you can grab the opportunity they missed. (And if you need someone to write those messages, talk to me (email or phone):

Discover why Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, futurist Seth Godin, and many others recommend Shel’s 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World (and download a free sampler). Autographed and inscribed copies available.
View highlights from (and listen to) more than 30 podcasts ranging from 5 minutes to a full hour. Click here to see descriptions and replay links.

Leadership By Example by Frank Sonnenberg

 Leadership By Example
 by Frank Sonnenberg

I don’t usually review books that tell us what most of us already know—but I have a good reason to make an exception for Leadership By Example. This book can make a real difference in the life of someone who has not been raised to pay attention to ethics or character. It provides tons of guidance and easy checklists to determine if you’re living your best life, or betraying yourself and others. Plus, it’s designed to be easy to read and not overwhelming, with short chapters, lots of white space, bold all-capitals for chapter headings and subheads. It doesn’t surprise me that Stephen M.R. Covey, author of The Speed of Trust (one of my favorite business books), endorsed it. (Disclosure: he also wrote a wonderful Foreword to my 2010 book Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green.)

And while most of the advice is very familiar (and in harmony with how I’ve chosen to live), quite a few pieces stand out as more unique and thought-provoking. A few examples:

  • Others’ good fortune is NOT your misfortune (p. 8)—and others’ success doesn’t threaten yours (p. 97)
  • Every time you complete a task, evaluate the positives, negatives, and what you could have done differently (pp. 43-44); poor results provide great lessons (p. 89)
  • Short-term desires often interfere with long-term success (p. 80)
  • If you ignore small issues, you risk turning them into emergencies (pp. 152-153)
  • Rewrite your negative programming and self-messaging. Example: change “why them and not me?” to “if they can do it, so can I.” (p. 176)
  • Instead of asking kids what they want to be when they grow up, ask what they want to accomplish (p. 189) [I think this is also a great question to ask grownups, by the way]
  • “When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen” (p. 200)

I’d love to see a movement to buy this book for people graduating high school, college, or MBA programs. And I sure wish someone had given a copy at the right moment to the 45ththth US president, whose life has been the exact opposite of how Sonnenberg would have us live ours.

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Speaker, author, and consultant Shel Horowitz of helps businesses find the sweet spot at the intersections of profitability with environmental and social good — creating and marketing profitable products and services that make a direct difference on problems like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change. His 10th book is Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World.

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The Clean and Green Club, May 2023

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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip: May 2023

 What Do They Notice FIRST About Your Product?
If you sell a physical product, the first thing someone notices is either the product itself—think of how heads turn when an exotic car rolls onto the street—or the packaging. In a retail environment, online or on a store shelf, it’s the packaging that helps buyers decide whether to pick up your product, or a competitor’s similar offering. If it’s a book, they first judge the front cover, then the title, then the back cover. If your book passes that initial screening, only then will they glance at the content. If it’s a typical household product or food, they search the box/jar/bag/can, seeking decision aids.

What helps people say yes? Here are a few among many—which ones can YOU use in your packaging?

  • Third-party validation: endorsements, awards, certifications, positive media coverage (including reader reviews online), pictures of people using the product, etc.
  • Useful information about the product’s capabilities, especially less obvious ones, like a certain skin product that’s widely used as a bug repellant (important note: if making any claims about improved health, be absolutely sure to research the laws on what you can and cannot claim, and discuss the language you plan to use on your packaging with an attorney before you rev up the presses)
  • Information about how this purchase helps people and planet: how your company is creating social justice, environmental healing, etc.
  • Simple instructions on how to assemble or use the product
  • For food products, easy recipes or serving suggestions
  • What the packaging is made of and how to recycle it

If you don’t think packaging makes a difference, consider Marcal, a household paper products company serving the northeast US. Founded in 1932, the company was bankrupt in the early oughts. Then they made their then-50+ year history of using only recycled paper the centerpiece of their marketing and used their packaging to urge customers to buy their brand in order to help save a million trees. Within about a year, the company was not only out of bankruptcy but became the market leader in recycled household paper products, even though it’s only a regional brand.

While this tip focuses on attracting the first-time customer, packaging is also a powerful tool to keep customers coming back. Stay tuned for next month’s newsletter, where we’ll highlight that.

Discover why Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, futurist Seth Godin, and many others recommend Shel’s 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World (and download a free sampler). Autographed and inscribed copies available.
View highlights from (and listen to) more than 30 podcasts ranging from 5 minutes to a full hour. Click here to see descriptions and replay links.

Net Positive: How Courageous Companies Thrive by Giving More Than They Take

Net Positive: How Courageous Companies Thrive by Giving More Than They Take by Paul Polman and Andrew Winston (Harvard Business Review Press, 2021)

Typically, when I review a book, I take notes on the blank pages. Most books I review run between three and seven pages of handwritten notes. This one generated an astonishing 18 pages. The book is very well-written, but it took me quite a while to read because I kept stopping to write things down.

For ten years, Polman was the CEO of Unilever, one of the largest consumer-facing companies in the world, with more than 300 brands including Ben & Jerry’s, Hellmann’s, Dove, Lifebouy, and Seventh Generation. Winston is a well-known green business writer whose books include Green to Gold. Many examples in the book are taken from Unilever as a whole and its individual brands.

As soon as he took the reins, Polman began to shift away from the short-sighted typical business “wisdom” that quarterly profits matter more than anything else and that stockholders are the only stakeholders who count. He transformed shareholder value from a goal to a result (pp. 36-39).

And those results are terrific. Companies in the JUST Capital 100 list of purpose-driven companies created 56% higher shareholder returns over five years. Deloitte found mission-driven companies had 30 percent more innovation and 40 percent better employee retention. B Corps in the UK grew 28 times faster than the overall economy. 70 percent of consumers will pay more for more sustainable products (p. 77). 80 percent would make lifestyle changes to stop catastrophic climate change (p. 255).

By ditching this limited mindset in favor of a holistic long-term strategy of protecting the planet and its beings, Polman took a company that was a bit shaky and turned it into an astonishingly adept and handsomely profitable force for environmental and social good. Seven years into his tenure, he was able to fend off a hostile takeover by Kraft Heinz in just nine days, by rallying the allies he’d built through committing to a society and planet that works for all (pp. 1-3).

Those alliances are key for Polman. He regularly reached out to competitors, to NGOs that had protested the company’s practices, to government officials—and joined them in action-focused committees that actually create change on issues ranging from carbon footprint to sanitation (Lifebouy’s hand-washing campaign) to fair wages, to women’s self-image (Dove). He and his successors are often the first to set new and potentially scary goals, then leverage being one of the biggest players to push the rest of the industry along.

While the three goals of the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan, “help a billion people improve their health and well-being, halve the environmental footprint while doubling sales, and enhance the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people” (p. 101) were implemented throughout the corporation, individual brands had great freedom to choose their causes and specific approaches.

Ten years in, the USLP had helped Unilever save €1.2 billion while switching to 100%-renewable electricity for manufacturing, slashing CO2 in manufacturing by 65 percent and water by 40 percent, and increasing sustainably produced agricultural ingredients from 14 to 67 percent (among eight successes listed on p. 83).

Using the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as benchmarks, Polman and Winston see enormous opportunity for other companies, too. Hitting these global goals, according to one report, “will open up at least $12 trillion in business opportunity and create 380 million jobs by 2030 (in just four sectors of the economy)” (p. 21). They note that the SDGs are designed to interlock with and reinforce each other—and that partnership, the 17
th goal, makes the other 16 possible (p. 138). One example is ELYSIS, codeveloped by aluminum competitors Alcoa and Rio Tinto in conjunction with Apple (which invested $13 million and purchased the first batch). This venture reinvented aluminum smelting to eliminate carbon emissions. Audi is now using this cleaner aluminum for the wheels of its electric sports car (pp.147-148).

Net Positive companies encourage their employees to challenge and question and push. Trane Technologies’ Operation Possible involved 35,000 employees who settled on addressing food waste. 9000 Amazon employees joined forces to pressure Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos to focus on climate change (p. 89).

The biggest goals, helping us do the most reframing, typically start with “zero” or “all” and are paired with some sort of “and,” e.g., net-zero energy AND happier, more productive workers (p. 97).

And these commitments really do change the culture. Not only has Unilever continued post-Polman to be a force for good while creating great financial results, but high-level Unilever execs who leave the company either start their own net-positive businesses or take positions at companies where they can bring social and environmental action to the forefront (p. 243).

The book closes with this quote from Wangari Maathai’s Nobel Peace Prize speech:

There can be no peace without equitable development, and no development without sustainable management of the environment in a democratic and peaceful space…In the course of history, there comes a time when humanity is called to shift to a new level of consciousness, to reach a higher moral ground. A time when we have to shed our fear and give hope to each other. That time is now.

This review only scratches the surface of this amazing book. Get yourself a copy, dig in, take lots of notes, and implement!

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About Shel

Speaker, author, and consultant Shel Horowitz of helps businesses find the sweet spot at the intersections of profitability with environmental and social good — creating and marketing profitable products and services that make a direct difference on problems like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change. His 10th book is Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World.

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The Clean and Green Club, April 2023

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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip: April 2023

 THIS Mindset is What Changes the World!
Image Credit: Katya Wolf via Pexels
Years ago, I added the phrase “optimistic creativity” to my signature speech, “’Impossible’ Is a Dare!” I’ve always felt that’s the sweet spot where meaningful change happens. Optimists are motivated to find solutions because we understand that change is possible. Creatives push the limits of what we see as possible, in part because they have an inner voice seeing “possible” as something that can grow and morph—but also because they see change as necessary, even crucial.

Ritchie blames “doomer culture” for disempowering people to the point where too many choose apathy instead of action because they feel they can’t have the impact they need to have. She starts off with a list of eight major positive trends (all of which, in my opinion, stem from optimistic creativity) and then points out why doomer culture itself is doomed to fail: “Scaring people into action doesn’t work…for almost any issue… To contend with environmental crises and make life better for everyone, we need the right kind of optimists: those who recognize that the world will only improve if we fight for it.”

Then comes many consultants’ perennial favorite, a four-part matrix. Her left axis rates the level of optimism, while the top measures people’s perceptions of the ability to make change. The sweet spot is the intersection of optimism and impact: “The future can be better if we work hard to change it.” She dismisses as ineffectual the denizens of the other three quadrants:

  • “The future will be better; it’ll all work out fine” (“complacent optimists” who don’t see the need to do the work)
  • “We’re doomed and need to take extreme action to protect ourselves” (pessimists who nevertheless believe in the power to create impact)
  • “We’re doomed and there’s nothing we can do about it” (pessimists who don’t think they can have impact)

Let’s look at how optimistic creativity has changed the world, in a relative nanosecond across human history. When I was born in 1956, the world was a very different place. The Internet didn’t exist, and the few institutions and businesses that could afford an enormously expensive computer had to devote special rooms to massive equipment operated by special technicians who “spoke” punch card. A day-rate long-distance phone call (on a tethered landline with an actual dial) between New York and California cost $3.70 for the first three minutes—that’s $40.92 in today’s dollars.

It wasn’t just that we didn’t have portable devices that could access the world’s entire base of written or taped knowledge and experience in seconds and also let us call people anywhere in the world at no cost. Hunger and poverty were rampant around the world. In the US and many parts of Europe, most women were denied professional careers and many professions excluded people of color. In the rest of the world, even the lands where people of color were a majority, discrimination was at least as widespread—and in some places, including South Africa, Rhodesia, and the American South, seriously repressive racism was the law of the land and integral to the culture. Vast areas, including the entire former Soviet Union as well as much of Latin America and Asia, strained under totalitarian governments that routinely violated human rights while funneling much of their nations’ wealth to the already super-wealthy.

On energy, renewables now account for 29 percent of global production, according to Ritchie, and she expects that number to increase rapidly, noting the dramatic fall in prices for solar and wind. It’s worth noting that it’s already increasing exponentially, from just 941 terawatt hours in 1965 to 2280 in 1990, and then zooming up in the past 31 years to 7493. That’s 8x in less than 60 years. Even the experts didn’t predict this rapid growth. And Ritchie is one of many experts who expects fossil fuels to wane even more quickly in the future.

Even as recently as 1990, more than a third of the world’s humans lived in “extreme poverty”: less than USD $2.15 per day. Yet, by 2019, that third had dropped to less than 10 percent. While the pandemic set the UN’s hunger and poverty goals back considerably, I would still call that one of the greatest achievements in human history.

We could keep going, discussing sector after sector: medicine, physics, astronomy, agriculture, circular economy (repurposing waste to use again), biomimicry (learning how to solve engineer challenges from nature), and so much more. In all of them, someone—or a bunch of someones—believed that things could be better and took initiative to make that happen.

And how are YOU harnessing or generating optimistic creativity in your life, your work, and your commitment to benefit the world?

Discover why Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, futurist Seth Godin, and many others recommend Shel’s 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World (and download a free sampler). Autographed and inscribed copies available.
View highlights from (and listen to) more than 30 podcasts ranging from 5 minutes to a full hour. Click here to see descriptions and replay links.

Evolution: 2.0 Breaking the Deadlock Between Darwin and Design

Evolution 2.0: Breaking the Deadlock Between Darwin and Design by Perry Marshall (BenBella Books, 2015)
I almost didn’t bother reading this book. I ordered it thinking it would be another of Marshall’s classic big-think business books, like the brilliant 80/20 Sales and Marketing (read my review at

It’s certainly a big-think book, but not a business book. When I realized it was actually about biological evolution, I put it aside for a few years. But I’m really glad I finally read it.
Evolution 2.0 is one of the most important, most provocative books I’ve ever read.

Marshall was raised in a belief system called “Young Earth Creationism”: a literal interpretation of the Old Testament creation story. But he’s an engineer with extensive knowledge of science, and he has absolutely no problem with recognizing that the Biblical timeframe is nothing like what actually happened, absolutely no problem with endorsing evolution, strongly. But he wants to find ways of reconciling the scientific evidence with Christian belief systems, even the Young Earth variety. And he obviously spent many years on this project. It’s incredibly thoroughly researched, with not only a 12-page index and a 5-page annotated reading list, but a 15-page, 9-section, tiny-type comprehensive bibliography referencing each of the hundreds of footnotes, along with a page+ of illustration and photo sources in even smaller print.

While it’s not typical of books I review, I think it’s extremely relevant to modern business. Some of Marshall’s principles even translate directly to actionable insight for social-impact businesses specifically, such as the idea I’ve often espoused about the advantages of cooperating with your “competitors”: collaborating, rather than competing. And
if you’re the first to prove one particular conclusion wrong, Marshall has put together a group of funders who would buy your IP rights for eight figures.

Parts I-IV make a very strong case for rethinking evolution: While traditional Darwinism, and especially neo-Darwinism, say evolution occurs very slowly, only when the occasional beneficial mutation pops up and is advanced by natural selection, Marshall—sharing data from dozens of prominent scientists, mathematicians, and even theologians—convincingly argues that it is not driven by random mutations, which create noise. Noise is destructive, never constructive. In Marshall’s view, DNA is a code, a language of instructions that gets decoded in the opposite order that it was encoded, just like the commands we give a computer or the letters we write on a page. Any cell already contains far more instructions than anything humans have built, and those cells will act to further the entity’s goals such as survival or reproduction.

Evolution can happen in something very close to real time. It may be repeated by cells across different organisms (which simply would not occur randomly). And it typically harnesses one or more techniques that he compares to a five-bladed Swiss Army knife:

  1. Transposition
  2. Horizontal gene transfer
  3. Epigenetics
  4. Symbiogenesis (this is the cooperation principle that I love)
  5. Genome duplication (at speed)

Each of these gets an initial chapter explaining it, and then is referenced many times as he builds a case for a complex system able to create new societies and even new species. It’s fascinating reading.

Marshall casually positions viruses as a potential sixth blade in the last line of his list of recommended book (p. 337). Viruses don’t get a chapter, though they get several mentions. I suspect if he were writing it now, he would elaborate more, as we’ve watched the coronavirus (Covid) spread rapidly and reinvent itself several times in new variants with different behaviors, even though it was only discovered late in 2019.

The second half of the book attempts to reconcile science with Christianity. Marshall believes that any system with coding and decoding, error correction, redundancy, and other features common to languages, codes, technology, and DNA has to have a designer; this much intelligence had to be set in motion, even if it becomes self-evolving later. And it’s true that the natural world (including the bacterial world) has skills we humans only dream about. I often touch on biomimicry—the use of science to imitate nature—in my speeches and writings. The humblest green plant collects and disseminates solar energy far more efficiently than any human-designed system. The GPS of a migrating butterfly or salmon far outstrips human devices. In my TEDx talk, “Impossible is a Dare,” I even say, “if you want to know about bridge-building, ask a spider; they know more than we do.”

Marshall reconciles the calendar issue with something I’ve seen many times before: just because something is labeled a day doesn’t mean it’s 24 modern hours. Each “day” of creation could be millions of years—and by his complex calculation, this corresponds well to both the Big Bang and the Biblical chronology (p. 325). But one insight is new to me: all of human history could be within the 7th day of creation (p. 316)—the day God rested, leaving us critters to figure things out using the codes we were given or that we evolved.” What if we understood God to be an engineer so skilled that he endows cells with the ability to engineer themselves?” (p. 331).

But here’s the thing he doesn’t address: He spends quite a bit of time on the idea that no sophisticated code exists without a designer, and that God’s design skills far exceed our own. BUT—and I don’t have an answer for this and doubt Perry Marshall does either—where did the designer come from? By his own logic, it couldn’t have just appeared.

Because this book is so ambitious, dare I say so “cosmic,” I’ve focused my review on the big concepts. I’ve written almost 1000 words and barely looked at my seven pages of notes. I could easily get into the weeds and write another 1000 or more on specifics that I agree with, disagree with, or question. But I’ll just urge you to read it and draw your own conclusions.


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About Shel

Speaker, author, and consultant Shel Horowitz of helps businesses find the sweet spot at the intersections of profitability with environmental and social good — creating and marketing profitable products and services that make a direct difference on problems like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change. His 10th book is Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World.

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