Category Archive for Book Marketing

Anatomy of a Promotional Offer

Anatomy of a Promotional Offer

This is a real offer (actually two real offers) that I’m making to you–and then I’m going to analyze it and show you my exact thinking in constructing it. I think this may be extremely helpful in your own marketing, especially since I deliberately violate two key marketing rules.

Here are the offers:

With the holidays coming up, this is a great chance to save money on Shel’s books–they make fabulous gifts for the entrepreneurs, authors, marketers, and business managers in your life, or for those who’d like to be authors or marketers.

As a subscriber, you can not only get the usual discounts for ordering the books in combination, but you also get FREE shipping in the U.S. (or a $5 savings on shipping elsewhere) on any order for printed books now through December 1–and that offer is not for the general public. This offer holds for single copies of any of these books, and multiple copies of the two Grassroots books.

To get the free shipping, all you have to do is visit our order page at If you’re in the U.S., enter FREESHIP when you get to the Discounts and Coupons field and the cart will automatically zero out your shipping. If you’re elsewhere, enter FREESHIP in the comment field (NOT the coupons) and I’ll manually take $5 off (I still have to punch every order into a cc terminal so this is not a big deal)

If you want multiple copies of Principled Profit–a very wise decision–I have an even better deal for you a bit farther down the page. (If you want to know more about any particular book, please click the book titles):

  • Principled Profit: Marketing That Puts People First: a life-changing guide to succeeding with ethical, Green principles and a commitment to service, endorsed by over 80 entrepreneurs and marketers including Jack Canfield (co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul) and Jay Conrad Levinson (Guerrilla Marketing). Apex Award winner, republished in Mexico and India (also available in Spanish, on orders to the U.S. only). Special pricing this month on bulk quantities–see below!
  • Grassroots Marketing: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World: the definitive single-volume reference to marketing any product or service. Foreword Magazine Book of the Year Finalist.
  • Grassroots Marketing for Authors and Publishers: Finally! A Grassroots Marketing book just for writers! Because marketing books is really different from marketing other things. Note that there’s almost no overlap between the two Grassroots books; they’re designed to complement each other. Comes with a whole raft of bonuses, too (click on the title to learn about them). Dan Janal’s Cool Book of the Day; Honorable Mention, Indie Excellence AwardsBut if you want to be sure your gifts arrive in time, I wouldn’t wait that long. We ship via the U.S. Postal Service, and I can tell you from experience that as the holidays approach, delivery times slow to a crawl. The sooner you get your order in, the better the chance you’ll get fast and accurate service from your mail carriers.Also, I’m doing a special promotion just for Principled Profit: Marketing That Puts People First: instead of the usual $17.50 per copy plus shipping, if you visit our Special Offers page, you’ll find these three offers:
    • four to nine copies, dropshipped to different addresses, personally autographed and inscribed, just$12.95 each
    • four to nine copies, shipping to the same address, personally autographed and inscribed, just$12.95 each
    • ten or more copies , shipping to the same address, personally autographed and inscribed, just$10.95 each
    • Of course, if you sign the Business Ethics Pledge, my thank-you gift has always been to make the book available for just $9.95, in any amount.

    (Sorry, the free shipping offer doesn’t apply to the bulk deals–that would be double-dipping, and the cart is prefigured to add the correct shipping on those bulk orders.)

    Why am I doing this? Number one, because I really think this is an ideal gift for business owners and managers. It can so dramatically alter your thinking about business and show how to not only slash marketing costs but vastly increase profitability by tapping into our best selves–and as the financial markets collapse, this message has never been more important. And number two, because my distributor wants to see some action on this title, and the way the book industry works, bookstores don’t want it anymore because its more than six months old. But even if it’s not a bookstore book, it may be the most important book you could read in the development of your business. (Don’t take my word for it. If you have any doubt, click on the Principled Profit link above; you’ll find over 80 testimonials, powerful reviews, and even the first couple of chapters as a no-charge download). And it could make a tremendous difference in the lives of your friends and colleagues, too.

    Thank you again for being my subscriber.
    Shel Horowitz

    That’s the offer. Now let’s look at it. First of all, can you spot the two rules I broke? Read the rest of this entry »

  • Market Your Book with a Postcard, Part 2 of 2: Book Marketing Tip, 8/08

    Shel Horowitz’s Book Marketing Tip of the Month, Volume 2, #2, August 2008
    Market Your Book with a Postcard, Part 2 of 2
    What Should Your Postcard Include

    Front side:
    Your gorgeous book cover, in full color (Note: companies like Modern Postcard, Tu-Vets, and VistaPrint make this easy and cheap. VistaPrint will even accept back sides done in MS Word.)

    Back side, left

    • Title and author
    • Brief enticements such as endorsements, review quotes, awards, mini-synopsis
    • Ordering information for individuals
    • Ordering information for bookstores and libraries
    • Adequate whitespace and font size for easy, comfortable reading

    Back side, right
    Blank space for personal or stickered message and address

    (Shel Horowitz’s latest book, Grassroots Marketing for Authors and Publishers, is his third in a row to win an award. Order at )

    SPAN's Amazon/BookSurge Antitrust Lawsuit Campaign

    As most of you know, SPAN launched the Amazon/BookSurge Antitrust Lawsuit Campaign on July 7. The campaign is working to get to change its policy of requiring publishers, using their print on demand (POD) distribution services, to print with their subsidiary, BookSurge.

    For the whole story, you can read my July 7 letter to members and additional supporting information at

    After sending the letter to our e-mail list of about 10,000 authors and publishers, I received quite a few letters. Response to SPAN’s campaign ran about 97% favorable.

    I thank everyone who sent comments and I especially thank all of you who signed the petition. I appreciate the commitment the signers made to stand up for the good of the industry. Although I was not able to get back to everyone, I read and archived your comments.

    I believe in free markets, freedom of expression, and freedom of assembly. I also believe in the system of checks and balances on both government and citizens as outlined in the U.S. Constitution.

    Amazon has the freedom to do whatever it wants to do with its business (even illegal acts) until the market or the legal system stop it from doing things they find objectionable.

    I’m not a lawyer, but I did take Business Law 101, which had a chapter on antitrust cases. I also recently read the class action complaint and some other information on illegal tying of products. Ultimately, it is for the court to decide if Amazon’s practices are illegal. From my research, the plaintiffs seem to have a reasonable case against Amazon for illegal business practices.

    (You can read the complaint and several antitrust articles here:

    People have asked me, “How is the campaign going?” At this point we have 307 signatures on the petition and five publishers’ and writers’ organizations supporting the campaign. Additionally, several organizations contacted me to say that the decision would have to go to their board and it might take a few months.

    As for the advocacy side of the campaign, I will send the letter and a copy of the petition to Jeff Bezos at at the end of July.

    One price of freedom is a responsibility to hold in check unjust practices by taking the time to be informed and to
    voice our objections. SPAN’s campaign provides an opportunity for our community of voices to be heard.

    Have you added yours?


    Scott Flora
    Executive Director

    Ps. We still need people to sign the petition and publishers’ and writers’ organizations to support the campaign.

    10 Reasons to Promote Your Book with Postcards: Book Marketing Tip, 7/08

    Shel Horowitz’s Book Marketing Tip of the Month, Volume 2, #1, July 2008
    Market Your Book with a Postcard, Part 1 of 2
    10 Reasons to Promote Your Book with Postcards

    • Visit libraries and bookstores, show your book and leave your postcard
    • Mail postcards to your local mailing lists to announce author events
    • Pass them out at fairs, festivals, and other public events
    • When you talk to someone at a trade show or business networking event, give the postcard instead of (or in addition to) your business card
    • Excite people who’ve never met a real live author by giving them personally autographed cards–one for them and one for a friend
    • Enclose cards with every direct order to get more business from your “word-of-mouth army”
    • Enclose when you send press releases, letters of interest about speaking gigs, responses to inquiries about consulting, etc.
    • If you’re doing a flier exchange with another author, offer postcards instead of fliers to put in their packages
    • Distribute to school classes if you do school gigs, and hope that some show their parents and talk about how much fun you were, and the parents order
    • Hand them to clients and suppliers and say, this is my new book

    Next month: what to put on your postcard.

    (Shel Horowitz’s latest book, Grassroots Marketing for Authors and Publishers, is his third in a row to win an award. Order at )

    Shel Horowitz’s Book Marketing Tip of the Month is posted, June 2008

    –> Some Useful Blogs for Book Marketers
    Yes, there are many others besides Shel Horowitz’s Book Marketing Tip of the Month. Here are a few that I like, in alphabetical order by author’s last name.

    –> How to Get Grassroots Marketing for Half-Price
    Over 300 pages of solid information on lowering your marketing cost and boosting your return.

    –> Get Noticed in a Big Way!
    Jill’s new book, GET NOTICED … GET REFERRALS, is available today! We want to give you thousands of dollars worth of valuable and unique gifts from her colleagues – speakers and authors who are the best of the best! Jill’s new book teaches you how to get noticed and become influential using an intuitive, people oriented approach that will serve you throughout your career. Here’s the details and a quick peek at all the special gifts you will receive:

    –> Boost Your Profits & Get More Referrals with Your Business Card
    Do you worry that your business card is going to get thrown away as soon as your back is turned? Can subtle design changes really double, triple, even quintuple the follow-up business you get from simple little business cards? Learn the secrets of effective business cards with Diana Ratliff’s ebook (recently revised to include a brand new chapter on business card referral strategies!).

    –> How to Make a Major Impact
    JV maven Ken McArthur’s long-awaited book, Impact: How to Get Noticed, Motivate Millions and Make a Difference in a Noisy World is available, with a ton of bonuses including one from me–and 100 hours of no-cost top-level audio training on the Impact Factor site. I haven’t seen the book yet, but I’ve followed Ken’s process of writing, and the amazing way he turned this launch into a months-long internship on Internet marketing, imparting skills to others while building the launch in the best win-win People first fashion. The quality of information he provides is superior, plus he’s a really nice guy; I fully expect the book to be worthy of him. When the time comes for me to update Principled Profit: Marketing That Puts People First, I expect to include his story, as I just love the way he embraced the idea that he can profit by making everyone he knows into a better marketer.

    –> A Book and A Seminar from Rick Frishman
    Rick Frishman is a busy guy; he’s got two things going on that you want to know about.

    First, his newest book, “Where’s Your Wow! 16 Ways to Make Your Competitors Wish They Were You” (co-authored with Robyn Spizman). I’ve read the whole thing and I think it’s an excellent introduction to branding.

    –> Myanmar Cyclone Relief: Make a Donation to Doctors Without Borders
    Sharon Tucci put together a site to funnel donations directly to groups on the ground doing cyclone relief in Burma/Myanmar. Her preferred charity is Doctors Without Borders, but she offers several other choices as well. Note: Donations through this site are administered by an organization that takes a small administrative fee, but makes the process very smooth. If you’d rather give directly, that’s fine too.

    –> A No-Cost Way to Connect with Reporters Seeking Stories
    My friend Peter Shankman, a very well-connected PR guy in NYC, has started a no-charge service called Help A Reporter Out. He sends queries from reporters a few times a day, and if there’s a good fit, you answer the journalist. And he gets some leads that never make it to Profnet/PR Leads. This should be a no-brainer–but don’t abuse it. Only answer if you’re approrpiate for the query, or else you’ll spoil it for yourself and everyone else . If you get one good lead in a year, it’s worth it. He has passed on leads from the NY Times and Washington Post, as well as lesser venues. Sign up at

    –> Finally–An E-Book Site Puts Authors’ Needs First
    Writers: Mark Victor Hansen (of Chicken Soup fame) has just launched a very author-friendly e-book/multimedia content distribution site at No fee to set up, no fee to upload your files (wide range of types), 50% commission.

    –> Which of Shel’s Books is Right for You?

    –> Want a Free E-Copy of Mark Joyner’s Classic Book, The Irresistible Offer?
    This amazing book has a prominent place on my bookshelf–but I had to pay for my copy. You can get the e-book at no cost by following the above link.

    –> Also from Mark: the re-release of his infamous “Mind Control Marketing,” the book that built his reputation years ago as one of the most focused and creative marketers in the world. I confess, I haven’t read this one-but I’ve heard about it for years.

    –> Facebook Teleseminar with Mari Smith
    If you’re not on Facebook yet, you may be missing valuable business opportunities. If you are on Facebook, are you getting the most out of it for your business? Recently, The Blog Squad grilled Mari Smith about why you need to be on Facebook and how to use the social networking site to be smart about building your business. Now you can get access to the audio program from the live teleseminar for an investment of only $20.

    –> You’re invited to join Foundercontact
    Christophe Poizat, founder and chairman of the International Network of Social Entrepreneurs (INSE) has invited you to receive a free membership with Foundercontact. Foundercontact International Ltd is a web 2.0 online marketplace designed to bring entrepreneurs into contact with 3500 investors for seed, early stage, or growth capital. With members from 5 continents and 93 different countries, it opens up international business opportunities for entrepreneurs. Sign up at

    –> Latest Additions to the Websites

    –> Administrative Information
    Subscribe, unsubscribe, back issues, etc.

    –> Don’t forget to play our games, at the top of any page on— no fees to play, prizes to win, and you help me continue to bring all this good information to you.

    Published monthly since July, 2007 by Shel Horowitz
    16 Barstow Lane, Hadley, MA 01035 USA

    Some Useful Blogs for Book Marketers

    Shel Horowitz’s Book Marketing Tip of the Month, June 2008

    Yes, there are many others besides Shel Horowitz’s Book Marketing Tip of the Month, and this is not intended to be comprehensive. Here are a few that I like, in alphabetical order by author’s last name.

    Marion Gropen’s Publishing for Profit blog. Would you believe there’s at least one person in the universe who can bring an accounting perspective to book publishing and marketing issues without losing sight of the marketing agenda? She’s been CFO at some mid-sized publishers and a stalwart on the indy publishing scene for years. And she really gets it.

    Brian Jud’s blog on book marketing – very useful essays on strategic marketing, some of them in great depth.

    Bookmarket Blog – John Kremer. From the author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books. A mix of posts advertising his own offerings with very perceptive writing on the book industry–everything from web design to the Regnery case that I’ve written about, where conservative authors sued their publisher claiming diversion of funds to book clubs they own.

    Ken McArthur’s recent book The Impact Factor had a great launch. Ken used the launch as a lesson in social media, invited people to participate in all sorts of ways. Ken’s blog includes entries about the book launch and also his joint venture conferences.

    Jacqueline Church Simonds of Beagle Bay Publishing/Creative Minds Press works the book trade show circuit, and reports on it here: witty, opinionated, observant–everything a blog should be, other than frequently updated.

    Dorothy Thompson’s Pump Up Your Book Promotion featurs lots of interviews about book marketing with various successful authors, plus good and sueful tips (e.g., using Google alerts to discover copyright infringement.

    Got a favorite blog about publishing? I’ll do a column like this every once in a while. If you have a suggestion, please list it in the comment section.

    Positive Power Spotlight: Eco-Libris

    Just back from my annual trip to Book Expo America, and one of the things I noticed was a definite shift toward sustainability–not just in the books being published, but also in attention to industry practices.

    Some of these were aimed at publishers and printers, and some at consumers. One of the latter–which I learned about not at BEA but in a personal note from one of the founders–is, whose slogan is “Every book you read was once a tree. Now you can plant a tree for every book you read.”

    Like carbon offset programs, this attempts to let consumers make restitution for the environmental effects of their reading habits. Starting at a dollar per tree and going down slightly with quantity purchases, the group funds reforestation projects in developing countries. It’s a for-profit business, and does retain a percentage of the donations. But it also includes all sorts of interesting environmental information on the site.

    One of the pages I like best is the Collaborations page, which lists joint efforts with publishers, authors, bookstores, etc.–who are of course encouraged to spread the word and who receive customer kudos for being Green.

    And while I think offset programs are only a temporary solution to reduction of pollution, greenhouse gases, etc., when I think of that convention center filled with literally millions of books and imagine a forest sprouting up with a tree for each book, it’s a vision that has a lot of appeal.

    Read Shel Horowitz’s award-winning book, Principled Profit: Marketing That Puts People First, for more on Green and ethical companies succeeding.

    Shel Horowitz’s Book Marketing Tip of the Month is posted, May 2008

    –> Triage Webpages
    A lot of marketers think the one-page salesletter website is the one solution for all kinds of businesses. Other marketers believe every website should be a full-blown info-portal, with lots of links and menus. But I’m not in either camp.

    –> Another Recommended Book: Truth: The New Rules for Marketing in a Skeptical World by Lynn Upshaw

    –> How to Get Grassroots Marketing for Half-Price
    Over 300 pages of solid information on lowering your marketing cost and boosting your return.

    –> How to Make a Major Impact
    JV maven Ken McArthur’s long-awaited book, Impact: How to Get Noticed, Motivate Millions and Make a Difference in a Noisy World is being launched today starting at 1 pm US Eastern Daylight time, with a ton of bonuses including one from me–and 100 hours of no-cost top-level audio training on the Impact Factor site. I haven’t seen the book yet, but I’ve followed Ken’s process of writing, and the amazing way he turned this launch into a months-long internship on Internet marketing, imparting skills to others while building the launch in the best win-win People first fashion. The quality of information he provides is superior, plus he’s a really nice guy; I fully expect the book to be worthy of him. When the time comes for me to update Principled Profit: Marketing That Puts People First, I expect to include his story, as I just love the way he embraced the idea that he can profit by making everyone he knows into a better marketer.

    –> A Book and A Seminar from Rick Frishman
    Rick Frishman is a busy guy; he’s got two things going on that you want to know about.

    First, his newest book, “Where’s Your Wow! 16 Ways to Make Your Competitors Wish They Were You” (co-authored with Robyn Spizman). I’ve read the whole thing and I think it’s an excellent introduction to branding.

    And second, Rick is organizing a big one-day conference just before Book Expo America. He writes,
    “Hold the date Thursday May 29. Author 101 University is coming! It will be at the Westin at LAX for one day. This is the day before BEA starts in Los Angeles. This will be an amazing event that will be very exclusive. Only 200 people. I will bring a Publishing Panel of editors, agents and editors. Mark Victor Hansen, David Hancock, Brendon Burchard, Alex Carroll, and the amazing Barbara De Angeles.”

    I’ll be attending this event (as well as the Advanced Track at PMA-U the day before). If you’d like to go, please visit

    –> Myanmar Cyclone Relief: Make a Donation to Doctors Without Borders
    Sharon Tucci put together a site to funnel donations directly to groups on the ground doing cyclone relief in Burma/Myanmar. Her preferred charity is Doctors Without Borders, but she offers several other choices as well. Note: Donations through this site are administered by an organization that takes a small administrative fee, but makes the process very smooth. If you’d rather give directly, that’s fine too.

    –> A No-Cost Way to Connect with Reporters Seeking Stories
    My friend Peter Shankman, a very well-connected PR guy in NYC, has started a no-charge service called Help A Reporter Out. He sends queries from reporters a few times a day, and if there’s a good fit, you answer the journalist. And he gets some leads that never make it to Profnet/PR Leads. This should be a no-brainer–but don’t abuse it. Only answer if you’re approrpiate for the query, or else you’ll spoil it for yourself and everyone else . If you get one good lead in a year, it’s worth it. He has passed on leads from the NY Times and Washington Post, as well as lesser venues. Sign up at

    –> Finally–An E-Book Site Puts Authors’ Needs First
    Writers: Mark Victor Hansen (of Chicken Soup fame) has just launched a very author-friendly e-book/multimedia content distribution site at No fee to set up, no fee to upload your files (wide range of types), 50% commission.

    –> Which of Shel’s Books is Right for You?

    –> Want a Free E-Copy of Mark Joyner’s Classic Book, The Irresistible Offer?
    This amazing book has a prominent place on my bookshelf–but I had to pay for my copy. You can get the e-book at no cost by following the above link.

    –> Also from Mark: the re-release of his infamous “Mind Control Marketing,” the book that built his reputation years ago as one of the most focused and creative marketers in the world. I confess, I haven’t read this one-but I’ve heard about it for years.

    –> Facebook Teleseminar with Mari Smith
    If you’re not on Facebook yet, you may be missing valuable business opportunities. If you are on Facebook, are you getting the most out of it for your business? Recently, The Blog Squad grilled Mari Smith about why you need to be on Facebook and how to use the social networking site to be smart about building your business. Now you can get access to the audio program from the live teleseminar for an investment of only $20.

    –> You’re invited to join Foundercontact
    Christophe Poizat, founder and chairman of the International Network of Social Entrepreneurs (INSE) has invited you to receive a free membership with Foundercontact. Foundercontact International Ltd is a web 2.0 online marketplace designed to bring entrepreneurs into contact with 3500 investors for seed, early stage, or growth capital. With members from 5 continents and 93 different countries, it opens up international business opportunities for entrepreneurs. Sign up at

    –> Latest Additions to the Websites–> Administrative Information
    Subscribe, unsubscribe, back issues, etc.

    –> Don’t forget to play our games, at the top of any page on— no fees to play, prizes to win, and you help me continue to bring all this good information to you.

    Published monthly since July, 2007 by Shel Horowitz
    16 Barstow Lane, Hadley, MA 01035 USA

    Triage Webpages: Shel Horowitz's Book Marketing Tip of the Month, May 2008

    A lot of marketers think the one-page salesletter website is the one solution for all kinds of businesses. Other marketers believe every website should be a full-blown info-portal, with lots of links and menus. But I’m not in either camp.

    I believe firmly that different products, offers, and audiences lend themselves to different approaches. In fact, in my seventh book, Grassroots Marketing for Authors and Publishers, I describe seven different types of websites and suggest good situations for each.

    One of those seven that you probably haven’t come across elsewhere is the “triage website”: a concept that I’m pretty sure I invented, and that’s very helpful selling the same product to different audiences (something that fits many books), or sells different products. Ironically enough, if you’re using a one-page salesletter site and driving traffic through anything other than extremely specific campaigns such as pay-per-click, it might be the perfect front end to show visitors before they get to your salesletter.

    A triage website uses the home page to identify and separate different categories of visitors, and to present content that resonates with those specific people.

    So, for instance, if you visit, you’ll see some introductory text about the book industry overall, and then these choices:

    • Click here if you’ve already written and published your book
    • Click here if you’re a publisher of more than one author
    • Click here if you have written or mostly written your book and you’re trying to figure out how to get it published and marketed
    • Click here if you have an idea for a book but haven’t written it yet
    • Click here to read what Dan Poynter, John Kremer, Fern Reiss, and other experts say about Grassroots Marketing for Authors and Publishers
    • Click here if you love facts and statistics and want sources for all the numbers cited in this report
    • Click here if you’re ready to order

    Each leads to a slightly different page, tweaked to provide maximum impact to those particular visitors.

    Note that it’s helpful if the categories are at least somewhat related. I noticed that publishing guru Dan Poynter has actually moved away from a triage homepage at Previously, his home page offered four widely disparate choices: book publishing/marketing, expert witness, cat lovers, and of course, parachuting. (You can see an archived version here.) Now, the home page is about publishing, and if you know where to look (bottom of the left column) you can find links to the other sites (subsections of the main site).

    I’m guessing he changed because the four topics just had too little to do with each other , creating challenges for things like search engine optimization, not to mention possible confusion. However, from a user interface point of view, the transition wasn’t all that smooth. If I were him, I’d probably set up different domains for each major area, and go through the whole site to make sure that key pages reflect the new architecture.

    What’s the best kind of website to promote *your* book? You might just find the answer in Grassroots Marketing for Authors and Publishers. And remember–if you order either that book or Principled Profit, you can currently get the original Grassroots Marketing: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World (which has very little overlap witht he Grassroots for Authors and Publishers) at half price.

    Almost Time for BEA–Will You Be There?: Shel Horowitz's Book Marketing Tip, April 2008

    Why Attend Book Expo America?

    BEA is the largest book-industry gathering in the United States (though Europe has a far larger one, in Frankfort). Hundreds of exhibitors, thousands of authors, numerous educational events, chances to rub elbows with authors you admire (and perhaps make a contact that could lead to an endorsement).

    By attending BEA and the events around it (this will be my 13th straight), and sometimes having a book at one of the co-op exhibits, I’ve been able to leapfrog my publishing career. Among other things:

    • Initiated a book deal by having a conversation with a publisher in his booth! Yes, Grassroots Marketing: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World was actually sold because I walked the floor of BEA (you can click here to get Grassroots Marketing at half-off right now with the purchase of any of my other marketing books, by the way)
    • Sold rights to one of my books for India and Mexico
    • Made direct contact with agents and editors who expressed interest in books by my wife, my clients, and/or myself
    • Met people who later became clients or vendors (or both)
    • Been offered speaking gigs
    • Developed in-person friendships with industry gurus such as Dan Poynter, Fern Reiss, and John Kremer (who have all since endorsed at least one of my books)
    • Gotten autographed copies of cool new books (Studs Terkel’s publicist actually traded me Studs’ latest for one of mine, when we were autographing in neighboring booths several years ago)–however, this alone would not be a reason to attend; it’s just a fringe benefit that you should not let dominate your precious time on the show floor
    • Learned an awful lot about the publishing business

    I’ve attended most years as a journalist, and all my reports are online here. The first six articles on that page are all from BEA 2007; older material is farther down the page.

    Incidentally, I’ve never taken a booth. I walk the floor, and attend both educational events and parties.

    Pre-BEA Seminars

    If you’re planning to attend Book Expo American(an extremely good idea), you should definitely attend at least one of the seminars. I published my first book over 20 years ago, and I still get good stuff. This year, I’ll be at PMAU on Wednesday May 28 (in the Advanced Track) and Rick Frishman’s seminar with Mark Victor Hansen, Brendon Burchard, Barbara DeAngeles, David Hancock, Alex Carroll, and an editor panel on Thursday, May 29.

    I believe that a good live seminar is especially helpful to people starting out, but still useful (in different ways) to those with experience. I live my whole life in learning mode: books, teleseminars, and a least a few live events every year. If you attend the Frishman seminar, definitely come up and introduce yourself. We might or might not cross paths at PMAU, which has a dozen or so tracks at once.