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The Clean and Green Club, January 2025

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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip: January 2025

Personal Message from Shel: Evolving This Newsletter in a World Caught in the Cross-Hairs

Welcome to 2025, a year that’s only two weeks old and already fraught. This is a challenging time. Business leaders who believe business can make the world better for the planet and its residents will face intense scrutiny and pressure to fold our tents. But if we stand firm, if we continue to act on our sense of ethics, our decency, and our knowledge that environmental and social responsibility is a business success strategy, we will eventually prevail!

My heart goes out to readers and their loved ones who have been directly impacted by the
dozens of recent massive climate events such as the floods in the US Southeast, Libya, and Uganda, earthquakes in China and Vanuatu, fires in California, cyclones in Mozambique and Sri Lanka, volcanic eruption in the Philippines…and by human-caused disasters, including the brutal wars in Ukraine and Gaza, the massive migrations from areas that are no longer safe, and more.

Speaking of human-caused disasters—here in the US, starting on January 20, we face an openly authoritarian, openly bigoted, and openly corrupt administration that brags about how it will undo our progress on environmental and social issues and attacks personal freedom. This new government plans to act not as a force for the greater good, but to enrich kleptocrats and make life miserable for “enemies” within.

And many senior executives are pushing hard to enable that undercutting within their own organizations.
Companies are shredding DEI programs, universities are struggling to come up with something equitable to replace welcoming admissions policies deemed illegal by a partisan Supreme Court, and both social and mainstream media are adopting policies that kowtow to authoritarians, from eliminating fact-checks and enabling hate speech to suppressing criticism of the new regime. And alas, similar governments already exist in Hungary, North Korea, Russia, and elsewhere.

But there’s some good news, too: Several countries, including Brazil, Chile, and Columbia, have
tossed out right-wing dictators. Others including Germany and France turned back far-right candidates and slates. In the US, many left-of-center candidates and ballot initiatives won even in states that went for Trump. And that’s just the beginning. Visit this page from Nonviolence News for a torrent of more good news, most of which I hadn’t even known about until their newsletter crossed my desk. I don’t see everything on their list as good news, but the vast majority certainly is.

Also, under-the-radar organizing by progressive grassroots organizations is massive. And these groups are finally working together. I went to one national Zoom meeting that had 140,000 registrants, 100,000 attendees, and the active participation of at least five national grassroots groups. Individually and collectively, they’re crafting and launching to best create nonviolent strategies to resist Trump policies and nominees—quickly marking the first victory in November with the almost immediate collapse of Matt Gaetz’s nomination for Attorney General, which culminated in the release of the US House ethics report on his long list of transgressions.

Because we’re entering such challenging times and
 the topics I cover are directly influenced by government policies and public perceptions related to business I will adjust my focus a bit. This newsletter will pay more attention to success stories in fostering progressive attitudes and blocking the slide toward authoritarianism. This will probably show up most often in the monthly review of a book or other resource—whether or not there’s a direct and obvious business connection. I hope these success stories inspire you to continue and expand the good work you’re doing, both within and outside of the business sphere.

And now, on to this month’s tip and resource review.
Networking, Part 1: 5 Easy Secrets to Networking Charisma and Success—WITHOUT Being a Jerk or Feeling Cheapened
People talking at work event

Photo Credit: Pavel Danilyuk  via Pexels

The 54 “rocket thruster” strategic questions from Seth Godin I shared last month were part 1 of a three-part series on priming yourself for success in 2025. This month and next month, we’ll look at networking as a life and business skill.

Relax! You
don’t have to be “That Guy/That Gal” that everyone wants to run away from. They may think they’re networking, but they’re actually engaged in alienating. Even if you hate traditional networking, you may find that my approach is a lot more friendly and brings better results—because it’s not about how great you are but about how useful your help can be to others.

  1. Engage deeply. Too many people either cower at the back of the room at a networking meeting, speaking only with those they already know—or “work the room” shoving business cards in people’s faces and excusing themselves (or just walking away) a few seconds later to prey on the next victim. But networking is not about the number of superficial and worthless contacts. It’s about making real connections. I once spent an entire 90-minute Chamber of Commerce meeting talking with ONE individual—and I consider that meeting a rip-roaring success.

    Some steps to reach those deeper levels of engagement:
    a) Begin with a compelling and non-routine question. Examples: Why did you choose to get involved with this organization? What’s the thing you’re most proud of in your career? Can you describe a typical day? If you were in charge, what would you do differently?

    b) Listen well. Make the other person feel seen and heard. Resist the temptation to fill up the spaces with stories about how what you did was similar or better. Instead, ask some probing questions about what you’re hearing. Stop every once in a while to rephrase what you’ve been hearing in your own words, so the other person knows you not only pay attention but you get it.

    c) Ask what the person hopes to come away with from this event.

    d) If they don’t flip it back to you, ask if you could tell them a bit about what you do and what you’re looking for. If they grant permission, begin with your…
  2. You-know-how self-intro. Start with a question that feels obvious—and follow up immediately with what sets you apart in a way that excites the listener enough to ask “tell me more!” This formula is a much more interesting conversation starter than a simple job title—especially one that people think they already know all they need to about. So, for example, instead of saying “I sell solar panels,” you might try “You know how energy costs have quadrupled since the new century started? I help small businesses return to those lower costs while cleaning up the environment, lowering their carbon footprint, and creating better health outcomes at the same time.”

    Here are two I’ve used: one to attract clients for a specific service, and the other to bring them into my broad niche.
    For a specific service: “You know how so many press releases are so boring you could read them instead of using sleeping pills? I write ‘story-behind-the-story’ press releases that go far beyond the usual who-what-where-when-why to make your company sound fascinating—it’s like reading a novel except it’s the truth.”

    For the overall niche:
     “You know how the so-called ‘experts’ always say you can either have a business that makes a good profit OR one that does good in the world? I’m here to tell you that not only can you have both, but if you do it the right way, your profits actually go UP when you build in environmental and social good.
  3. Connect around common interests. Keep your ears open as you walk through an in-person networking event, and visit the chat frequently if you’re at an online event. Keep your radar up for common interests. In person, you can interrupt gently if you make it relevant: “I couldn’t help overhearing that your daughter is on the soccer team. I played as a kid and the game still excites me.” Online, it’s easier, because you can often chat directly to an individual participant, attenders will often pop their LinkedIn profile into the chat, and in many cases, you can save the chat. (f you can’t, click the interesting links as they appear; this is much easier from a computer than from a phone).
  4. Make intros/send resources. When someone tells you something that resonates, consider how you can be a resource. This might mean bringing them over to meet someone who you either met earlier in the event or already knew, or making an email intro. Take the ten seconds to tell each of them WHY you’re making the introduction. You may also find you have resources to share: the name of an important book on the subject, a handout you found inspiring, a movie you think they’d enjoy, a technique you’ve done well with, the contact info for a practitioner who can help them…
  5. Follow up quickly and personally! You can be great at networking during the meeting, but if you never follow up—or follow up with something insincere and obviously generic—it’s all wasted. In person, I jot a note on the person’s business card about why I took the card and what I’m supposed to send them. Online, I start a transcript as soon as I enter the call and save it periodically (if the host has enabled these features). Afterward, I can go through the transcript and boldface my to-dos. And I try to set aside some focused time within 24 hours to respond. In my e-mail, I won’t just say that I enjoyed meeting—but thank them for deepening my understanding of the specific (named) subject, enclose a resource I promised, etc.

Finally, a shout-out to some of the people I’ve learned networking skills from: Bob Burg (author of Endless Referrals and The Go-Giver series), Nancy Juetten (author of Bye-Bye Boring Bio), Michael Whitehouse (a/k/a The Guy Who Knows a Guy), Susan Harrow (author of Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul), Linda Kaplan Thaler (author of The Power of Nice), Tim Sanders (author of Love is the Killer App, Jack Mitchell (author of Hug Your Customers), Ivan Misner (founder of Business Networking International). Apologies to the far too many others to list here. You can go a lot deeper if you read their materials.

Can We Still Thrive in a World Caught in the Cross-Hairs
(This post is a slightly modified version of the introduction to this issue. I posted it as a blog in order to facilitate sharing, if you are so moved.)

Can We Still Thrive in a World Caught in the Cross-Hairs

(This post is a slightly modified version of the introduction to this issue. I posted it as a blog in order to facilitate sharing, if you are so moved.)

Discover why Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, futurist Seth Godin, and many others recommend Shel’s 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World (and download a free sampler). Autographed and inscribed copies available.
Michael Whitehouse is bringing me on to speak at TWO of his summits: Authentic Marketing, February 11-13, and Business Growth for Good, March 20.

Michael bills the Authentic Marketing Summit as a chance to move past outdated tactics, embrace innovative alternatives to hype and high pressure, and engage, captivate, and grow your audience by establishing genuine connections. When I’ve gone to Michael’s events, I’ve always found them worthwhile. There’s no cost to attend. There is an upgrade package, of course (and if you buy it I get a small commission). Here’s what I’m presenting:

No-Hype Marketing

Have you been taught that the more in-your-face you are with your marketing, the more successful you’ll be? When you’re the buyer, are those the companies you choose to spend your money with? If not, why would you think that stuffing hypey marketing messages down your prospects’ throats is effective? You want marketing that woos your prospects —NOT sales that happen in spite of your marketing. This brief 15-minute introduction will focus on where to find your ideal buyers—and how to woo them once you do. Click here to register

On March 20, I’ll be presenting
Profit by Being a Prophet: Turn Your Environmental and Social Values Into Marketing Advantages. You’ll receive the descriptions of the event and my talk in next month’s newsletter, along with the registration link.

Life of Libby: Chasing Peace & Justice with Humor, Guts, & Passion

Customer Born Every Minute

Life of Libby: Chasing Peace & Justice with Humor, Guts, & Passion

 Libby Frank with Heather Shafter

As we enter a dark time in our nation’s politics, it’s worth remembering that thousands of other activists have survived very dark times, both in the US and around the world. I remember reading a book called Laughter Wasn’t Rationed, written by a German Christian who got through Nazism by focusing on keeping a sense of humor and enjoying the subtle jokes that were told at Hitler’s expense.

So I was glad to pick up Libby Frank’s new activist autobiography that talked about life as an activist during the repressive McCarthy era—and before, and since. Libby was never one to keep silent, despite the risks. She says, “I have struggled against the ‘shh’ my whole life” (p. 21) and “the fact that folk groups were attacked and surveilled and attacked by the federal government shows that we were having an impact” (p. 48). After getting a better-than-expected response following a presentation about a fact-finding trip to the Middle East in the 1970s, she reflected, “I learned again that in speaking out, one can find allies—and by not speaking up, you’ve lost already” (p. 118).

Raised in an Orthodox Jewish household and teaching at many Hebrew schools and Jewish Folkschools across her career, she also had a lifetime of advocating for unpopular causes, embracing feminism, racial justice, and even Palestinian rights as a teenager in the 1940s. She was the one who got Pete Seeger and Lee Hays to change “all of my brothers” in “If I Had a Hammer” to “my brothers and my sisters”—just by coming up to Pete at a concert in 1951 and asking, “why just ‘my brothers’?” (p. 46).

She went much more deeply into Palestinian rights in the 1960s as founder and chair of the Middle East Committee of Women’s International league for Peace and Freedom (p. 104), which made her an outlier in the Jewish community. She made several fact-finding and activism trips to the region and stayed involved in that cause for decades.

Following a stint as director of the Bergen County (New Jersey) Peace Center, she returned to WILPF as Executive Director for five years and continued WILPF’s Middle East work long after she was forced out of her paid position (pp. 166-167). After leaving WILPF, she held several other activist leadership positions, as fundraiser and then Executive Director at Women Strike for Peace, and then Director of the U.S. Peace Council.

Libby was always looking out for innovative, highly visible ways to increase impact. I love the story she tells about being one of ten women holding a banner on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and telling the cop who asked her to leave that spot that it wasn’t her decision to make, because they worked by consensus—and then the ten of them had a looooong discussion (keeping the banner visible the whole time) before finally agreeing to shift location (pp. 171-172).

Libby didn’t live to see her book published. It was in final production when her husband died in October, 2023, and she added an afterword in tribute to him. Seven weeks later, she died unexpectedly. And the biggest lesson she leaves me with is reinforcing my long-held conviction that yes, each of us can make a difference, and that impact is amplified when we work with others.

Connect with Shel

Turn Your Sustainability/CSR Report Into Powerful Marketing!

About Shel

Speaker, author, and consultant Shel Horowitz of helps businesses find the sweet spot at the intersections of profitability with environmental and social good — creating and marketing profitable products and services that make a direct difference on problems like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change. His 10th book is Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World.

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The Clean and Green Club, January 2024

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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip: January 2024

How to Change the World Without War or Weapons—and Three Reasons Why This Works
Photo Credit: RDNE Stock project via Pexels

In the video I review below, Bill McKibben of and Third Act cites Erica Chenoweth’s finding that when just 3-1/2 percent of a population engages in disciplined nonviolent resistance, it can be enough to topple a government.

He doesn’t mention that Chenoweth’s research also showed that
nonviolent resistance was 10 times more effective than violent insurrection. Those who used it were more likely to achieve even “impossible” goals, even when facing the most repressive governments in history, such as Nazi Germany and apartheid South Africa. AND they were more likely to achieve lasting change that didn’t just swing back with the next change in government. Other researchers including the late Gene Sharp have identified literally hundreds of nonviolent tactics. Sharp’s list of 198 nonviolent tactics predates the Internet and the Covid pandemic. Those two phenomena alone probably doubled the list.

Chenoweth was not originally an advocate of nonviolence. In fact, she was quite skeptical at first—until her own statistical analyses proved that nonviolence works better. This validates what lifetime pacifists like Stephen Zunes, George Lakey, Barbara Deming, Harvey Wasserman, Anna Gyorgy, Gene Sharp, my late friends Dave Dellinger, Frances Crowe, and Wally and Juanita Nelson, and many others have said for decades. It also validates the strategic commitment to nonviolence by people like MLK, Gandhi, and Mandela (none of whom was originally pacifist in principle).

The Three Reasons

I think I can shed some light on why this is true:

1) You can’t outgun the state. They have tanks, WMDs, and lots of person-power. Engaging in violence is letting them choose the battlefield and the tools. You probably can’t outgun the Oath Keepers either, unless you ARE the state. But
vigilante groups (sorry this article is so difficult to parse), predatory employers, and even governments (see citations above) don’t tend to be successful against disciplined massive resistance, even if they inflict damage against the nonviolent resisters.

2) When the state attacks unarmed civilians, it has a jiu-jitsu effect of creating sympathy for those who are attacked, not just locally but across the world (as is happening in Ukraine and Gaza right now). But when armed radicals attack the state or civilians or even destroy the property of the middle and upper classes, that rebound effect creates support for the government, who can then marginalize and isolate the opposition as “terrorists”–and have an excuse to clamp down further on civil liberties. We see this in the wildly disproportionate Israeli response to the (brutal and completely unacceptable) Hamas murder of 1200 and taking 240 as hostages.

Because of the Hamas brutality, Israel felt justified in killing tens of thousands (mostly civilians and including thousands of kids) and making millions homeless. But Israel’s government does not seem to realize that they have just sewn the seeds for another generation of embittered radicals to rise up against them. And just as the US, which had the moral high ground and support of the global community in the immediate aftermath of 9/11/2001 but lost it in the twin wars of Iraq and Afghanistan, found itself a pariah, so does Israel. (I’m writing this on December 23, 2023. The situation I describe is current as of that date.)

3) When a government falls by force of arms, the conquerors want to make sure they aren’t taken out next. Thus, the pressure to become more dictatorial, which erodes popular support. I am old enough to remember when thugs like Zimbabwe’s Mugabe, the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, and even the Iranian mullahs were welcomed as heroes by the local population, until they turned out to be just as vile as their predecessors, if not more. So the violence ends up blocking the transition to a better society, causing resentment and apathy.
Bonus Article: 12 New Year’s Resolutions for a More Ethical, Ecological, Profitable, and Successful Business

Normally, I only have one main article and a review of one resource. I’m doing this extra one as a gift to you to help you start your year off while you’re still thinking about this new beginning.


Remember: businesses based on ethics and quality actually work better. With that in mind, here are twelve easy resolutions to inspire your business to achieve a very profitable 2024. This is not coming from God, just me, your newsletter writer. Accept and honor what’s useful to you. Modify or discard what’s not. 

1) I will base every aspect of my business on honesty, integrity, and quality.

2) I will make sure every employee, from janitor to CEO, is trained to view every interaction with a customer as a key step in the marketing process and to always give the customer respect and attention.

3) I will train and empower every employee to let the customer go away feeling good about the entire interaction.

4) I will stand behind my products and services. It is better to refund the money and create a positive buzz.

5) Understanding that it costs an average of five times more to bring in a new customer as to keep an existing one, I will see that the entire organization exceeds customer expectations.

6) Recognizing that my competitors can be my strongest allies, I will initiate at least one joint venture (after all, if FedEx and the Postal Service, Apple and IBM, and General Motors and Toyota can cooperate, surely I can too).

7) If my company is not the best answer to prospect’s needs, I will refer that prospect to the company that can best serve, if I know of one. 

8) I will devote business resources to make the world a better place.

9) I will volunteer on a community project and set up incentives for my employees to volunteer on the projects of their choice.

10) I will base decisions on the Abundance Principle that there is enough to go around, and not on market share.

11) I will reduce my firm’s use of water and energy, and reduce my family’s use at home, and inform others of the easy changes I’ve made. (See
my ebook, Painless Green, for 111 suggestions)

12) I will grow by marketing the advantages of doing business with a socially and environmentally conscious, ethical company.

Four of marketing and profitability consultant/copywriter Shel Horowitz’s 10 books cover marketing for green and social equity businesses. Three of those have won awards, including his most recent book,
Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World (co-authored with Jay Conrad Levinson).

Discover why Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, futurist Seth Godin, and many others recommend Shel’s 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World (and download a free sampler). Autographed and inscribed copies available.
View highlights from (and listen to) more than 30 podcasts ranging from 5 minutes to a full hour. Click here to see descriptions and replay links.

History of Nonviolence: From Thoreau and Tolstoy and Gandhi towards the present

History of Nonviolent Action: From Thoreau and Tolstoy and Gandhi towards the present
Narrated by Bill McKibben

If you’ve been on my list for a while, you probably know that I consider my two careers of activism and marketing to be inextricably braided together. I’ve brought lessons from the business world into my activism, and lessons from activism into business. The synergy makes both far more effective than either on their own. And on the activist side, I’ve been a proponent, practitioner, and publicizer of nonviolent social change. I’ve read a lot of the research, and it all proves that nonviolent struggles are more likely to win, less likely to result in mass civilian death (though it does happen sometimes, at the hands of particularly brutal opponents), and more likely to create lasting positive change. Think about the US civil rights, feminist, safe energy and LGBTQ movements, the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, and Arab Spring.

Bill McKibben, founder of both and Third Act, narrates an hour-long history of nonviolent civil disobedience going all the way back to Thoreau, who influenced Tolstoy, who in turn corresponded with a very young Gandhi, whose work both in South Africa and pre-partition India in turn influenced MLK. The video doesn’t explicitly say so, but MLK clearly influenced Mandela, and so the circle came back around to South Africa. And MLK and Mandela have certainly impacted every nonviolent campaign I’m familiar with in our own time. Because I’ve been studying this movement since the 1970s, I knew much of the history he narrates, but I hadn’t seen most of the wonderful archival footage it includes, such as Gandhi standing with his Muslim counterpart Abdul Ghaffar Khan and a movie clip of the Salt March.

Of course, activism is not only, or even mostly, about charismatic leaders. These are people’s movements and some of them involved tens or even hundreds of thousands of people. This video is the first of a four-part series. If you change the number at the end of (to 2, then 3, then 4), you ought to be able to watch them as they become available. The second one is available now and the third one will air at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, January 18. You can register on the site.

And if you’re not yet an activist, I hope watching this series may help you find a passion for changing the world through nonviolent action. If you think you can’t make a difference, consider these blog posts: the second and fourth parts of a five-part series I wrote reflecting back on the 40
th anniversary of the 1977 Seabrook Occupation (which was a life-changing event for me):

(If you want to read the whole series all the way through, start at and click the link to the next part at the bottom of each segment.)

Connect with Shel

Turn Your Sustainability/CSR Report Into Powerful Marketing!

About Shel

Speaker, author, and consultant Shel Horowitz of helps businesses find the sweet spot at the intersections of profitability with environmental and social good — creating and marketing profitable products and services that make a direct difference on problems like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change. His 10th book is Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World.

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The Clean and Green Club, August 2023

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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip: August 2023

Do You HAVE to Kaizen Your Headline? Why Not Try This Instead?

Image Credit: Mikael Blomkvist via Pexels 

In 40+ years as a student and practitioner of copywriting, I’ve often come across the advice to only test one variable. But some people might be taking that too far. In my email recently, I saw someone assert that the variable has to be tiny, like changing a single word in a headline.

You might remember that I most recently discussed the difference between Kaizen (continuous improvement, usually through small steps) technology improvements and technological Great Leaps in my October newsletter. Just like any other culture change, I think copywriting changes can be Kaizen—or they can be Great Leaps.

Let’s say there was such a thing as a haircutting robot, and you’re a copywriter assigned to write headlines for that device. Sure, you can test a single-word Kaizen variable like New Instant Salon Cuts Your Hair While You Sleep vs. This Instant Salon Cuts Your Hair While You Sleep–but I think it’s also fine to test a big-leap variable like New Instant Salon Cuts Your Hair While You Sleep vs. Wake Up Tomorrow Morning with the Hairstyle of Your Dreams.

I’ve always understood the one-variable rule to mean that if you’re testing the headline, don’t change the body copy, the layout, etc. in the same test. But the change could be as small or as bold as you want.

And why not test three or even four headlines in an A/B/C or A/B/C/D test? As long as it’s emailed to the same demographics and the same list on the same day, we can track a lot more things now than we could in the old days, so why not? We can even test for things like how response translates into long-term customer value. One version may get more clicks but fewer buys or lower total purchases. Make sure your testing gives you the metrics you need to properly evaluate your efforts.

By the way, I’d argue that there may be good reasons to violate the one-change rule, and strategies for understanding the data when you do. As an example, if you’re dealing with a time-sensitive offer that’s going to be worthless in a month, you may want to test a whole lot of stuff all at once. Go ahead, call me a marketing heretic!

And if you want a heretic’s fresh thinking in YOUR marketing, especially if your firm makes a positive difference in the world call me: 413-586-2388 (8 a.m. to 10 p.m. US Eastern Time—or email me with the subject, Your Marketing Services—Newsletter Reader. (Note that I’ll be away with very limited email through August 22. I recommend writing your email right away but scheduling it to arrive a few days after I get back.)

Discover why Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, futurist Seth Godin, and many others recommend Shel’s 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World (and download a free sampler). Autographed and inscribed copies available.
View highlights from (and listen to) more than 30 podcasts ranging from 5 minutes to a full hour. Click here to see descriptions and replay links.

Living a Committed Life: Finding Freedom and Fulfillment in a Purpose Larger Than Yourself

Living a Committed Life: Finding Freedom and Fulfillment in a Purpose Larger Than Yourself
by Lynne Twist (Berrett-Koehler, 2023, with Mary Earle Chase)

“The greatest threat to creating the future we want is fear, discouragement, and cynicism. People are dis-couraged because they’re disconnected from their own courage. They think somebody else is supposed to fix things…Once you get back in touch with your own courage, you realize, ‘Oh, I can do something about this. I care. I have heart. I have power. I can act!’ It is only in action that we can find hope; active hope becomes a beacon for our lives.” (pp. 196-197, hyphenation of “discouraged” is in the original and is deliberate)

Lynne Twist knows a thing or two about finding the power and creating action. Starting as an ordinary housewife in an acquisitive, suburban lifestyle, she has focused since the 1970s on creating a better world. She started and nurtured several major organizations including Pachamama Alliance and played a key role in several others, among them The Hunger Project. She’s helped organize female Nobel Laureates to harness their celebrity to increase their impact. She’s helped remote indigenous communities in Latin America and Africa seek justice from the corporations exploiting their land and undermining their traditions—while, at the same time, finding ways to work respectfully within that culture to drastically improve health outcomes (especially around birthing) even when that meant changing millennia-old patterns. She’s even taken on the demon of creating a positive relationship with money: overcoming scarcity mentalities (personal, regional, global) while setting boundaries of sufficiency instead of always “needing” more. She’s also a warm and accessible human being, as I found out when I attended a conference several years ago where she was presenting.

Twist was lucky enough to be directly mentored by (and built personal relationships) with quite a few luminaries including Buckminster Fuller, Mother Teresa, and various indigenous shamans—and much of their wisdom is also in these pages.

And she’s written a wonderful memoir/how-to manual on how to create meaning through social and environmental justice. It didn’t take me long to read this well-written, very accessible, and super-inspiring book.

Twist tells us not to worry if we don’t know how we’ll accomplish whatever lofty goals we’ve set. We take a stand for something positive, make the commitment, and the pieces to enable it begin to come together (p. 23).

Twist’s own five key commitments are:

  1. Ending world hunger
  2. Preserving the Amazon rainforest
  3. “Changing the dream of the modern world” (away from materialism and hoarding and toward recognizing the enoughness around us)
  4. Transforming how people relate to money
  5. Empowering women (p. 38)

All within a larger purpose of “creating a world that works for everyone with no one and nothing left out—what I call a you and me world” (p. 56, emphasis in original). Some of that happens when we change the narrative and the context, for example, talking about resilient “survivors” rather than passive “victims” (p. 85)—whether the person has survived directly-experienced violence or abuse, fraud at the hands of the Bernie Madoffs of the world, environmental catastrophe, a health crisis, etc. Another reframing (pp. 90-91) is that events happen FOR us, rather than TO us, and there are gifts to be found in even the tough experiences. She describes finding her own resilience after setbacks throughout the book, particularly pp. 104-106, 135-139, and 157-160.

You need to read the rest of the book for full context, but don’t neglect the action-focused final chapters 13-15 and the brief conclusion. Think of them as a short-form guide to effective activism. Chapter 13 shines a light on the crucial but often-ignored steps of self-care so as not to burn out, forgiveness (in both directions) to avoid strangling on your own hatred, and always seeking the new possibilities that arise from the wreckage. Chapter 14 is about discovering your big dream, taking your stand, and nine different ways to stay energized as your commitment begins to manifest. Chapter 15 uses the metaphors of hospicing the dysfunctional society we inherited and birthing not only new systems and institutions, but “a new kind of human being” (p. 193). And the conclusion is a quick pep talk, recognizing not only the contributions of the full-time activists and the famous, but the power of ordinary people to make change:

“Living your commitment does not mean you have to do something big and global. People who live their commitments are kindergarten teachers, nurses, firefighters, entrepreneurs, mothers—anyone who sees their life as a gift that they feel called to give in service. What is different is that your work and your life are now held in a larger context. You are focused not just on yourself and your job, but on the bigger picture—seeking to bring about systemic or transformational change…It is not the size of the commitment, but the intention and focus: What is the fulfillment of your       life’s purpose—your ‘splendid torch’ to hand on to future generations?” (p.201)

Pick up this book and read its life-changing contents in full. Take notes, and look for—and implement—the ways YOU can make a difference!

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Turn Your Sustainability/CSR Report Into Powerful Marketing!

About Shel

Speaker, author, and consultant Shel Horowitz of helps businesses find the sweet spot at the intersections of profitability with environmental and social good — creating and marketing profitable products and services that make a direct difference on problems like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change. His 10th book is Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World.

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The Clean and Green Club, July 2020

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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip: July 2020


Reading an article on the Singapore-based Eco-Business site (often a wealth of fresh thinking to my American eyes) called “Build Back Better,” about ways we can mitigate the climate crisis as we reopen, I got the idea to start a community on the theme of building back better—but not just for climate change. I envision a portal with resources and ideas to create better futures in criminal justice/policing, nonviolent defense, equitable housing, transportation, community food self-sufficiency, education, the work world, democracy… There’s a ton of great stuff out there, but I’m not aware of a one-stop resource that crosses silos and disciplines, reaches people with a wide range of passions, interests, skills, and demographics, and has the power to create change. I put up a blog post about what this might look like, including a call for several different types of volunteers. Interested? take a look at

Don’t Poke Your Eyes Out Before You Take Your Road Test

On a discussion group, I saw a note from a small publisher grousing that nobody told her how hard the marketing would be, that she’d spent $20,000 on her websites and getting the book designed and the first 100 copies printed, but had sold exactly two books. She’d just put another $3,000 into advertising. She didn’t discuss what it cost to translate the book into three other languages and publish again.

I went to her website. I am betting that the $3K will also be wasted.

But I can’t feel too sorry for her. I don’t understand why anyone would sink that kind of money into a project without doing the most basic research into why and how people buy books. It’s like taking your driving test after you’ve deliberately poked your eyes out. It’s hard to imagine any outcome other than failure.

Look at the two screen shots—and know that these are the whole thing. There’s no other content on the pages.

Can you spot the mistakes?

Here are a few I came up with in a very short visit to the site:

  • The cover looks like it was designed for a textbook around 1952.
  • For a consumer audience, the title needs to state a point of view and/or a problem/solution. Something like How Your Lymph System Could be Sabotaging Your Health—and How to Turn it From Enemy to Ally (note: I have not read the book and have no idea what the book advocates, other than this statement in the original note I saw:
    “For me the decision to write a book was prompted by two factors – first, that I had upended a conventional medical belief, and second, that part of the data I used to do that was not available to anyone, anywhere. Part of the source material which was unavailable came from an ancient text from the late 1700’s. If you could find the book to purchase, it would have cost 5,000 pounds. My obsession with the lymphatic system was coming from a completely different place than medical professionals – and I developed methods to manipulate the deeper lymphatic system externally, unlike others who do lymphatic drainage massage.” Lymphatic Anatomy: Ancient Art, New Directions tells the reader nothing.
  • There is no selling copy whatsoever. Nothing about who it’s for, why it’s important, how it will help the reader, what kind of research went into it, the authors’ credentials (other than the secondary author is an M.D.)…nada!
  • If the book is designed for ordinary consumers, the $125 pricetag is a nonstarter. If it’s aimed at medical professionals, the price is not a big issue but the nonstarter is the main author’s lack of credentialed expertise. And we don’t have any idea of what kind of role the secondary author, who is a doctor, brought to the project, or what that doctor’s relevant credentials are. We don’t even know anything about why Chinese medicine is germane.
  • No third-party credibility. No reviews, no testimonials, no case studies accompany the visual presentation of the book. It’s supposed to stand on its own and convince people to buy, on the “strengths” of the terrible cover, the high price point, and the lack of any reason to buy.

Whatever product or service you’re offering, don’t make these kinds of mistakes! Your marketing has to make sense, and so do your product and your pricing. You have to know who your audience is, how to reach them, and what messaging will resonate.

If you’re unsure, call in a professional. I have a few slots left for new clients. If your product is a book, I’m an experienced book shepherd and book marketer who can help you produce a quality product, keep you from making expensive mistakes, and help you find skilled, affordable vendors. If you run a green or social entrepreneurship business, you’ve found your expert in that realm as well. If you’re in a different industry, I may or may not have industry expertise but can certainly help you with the marketing. Eight of my ten books are on marketing, and only Grassroots Marketing for Authors and Publishers is industry-specific. Four of those books are specifically for green and social change companies/organizations.


Discover why Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, futurist Seth Godin, and many others recommend Shel’s 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World (and download a free sampler). Autographed and inscribed copies available.

Tomorrow (July 16) is the final day of Mari-Lyn Harris’s Kindness Matters virtual summit. I’m debuting a brand new talk, “Making Kindness Profitable,” at 5:35 p.m. EDT/2:35 p.m. PDT, with Q&A to follow. The whole conference looks terrific; if you open this today, you may want to check out the earlier sessions:

Insight-packed five-minute interview by Mitchell Levy

Back in March, I responded to a reporter query on corporate social responsibility (one of my fortes). I just received a note from the reporter that the story was published late last month, and I was very pleased with the way it came out. I talk about one of my favorite examples, a company that addresses poverty, the environment, and quality of life all at once, through solar LED lights. And I enjoyed reading the examples other experts provided, too:

Also quoted in some depth on whether socially conscious advertising is a good thing. Not surprisingly I argue that it is, and back up my claim with facts:

View highlights from (and listen to) more than 30 podcasts ranging from 5 minutes to a full hour. Click here to see descriptions and replay links.

Join 4x #1 International Bestselling author Teresa de Grosbois & Co-host Pam Bayne for a 2-hour live fully interactive clinic you’ll do exercises aligned with where you’re at in creating and writing your book. We’ll be live-polling the attendees to see where you’re at right now and what you need to get your #book #completed.


The 100% Solution: A Plan for Solving Climate Change

The 100% Solution: A Plan for Solving Climate Change, by Solomon Goldstein-Rose (Melville House, 2020)

At age 22, Solomon Goldstein-Rose served a term as the State Representative for a district that borders mine. He left the legislature to work full time on climate change, and he and I have had many climate discussions over the years. When I found out he’d released a book, I asked for a review copy.

The title would be more accurate if it said “Solutions”, not “Solution”; Goldstein-Rose’s whole point is that if we break up the causes of climate chaos into separate industries and sectors, multiple solutions can be woven together to create a carbon-neutral or even carbon-negative world: a meta-solution with many components woven together into a coherent approach, where no single approach could come anywhere near eliminating 100% of atmospheric carbon. He even gives percentage ranges that each can theoretically accomplish.

The well-researched book offers four questions to evaluate carbon remediation strategies (pp. 21-22):

  • Is it cost-competitive?
  • Can it scale up fast enough?
  • Does it rely on mandates to industry or on individual choices? Mandated behavior change will be a lot faster—but in MY opinion, encounter more hostility.
  • How much lifestyle change will it require? The more change, the lower the rate of adoption.

Also five pillars for addressing carbon globally (p. 4, explored in detail with a chapter for each, pp. 83-195):

  1. (Clean) electricity generation
  2. Electrification of processes now powered by carbon-intensive fossil fuels
  3. Synthesized fuels
  4. Non-energy shifts
  5. Carbon sequestration

Pillars 1 and 2 are all about getting our electricity generation as clean as possible, and then switching many energy-hogging activities to that clean electricity. Pillar 3 is about switching to carbon-free artificial substitutes for systems that really need concentrated, consistent energy (jet airplanes, for instance, p. 125). Pillar 4 covers the impact of industries like agriculture, logging, and cement. And Pillar 5 extracts carbon from the air and puts it, quite literally, “where the sun don’t shine”—usually deep underground.

In general, while I have concerns about the environmental and social impacts of several of his recommendations, I basically approve of his approach and am grateful for his meticulous number-crunching and numerous references (which would have been even better if the book had an index).

But there’s one “solution” he gives a lot of weight to that I am convinced is a serious mistake: He’s strongly in favor of nuclear power (pp. 96-105).

I’ve already made the arguments against nuclear power, many times. You can find a condensed version in the brief update I wrote for a new Japanese edition of my first book, Nuclear Lessons, following the Fukushima meltdown in 2011: 

There’s also one potential 6th pillar he dismisses that could make up for not using horrific, unsafe, toxic nuclear technology: He almost completely ignores conservation/efficiency, other than calling them a distraction (pp. 41-46) and only hinting at the significant positive contribution they make on pp. 200-201. There’s also a passing reference (p. 147) to eating less meat as a way of reducing carbon impact (which, as a vegetarian since 1973, I certainly endorse—but as just one conservation step among many).

The research on conservation and efficiency is clear. We’ve already cut our energy use drastically by switching from incandescent to LED lighting, insulating our buildings, etc. But that’s only the beginning. The US still uses well more than twice as much energy per capita as, say, Denmark or Britain—places that offer comparable or better quality of life by most metrics.

And by designing systemically and holistically, there are far more opportunities to conserve. For example, when the Empire State Building underwent a “deep-energy retrofit” several years ago, it achieved energy savings of over $4 million per year, with just a three-year payback. Multiply by billions of buildings, and we begin to see what’s possible. As Amory Lovins, founder of Rocky Mountain Institute (a major player in the Empire State Building project), notes (in this admittedly dense article), when we have different energy efficiency systems working together, we can gain exponential energy savings. And that translates to vastly lower carbon footprint. I discuss Lovins’ amazing work in much more accessible language in my latest book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, along with several other equally amazing “practical visionaries.”

Connect with Shel

Turn Your Sustainability/CSR Report Into Powerful Marketing!

About Shel


Speaker, author, and consultant Shel Horowitz of helps businesses find the sweet spot at the intersections of profitability with environmental and social good — creating and marketing profitable products and services that make a direct difference on problems like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change. His 10th book is Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World.


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The Clean and Green Club, December 2018

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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip, December 2018
WHAT DO YOU THINK? I’m experimenting with a shorter format this month, cutting the length of the two main articles way down. Please tell me your reactions by filling out this quick 3-minute survey .

All printed editions of my marketing books are on sale this month, and they make great holiday gifts at a bargain price). Scroll down for the details.

This Month’s Tip: Framing, Part 2: Stress the Ultimate Benefits—to Your Customer AND the Planet—in Your Copywriting
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Back in the 1980s, I discovered Jeffrey Lant’s series of marketing how-tos, began a correspondence, and interviewed him for my 1993 book Marketing Without Megabucks. I used that wisdom again in my fifth book, Grassroots Marketing, published in 2000.

One big copywriting nugget I got from Jeffrey was searching out the Ultimate Benefit: drilling down until you find the deep motivation. For instance, taking off 10 pounds or 5 kilos is not the true goal. People reduce wait to attract a new romantic partner or enjoy better health.

Even money is not an Ultimate Benefit. Money by itself is either a bunch of digital 1 and 0 marks in an electronic account or a pile of paper in your wallet. The Ultimate Benefit is what you achieve by using that money to buy something or give it away to someone/some organization. If you use that money to buy a car—or a yearly transit pass—you’re really buying the ability to go where you want to go. If you buy a new stove, you’re buying better meals and lower energy costs.

Lant’s analysis is based on selfish human desires. That’s crucial in marketing—but for most of you, so is altruism. I believe the urge to do good is just as powerful, and combining the selfish and altruistic is an unstoppable marketing combination.

My latest book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, explores this across several chapters. Here are a five examples, taken from a list of 13 in a section on marketing to “Lazy Greens”:

  • “The warmest and softest slippers you’ll ever own, thanks to our special blend of all-natural ?bers.”
  • “Enjoy fresh veggies from our organic greenhouse all winter. Need a scrumptious, juicy tomato for your dinner? Just pick one o? the vine.”
  • “Let oil prices triple! You’re protected, because you heat and cool directly from the earth.”
  • “You’ll never worry about waste disposal again. With our fully compostable packaging, you’re adding nutrients to the earth instead of paying to clog up your land?ll.”
  • “You and your kids will both make new friends in the organic community garden and certi?ed nontoxic natural playground.”

Send in your own favorite examples of marketing that hits both personal and social/environmental benefits. If I get good responses, I’ll feature them next issue.

New on the Blog
Holiday Specials on All My Printed Books
Give someone you love (and/or yourself) the gift of wisdom and profit doing the work you were born to do. Now through December 31, all paperback editions of my books are on sale—and you can get autographs or inscriptions at no extra charge. Why so low? My stepfather died and we had to make room in our attic for about 100 of his original oil paintings. So here’s a chance to make your holiday shopping easier, provide life-changing business help, AND reduce the strain on our very crowded attic.

Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, list price $24.95, this month’s price $19.95

Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green, original price $21.95, out-of-print regular price $12.95, this month’s price $7.95

Grassroots Marketing: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World, original price $22.95, out-of-print regular price $10.00, this month’s price $5.00

Grassroots Marketing for Authors and Publishers, list price $24.95, this month’s price $19.95

Terms: Autographs/inscriptions included on request. All prices in US dollars. Shipping is extra. Massachusetts residents will be charged sales tax.

To get this price, please visit and use the code, fivedollarprintbookdiscount

Hear & Meet Shel
View highlights from (and listen to) more than 30 podcasts ranging from 5 minutes to a full hour. Click here to see descriptions and replay links.  

Discover why Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, futurist Seth Godin, and many others recommend Shel’s 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World (and download a free sampler). Autographed and inscribed copies available.

Turn Your Sustainability/CSR Report Into Powerful Marketing!

Instead of a Book Review, Here’s a Half-Hour Video I Strongly Recommend 
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As it happens, last week I mentioned to my friend Rita Joyan (a marketing and speaking consultant in Australia who had me on as a podcast guest a few years ago) a frustration I’ve had recently in my own marketing. She sent me a link to a remarkable Facebook Live she did. In half an hour, clearly and concisely, she does an excellent recap on core marketing principles. To have it all in one place, without having to wade through hundreds of pages in multiple books, is a huge favor to the marketing world. Go and watch it. She’s not selling anything and I don’t get commissions for recommending it. Do yourself a good turn and listen without distractions. I generally multitask when I’m listening to a marketing video but I listened pretty carefully to this one.

Accurate Writing & More
14 Barstow Lane
Hadley, MA 01035 USA
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About Shel 

How can you profit by putting the VALUE in your VALUES? Shel Horowitz shows how to MONETIZE your organization’s commitment to fixing problems like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change. Shel consults individually and in groups, gives presentations, and writes books and articles including Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World (endorsed by Jack Canfield, Seth Godin and others).
Links in this newsletter may earn commissions. Please click here for our privacy and endorsement policy.

The Clean and Green Club, December 2017


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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip, December 2017
Bruce Springsteen, Lady Gaga, Willie Nelson, Rage Against the Machine, and You

In October, I attended a concert by The Nields, who always put on a great show (they are local to me and I’ve heard them many times). Near the end of the show, they sang “Tyrants Always Fall,” a song that so blew me away that I went up to Nerissa Nields (the song’s author) after the show and told her it needed to get in front of someone who could bring it to audiences numbering into the seven or eight digits. Someone like the people I named in the headline. She answered that finding such a person “is your job.”

I take that seriously. So…if you know anyone with that kind of star power—or if you know someone who does—can you help me by getting the song in front of him or her? Listen to it at (and #westernma folks, you’ll recognize downtown Northampton).

Is Anyone REALLY Reading Your Sustainability or CSR Report?

Repurpose that expensive content, without using any staff time. I will extract the key items and turn them into marketing points that you can use immediately:

The Perfect Gift for the Socially/Environmentally Aware Business Person in Your Life (maybe that’s you)

The old ways of doing business—polluting without a care, externalizing the social costs of your company onto taxpayers or workers or neighbors, not worrying about how much energy or other resources you waste—don‘t work anymore. Did you really want to sink all your spare time and money into combatting lawsuits or bad press? I didn’t think so.

The good news: better ways are available AND profitable. The award-winning book Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, which I co-authored with the legendary Jay Conrad Levinson (known as the “Father of Guerrilla Marketing”), is the road map to profit without compromising principles—for you, or for anyone you know who runs a business or nonprofit.

Special Holiday Offer: Order at by Wednesday, December 20 (just five days from now) and we’ll pick up the cost of Priority Mail shipping within the US, plus I will personally autograph it to your loved one(s) and get it into the mail within one business day. How cool is that? Use the code, HolidayShipping

Written in the clear, accessible style you’ve come to love as a newsletter subscriber, it’s endorsed by Chicken Soup for the Soul co-creator Jack Canfield, visionary blogger Seth Godin, Jacquelyn Ottman of, Joel Makower (founder of, social media rock stars Chris Brogan and Brian Solis, Alicia Bay Laurel (author of the 1970s classic Living on the Earth), and many others. It also has four guest essays, by Cynthia Kersey (Unstoppable/Unstoppable Women), Frances Moore Lappé (about a dozen books on food and democracy including Diet for a Small Planet), Yanik Silver (Evolved Enterprise) and Ken McArthur (The Impact Factor). And it was even named a Top Content Marketing Book of the Year!

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This Month’s Tip: Practical Visionaries, Part 1: Biological Marketing

Practical Visionaries, Part 1: Biological Marketing (an excerpt from my 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World)

I’ll share with you every other month through June want to share with you some of the amazing people—I call them “practical visionaries—profiled in my award-winning 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World. These folks are doing incredibly exciting work in bringing about a regenerative, thriving world. By the time this series is over, I can safely guarantee that you’ll be glad you’ve “met” a few of them. After each excerpt, you’ll find a brief comment from me, adding more context since you haven’t read the whole book yet.

John Kremer, author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Books and one of the foremost authorities on book marketing in the US, says marketing is making friends and creating a “word-of-mouth army” that will sing your praises.

Kremer suggests turning your customer into a participant, letting that customer become emotionally attached. So, for example, let your customers vote among different packaging alternatives or product names. Or package the same information in a free report with several different titles. A clear reader preference helps you pick the right name.

He’s developed a new paradigm called biological marketing, and with his permission, we’ll share it with you:

Farmers have incredible ROI [return on investment]. They plant one seed of corn and get back 900. Nature does not follow physics. Instead of an equal and opposite reaction, there’s an incredible multifold giving back. It follows biological laws, and when you give and share, it comes back to you in abundance. Physics says that the ultimate end of the universe is entropy. Biology says the opposite, that everything multiplies and becomes incredibly rich and diverse. That’s the law of life. Physics is the law of non-life. And it’s the laws of life that determine marketing.

When you understand that, you know it’s OK to give. The authors [or business owners] who are generous with their time get it back, they build legions of fans. That kind of relationship makes marketing fun and successful. You cannot replace it with mechanical rules, but once you learn it and take it to heart, that becomes the basis for success in anything you do. If you treat people right, it comes back over and over again. If you build a network of relationships, it’s only three degrees of separation [versus the classic six to reach anyone in the world]. Another part of the law of nature is that you have to break out of your shell, just as birds and reptiles do. You can do it one person to one person. [End of excerpt]

I absolutely love this concept of nonlinear, exponential success based on biological principles. How can you apply this in your own business?
New on the Blog
Hear & Meet Shel

Interview with Brian Basilico on the Building Authentic Connections Online Networking podcast. Interestingly enough, Brian did not have the link to my media center ahead of time, so this was a freewheeling, off-the-cuff interview with neither of us knowing ahead where the conversation would flow. We managed to cover quite a bit of ground:

  • My journey from file clerk and park ranger to running a business that changes the world
  • The life-changing shock at age 12 that committed me to activism
  • A definition of cause marketing—and why it isn’t enough
  • Three ordinary people—a seamstress, a shipyard electrician, and a writer: two of them changed the world and the third is working on it
  • The big problems with the terms “global warming” and “sustainability”
  • How to find out if YOU’RE ready to start a profitable social entrepreneurship product
Interview on Blue Collar Proud with Taylor Hill and Carter Harkins (segment starts at 24:23)
  • How small-scale businesses in the trades can lower costs and boost revenues doing things to help the world
  • What if the climate change deniers are right—and what if they’re not?
  • The impact of going green on healthcare
  • Why making big, sweeping improvements in sustainability can be much more cost-effective than tiny changes
  • How switching to greener lighting can save certain types of businesses millions of dollars 
  • Does green make a real difference in customer loyalty?
  • The shocking fact that could end hunger in the US
Friends Who Want to Help

A note from my business coach, who has helped me enormously as I’ve shifted the direction of my own business: December is one of the best times to plan for 2018. You can begin the New Year with new ideas, clear goals and a plan. Offering a Complimentary Holiday Coaching Session to assist you to begin the New Year in a way which helps you achieve your goals successfully. Call Oshana Himot, MBA, at 602-463-6797 or email

Getting your book into the hands of those who love it forever can be daunting.
Before shifting into holiday mode, see what my longtime friend and colleague, Paulette Ensign, created. She simplifies the process, based on her successful approach of less bringing more of what we want.

You’ll want to take action now.

Looking for a Job? I’ve Just Added a Job-Finding Widget
If you’re looking for a job in marketing, visit the home page of If you’re looking for a job in some other field, try the widget on the home page of

Order your copy of Shel’s newest book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World

Learn how the business world can profit while solving hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change (hint: they’re all based in resource conflicts). Endorsed by Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, business blogger and bestselling author Seth Godin, and many others. Find out more and order from several major booksellers (or get autographed and inscribed copies directly from me).
Download a free sampler with several excerpts, the complete Table of Contents and Index, and all the endorsements.
Another Recommended BookBlue Collar Proud
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Blue Collar Proud: 10 Principles for Building a Kickass Business You Love by Taylor K. Hill and Carter Harkins

I didn’t plan to review this book when I picked it up. Frankly, I grabbed it because the authors do a podcast and I wanted to be interviewed. I was expecting a book about how great it is to run a blue collar business and isn’t it a shame that those types of businesses “don’t get no respect.”

And yes, there’s some of that, especially at the beginning. But this book is actually a stealth-weapon to shape those types of firms toward much more holistic business practices: creating a culture of pride, integrity, workmanship, and “operational excellence” (which gets all of Chapter 9)—by establishing a workplace that values its employees (even more than it values its customers) and treats them as partners in helping customers. The authors even point out that “the customer is always right” can translate, dangerously, into throwing employees under the bus (p. 66).

The book emphasizes many points that I’ve been teaching in my speaking and writing for years:

  • Establish and stick to your core values; this frees up the business owner because the ship will run itself much more smoothly and you’re not always putting out fires (pp. 38-39)
  • Find ways to increase customers’ perception of your value (pp. 71-72)—upsell not to meet sales goals or push a product but because your next offer anticipates and meets your customers’ needs (pp. 93-94)
  • Treat every interaction point, every part of the customer’s experience, as part of your marketing, and every employee as a member of your marketing team (pp. 92-93)—thus, superior service is your best marketing method—and failure to provide good service will get you trashed on the Internet anyway, so you may as well do it right (p. 91)
  • Environmental awareness can become a selling point that not only distinguishes you from all the commoditizers but adds tolerance for more profitable pricing (of course, I go way beyond this in my own latest book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World—which talks about building a business with profitable approaches to solving things like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change)
  • Say no to the wrong customers—it’s better not to take them on than to wreck your business accommodating people who don’t share your values and won’t treat you fairly (p. 70)
The final chapter, “Will You Commit to Change,” offers this wonderful statement: “Things happen to victims, but leaders happen to things. Leaders embrace change because they see that it brings opportunity…Those who play the victim, on the other hand, spend their time fighting that reality right into stagnancy and irrelevance. The choice is yours. It takes just as much time and effort to build a business you can be proud of as I does to build one you aren’t proud of.” (pp. 96-97)
Recent Interviews & Guest Articles: 

Shel’s done 27 podcasts recently, ranging from 5 minutes to a full hour. Click here to see descriptions and replay links.
Accurate Writing & More
14 Barstow Lane
Hadley, MA 01035 USA
Connect with Shel



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About Shel & This Newsletter

As a green and social change business profitability/marketing consultant and copywriter…award-winning author of ten books…international speaker and trainer, blogger, syndicated columnist – Shel Horowitz shows how green, ethical, and socially conscious businesses can actually be *more* profitable than your less-green, less-socially-aware competitors. His award-winning 8th book Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green: Winning Strategies to Improve Your Profits and Your Planet was a category bestseller for at least 34 months (and is now available exclusively through Shel), his newest book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, has already won two awards and is endorsed by Jack Canfield and Seth Godin. Shel also helps authors/ publishers, small businesses, and organizations to market effectively, and turns unpublished writers into well-published authors.

Shel Horowitz’s consulting firm, Going Beyond Sustainability, is the first business ever to earn Green America’s rigorous Gold Certification as a leading green company. He’s an International Platform Association Certified Speaker and was inducted into the National Environmental Hall of Fame in 2011.
He began publishing his monthly newsletter all the way back in 1997, making it one of the oldest marketing e-zines (it’s changed names a few times along the way).
“As always, some of the links in this newsletter earn commissions—because I believe in the products and services enough to promote them (I get asked to endorse lots of other programs I don’t share with you, because I don’t find them worthy).”
Privacy Policy: We Respect Your Privacy

We collect your information solely to let our mailing service send you the information you request. We do not share it with any outside party not involved in mailing our information to you. Of course, you may unsubscribe at any time—but we hope you’ll stick around to keep up with cool developments at the intersections of sustainability, social transformation, and keeping the planet in balance. Each issue of Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Newsletter has a how-to or thought-leadership article and a review of a recommended book. We’ve been doing an e-newsletter all the way back to 1997, and some of our readers have been with us the whole time.

The Clean and Green Club, November 2017

Having trouble reading this as e-mail? Please visit to read it comfortably online.
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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip, November 2017
Bruce Springsteen, Lady Gaga, Willie Nelson, Rage Against the Machine, and You

Last month, I attended a concert by The Nields, who always put on a great show (they are local to me and I’ve heard them many times). Near the end of the show, they sang “Tyrants Always Fall,” a song that so blew me away that I went up to Nerissa Nields (the song’s author) after the show and told her it needed to get in front of someone who could bring it to audiences numbering into the seven or eight digits. Someone like the people I named in the headline. She answered that finding such a person “is your job.”

I take that seriously. So…if you know anyone with that kind of star power—or if you know someone who does—can you help me by getting the song in front of him or her? Listen to it at (and #westernma folks, you’ll recognize downtown Northampton).

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Is Anyone REALLY Reading Your Sustainability or CSR Report?
Repurpose that expensive content, without using any staff time. I will extract the key items and turn them into marketing points that you can use immediately:

Shel Horowitz is inducted into the National Environmental Hall of Fame by Judith Eiseman near his home on Barstow’s Longview Farm in Hadley, MA, December 2013

This Month’s Tip: How to Get the Most Marketing Oomph out of Receiving an Award
Last month, I told you how to select the right awards to enter—the ones where your chances are higher than average.

Let’s say you were successful, and you got that certificate or trophy. This is major “social proof” for you—third-party validation. Milk it for everything you can:
  • Send a press release announcing the award—but don’t just say you won an award. Use this as a chance to get your core message in front of the media. (See the example just below this article that I wote for a client) 
  • Put it prominently on your website
  • Add it to your email signature
  • Mention it several times on social media—not too often, and using an excited/humble rather than entitled tone, e.g., a Tweet like “Deeply thrilled to be named “Most Environmental Business in Pisqua. Thank you so much, @PisquaChamber” [this is a fake Twitter address] (I’d say no more than once every 20 posts or every three days, whichever is less)
  • Display conspicuously in retail locations and tradeshow displays
  • Mention it in radio, TV, and podcast interviews
  • Blog about it, including some of the backstory—make it interesting
  • Use that blog article again in your internal and external newsletters, reports to stakeholders (stockholders, employees, investors, vendors, government officials, etc.)
  • Feature the award in an e-blast
  • If the award is relevant, put it in your CSR or Sustainability Report, as well as in your public Annual Report
  • List it on business cards, brochures, sell sheets, and other printed materials
  • If your company has a Wikipedia page, make sure it’s included
  • Work the award into any review sites that cover you, such as Yelp, Trip Advisor, Amazon, etc.
  • To quote the king of Siam, “Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera”
For Release: On Receipt
Contact: Sheila Ruth: [phone number], info at 
Why Does This Unknown Author Keep Winning All These Awards?
BALTIMORE, MD: Coming out of nowhere last year as a debut author with an unknown press, Nick Ruth has now won an astounding eight honors for his first two books in the Remin Chronicles series, The Dark Dreamweaver and The Breezes of Inspire
The latest honor: both titles have just won the Parent to Parent Adding Wisdom Award. In the fiercely competitive world of children’s products, Ruth, a government employee and homeschooling dad, is particularly proud that three different parenting organizations have recognized the books’ quality and appeal. 
The Dark Dreamweaver
  • One of only two chapter books to win the coveted Mom’s Choice Award in fall 2005
  • Chosen by iParenting Media as one of the “Greatest Products of 2005”
  • A Finalist for the prestigious Benjamin Franklin Award.
  •  Named an American Booksellers Association Book Sense Children’s Pick
  • Parent to Parent Adding Wisdom Award
The Breezes of Inspire
  • Named an American Booksellers Association Book Sense Children’s Pick
  • Parent to Parent Adding Wisdom Award
  • ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Finalist (winner to be announced in May)
The Remin Chronicles is a fantasy-adventure series in the tradition of the Wizard of Oz and The Chronicles of Narnia. The books are imaginative stories of magic, friendship, and adventure—with a bit of environmental science blended in. In The Dark Dreamweaver, ISBN 0974560316, David, a boy from our own world, visits Remin, the world of dreams…does battle with the evil sorcerer Thane…and is aided by an imprisoned wizard battling the dream thief and living repeatedly through the lifecycle of a monarch butterfly. David and several cousins return to Remin in The Breezes of Inspire, ISBN 0974560332, but quickly get transported to the equally threatened world of Inspire. Both were published in hardback by Imaginator Press and are available at or through Greenleaf Book Group, Ingram, and Baker & Taylor. 
Journalists: Ruth and his illustrator Sue Concannon are available for interviews and the books are available for review. 
New on the Blog
Hear & Meet Shel

I recorded a brand new keynote, “Terrific Trends for Enlightened Capitalists,” for the Enlightened Capitalist Virtual Summit November 28-30, and it came out great. I’ll be on the line for live Q&A following the broadcast on November 30. Listen to all the sessions; they promise to be excellent. I’m especially looking forward to hearing Jeff Golfman, Donna Lendzyk, and Ravinol Chambers.
Friends Who Want to Help

Want to build a successful content brand? My friend Marc Guberti released his latest book Content Marketing Secrets which is available at a steep discount for a limited time. The book will teach you how to create, promote, and optimize your content for growth and revenue.
Looking for a Job? I’ve Just Added a Job-Finding Widget
If you’re looking for a job in marketing, visit the home page of If you’re looking for a job in some other field, try the widget on the home page of

Order your copy of Shel’s newest book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World

Learn how the business world can profit while solving hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change (hint: they’re all based in resource conflicts). Endorsed by Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, business blogger and bestselling author Seth Godin, and many others. Find out more and order from several major booksellers (or get autographed and inscribed copies directly from me).
Download a free sampler with several excerpts, the complete Table of Contents and Index, and all the endorsements.
Another Recommended BookWe Rise
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We Rise: The Earth Guardians’ Guide to Building a Movement that Restores the Planet by Xiuhtezcatl Martinez

Martinez has been an activist for 11 years—and he’s not even old enough to vote. Only 17, he became aware of the earth’s current distress at age six and has been organizing ever since. Not just organizing. Performing original rap music and traditional dance, speaking at major conferences and even becoming only the second non-diplomat, non-politician to address the UN General Assembly, being featured in a film on youth activism, receiving an award from President Obama, standing up as one of 21 youth activists who are suing the US government to enforce climate change, and now, releasing his first book (with a major publisher, too—health and organic gardening leader Rodale). He was at the 20th Anniversary Rio Conference, organized a youth presence at COP21 (where the Paris Climate Accord was hammered out), and performed for the Water Protectors at Standing Rock.

I was a child activist too, starting—not counting an action against smoking I took in my own home at age 3—at age 12 when I went to my first demonstration, opposing the Vietnam war. And I, too, have been an activist ever since. Now, as I turn 61 next month, I’m seen as an elder—but I’ve got a few decades before I catch up with some of my activist friends in their 90s and 100s, such as Arky Markham.

But I was 16 before I turned vegetarian, 17 when I started speaking on the issues of our time, 20 before I participated in an action that definitely made a difference in the world (the Seabrook occupation of 1977), and 23 when my first book (on why nuclear power is a terrible idea) was published. So I’m in awe of this kid. We can think of him as a Malala Yousafzai for the United States. By the time he’s my age, he could have credits like toppling the whole fossil-fuel power structure or maybe managing a successful campaign to create a world unity government. I don’t know the specifics, but I do know he’s destined for greatness.

Martinez comes naturally to a holistic, intersectional approach that sees the relationships among multiple issues. Whether it’s getting big money out of politics, raising climate awareness among youth, or supporting the intersectionality of opposing different “isms,” he’s on the job. Raised in Boulder, Colorado by indigenous activists (his parents founded Earth Guardians, where he works as Youth Director), Martinez is strongly rooted in his own Mexica/Aztec tradition and very knowledgeable about the traditions of many other indigenous cultures, around North America and the rest of the world. This culture, where every living thing is sacred, informs his activism and his lifelong vegetarianism. It also provides a solid frame of earth guardianship and water protection from which he reaches out on a host of other issues.

That ability to see others’ oppression no matter what shape it has taken leads to deep wisdom: “Rather than pointing fingers, let’s work with people to help make better food choices” like eating less meat rather than instantly going cold turkey to vegetarianism (p. 135, pun intentional). That philosophy extends beyond food, to other areas where we can build connection, change our habits, and come together stronger.

And shifting our internal compasses to accept victory is part of that. He quotes activist Mika Maiava of Samoa: “You need to win from within, so that even if people look at you like you’re losing, you’re not losing because you’ve already won in your heart.” (p. 71)

At the same time, in a world where 200 species go extinct every day (p. 85), he demands immediate progress on climate change. And he’s doing what he can to create an empowered intergenerational movement to get us off fossil fuels into renewables, to create a humane and nutritious and just food system, and to secure the rights of every ethnic and cultural group on the planet. He’s doing his part to build a coherent, focused movement that can actually generate this needed shift, using every nonviolent tactic from lobbying through nonviolent direct action. Direct activism, he reminds us, “doesn’t wait for permission from leaders to act.” (p. 102)

He’s also very media-savvy. He understands the power of Standing Rock pipeline opponents self-identifying not as protestors but as water protectors—“defined by what we love and seek to defend” (p. 180). And writing in the earliest days of the Trump administration, he recognizes how the 2016 US election changed things for climate activists.

The book is well-researched, with plenty of facts and figures to back up his assertions. Even I didn’t know that not only does the fossil fuel industry receive $548 billion a year in direct subsidies, but also leaves us holding the bag for $5.3 trillion in externalized costs, for example (p. 144). On the positive side, he cites a study of college and university campuses investing in “green revolving funds” to finance the campuses’ own energy improvements; they show an astonishing 32 percent return (p. 219). The advance copy I have was in need of another round of proofreading, but hopefully that was fixed in the final printing.

Martinez is also using the book to spread messages from many leaders in the fight for global and local climate justice; the book includes his interviews with such luminaries as India’s environmental economist Vandana Shiva, Paul Watson of the environmentalist direct action group Sea Shepherds, climate activism pioneer Bill McKibben (founder of, actor/activist Mark Ruffalo, Bernie Sanders’ campaign liaison to Millennials, Moumita Ahmed, and several others including his own grandfather.

It gives me lots of hope to find a book this comprehensive and also (in places) really fun to read, written by a teenager. People like Martinez are our future, our bright hope. His book is well worth your time.

Recent Interviews & Guest Articles: 

Shel’s done 25 podcasts recently, ranging from 5 minutes to a full hour. Click here to see descriptions and replay links.
Accurate Writing & More
14 Barstow Lane
Hadley, MA 01035 USA
Connect with Shel



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About Shel & This Newsletter

As a green and social change business profitability/marketing consultant and copywriter…award-winning author of ten books…international speaker and trainer, blogger, syndicated columnist – Shel Horowitz shows how green, ethical, and socially conscious businesses can actually be *more* profitable than your less-green, less-socially-aware competitors. His award-winning 8th book Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green: Winning Strategies to Improve Your Profits and Your Planet was a category bestseller for at least 34 months (and is now available exclusively through Shel), his newest book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, has already won two awards and is endorsed by Jack Canfield and Seth Godin. Shel also helps authors/ publishers, small businesses, and organizations to market effectively, and turns unpublished writers into well-published authors.

Shel Horowitz’s consulting firm, Going Beyond Sustainability, is the first business ever to earn Green America’s rigorous Gold Certification as a leading green company. He’s an International Platform Association Certified Speaker and was inducted into the National Environmental Hall of Fame in 2011.He began publishing his monthly newsletter all the way back in 1997, making it one of the oldest marketing e-zines (it’s changed names a few times along the way).
“As always, some of the links in this newsletter earn commissions—because I believe in the products and services enough to promote them (I get asked to endorse lots of other programs I don’t share with you, because I don’t find them worthy).”
Privacy Policy: We Respect Your Privacy

We collect your information solely to let our mailing service send you the information you request. We do not share it with any outside party not involved in mailing our information to you. Of course, you may unsubscribe at any time—but we hope you’ll stick around to keep up with cool developments at the intersections of sustainability, social transformation, and keeping the planet in balance. Each issue of Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Newsletter has a how-to or thought-leadership article and a review of a recommended book. We’ve been doing an e-newsletter all the way back to 1997, and some of our readers have been with us the whole time.

The Clean and Green Club, March 2017

Having trouble reading this as e-mail? Please visit to read it comfortably online.
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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip, March 2017
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Listen to the Best Interview I’ve Ever Done
Kymm Nelsen of the Conscious Leadership Podcast managed to pull more from me than anyone else has ever done. In 51 minutes, we covered so much that I list 17 separate points on my interviews page —and that was not a complete list. It’s one of three shows I’ve added to that page. Visit the page to scan the list and note what to listen for—and of course to click over and read it.

And watch this space for links to interviews by Internet marketer Willie Crawford, PR queen Annie Jennings’ Elite Wire, Lisa Faulkner of Game Changers, Ali Salman of Escape the 9 to 5 Grind, and Karina Cooke of the Business Code Podcast.

This Month’s Tip: How to Tell Good Advice from Bad Advice

My grandfather used to read all seven of NYC’s daily newspapers (most of which have since gone out of business) in order to triangulate a picture of what was *really* going on.

  • Listen to multiple sources. If you hear the same thing over and over from sources with divergent viewpoints, there’s probably merit in it—but do some due diligence and verify (at least take a quick trip to
  • Do your own research. Read some books and articles but recognize that the situation may not be comparable.
  • Post specific questions *with as much detail as you can* on discussion lists–but recognize that the advice you get will be a mix of useful and useless. Study the groups before posting questions so you get a sense of whose answers are worthwhile. The more carefully and completely you phrase your question, the better your answers. And learn how to parse it.
  • Listen to your gut. You can even develop the skill of asking your subconscious directly and listening to the answer (which may emerge as a movement of the body).
  • Don’t be afraid to go out of the box, if it seems to be the right move–even if others are telling you it’s too risky. But make sure it really is the right move.

Finally, be prepared when good advice takes you in a different direction, and understand when that makes sense. I’ll tell you a success and a failure.

Back in 2003 as I was preparing my sixth book for publication (my 10th, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, came out in April), I asked a discussion list about subtitles that would go well with my main title, Win-Win Marketing. This was a list where I’d been active for quite a few years, and I had a pretty good sense of the “players.” I heard very strongly from some of the most respected people on the list that my main title was a problem (for reasons I still don’t really relate to)—that the phrase “win-win” had enormous negative baggage for some people.

It took two months of brainstorming to come up with a title: Principled Profit: Marketing that Puts People First. Oddly enough, knowing none of this history, the Mexican publisher (which had originally called it Marketing Based in the People) changed the title on their second print run to Marketing Based in Win-Win (Mercadotechnia basada en ganar-ganar).

Fast-forward to last fall. Someone I’ve known for many years and respect enormously got very excited about the way I am combining a Board of Advisors, Mastermind group and online discussion into a single entity for my new “Transformpreneurial Brain Trust.” She gave me a long and well-thought-out brainstorm about how to commission brand new software that would do everything I wanted. The only problem was that she lost sight of my wider goal, which is to work with the business community on profitable ways to turn hunger and poverty into sufficiency, war into peace, and catastrophic climate change into planetary balance. I realized instantly that this would distract me from my real work and cost me much time and many thousands of dollars. Even though the advice came from a trusted source, it was bad advice for me at that moment. I chose to run with an off-the-shelf platform and to stay focused on my real mission.

New on the Blog

Hear and Meet Shel
Ethical Corporation’s Responsible Business Summit, NYC, March 27-28. I will be moderating a keynote/fireside chat by Franz Paasche of Paypal and a panel with execs from Pirelli, Actiam, and Coca-Cola, both on Monday. I’ll also be attending Tuesday, without any moderation duties. I believe you can still save $200 with the code MP200, when you register at

How Social Entrepreneurs Can Thrive in the New Political Climate: webinar put on by Green America (my fourth for them), Thursday, April 29, 1 pm ET/10 am PT.

I missed Book Expo America last year after attending every one since 1997. But it’s back in NYC and my daughter is NOT getting married the following week (as she did in 2016), so I expect to be attending (May 30-June 2). If there’s interest, perhaps we can organize a gathering.

Note: I still have openings on my calendar for live or virtual events around Earth Day (a week on either side of April 22). Drop me a line or call 413-586-2388 if you have a need (or want to earn a commission by finding me a paying gig).

Order your copy of Shel’s newest book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World

Learn how the business world can profit while solving hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change (hint: they’re all based in resource conflicts). Endorsed by Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, business blogger and bestselling author Seth Godin, and many others. Find out more and order from several major booksellers (or get autographed and inscribed copies directly from me).
Download a free sampler with several excerpts, the complete Table of Contents and Index, and all the endorsements.
Another Recommended BookA Wrinkle in Time
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A Wrinkle In Time by Madeline L’Engle

When I usually review books about sustainable business, customer skills, marketing and the like, why am I recommending a classic children’s fantasy novel from the 1950s?

Here are some of the reasons:

  1. This book has amazingly useful things to say about resistance to totalitarianism, nonconformity, the role of science, and defying expectations—all of which seem particularly relevant on the world stage right now.
  2. It’s a fun read that might take you only an hour or two, involving a 12-year-old girl and her companions on a classic Joseph Campbell-style Hero’s Journey to rescue her father and save the universe, visiting several planets along the way.
  3. The discussion of tesseracts—folding space in on itself to shorten interstellar travel from millennia to minutes—should spark some excellent creative thinking on themes like: 1) nothing is impossible, 2) we can solve the biggest problems we can imagine; 3) collaboration makes all the difference.
  4. I discovered Wrinkle at age 9 and credit it with helping me survive a very difficult time in the first half of my second decade. I gained enormous strength from it and have read it at least a dozen times.
  5. You might know a kid—or a grownup—who really needs this message right now.
  6. Last but not least, I read a whole business book this month that I decided wasn’t appropriate for the review column and the next one I started is large and I’m nowhere near done with it.
  7. I think it might be fun to mix in an appropriate novel every once in a while. The column has only covered nonfiction since I started it in 2003, but so many novels have changed the world. Arts, including literature, have an important role to play in creating our ideal world, and I should honor that once in a while.

I welcome your feedback on this. Oh, and if my review intrigues you, I interviewed Madeline L’Engle for two hours, back in the early 1990s, on the difference between truth and fact (she has since passed on).

Recent Interviews & Guest Articles: 

Shel’s done 19 podcasts recently, ranging from 5 minutes to a full hour. Click here to see descriptions and replay links.
Connect with Shel



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About Shel & This Newsletter

As a green and social change business profitability/marketing consultant and copywriter…award-winning author of ten books…international speaker and trainer, blogger, syndicated columnist – Shel Horowitz shows how green, ethical, and socially conscious businesses can actually be *more* profitable than your less-green, less-socially-aware competitors. His award-winning 8th book Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green: Winning Strategies to Improve Your Profits and Your Planet was a category bestseller for at least 34 months (and is now available exclusively through Shel), his newest book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, has already won two awards and is endorsed by Jack Canfield and Seth Godin. Shel also helps authors/ publishers, small businesses, and organizations to market effectively, and turns unpublished writers into well-published authors.

Shel Horowitz’s consulting firm, Going Beyond Sustainability, is the first business ever to earn Green America’s rigorous Gold Certification as a leading green company. He’s an International Platform Association Certified Speaker and was inducted into the National Environmental Hall of Fame in 2011.
He began publishing his monthly newsletter all the way back in 1997, making it one of the oldest marketing e-zines (it’s changed names a few times along the way).
“As always, some of the links in this newsletter earn commissions—because I believe in the products and services enough to promote them (I get asked to endorse lots of other programs I don’t share with you, because I don’t find them worthy).”
Privacy Policy: We Respect Your Privacy

We collect your information solely to let our mailing service send you the information you request. We do not share it with any outside party not involved in mailing our information to you. Of course, you may unsubscribe at any time—but we hope you’ll stick around to keep up with cool developments at the intersections of sustainability, social transformation, and keeping the planet in balance. Each issue of Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Newsletter has a how-to or thought-leadership article and a review of a recommended book. We’ve been doing an e-newsletter all the way back to 1997, and some of our readers have been with us the whole time.

The Clean and Green Club, April 2016

Having trouble reading this as e-mail? Please visit to read it comfortably online.
Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip, April 2016
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Want to say thank you to me for all my hard work bringing you this newsletter since 1997? 

One way would be to order your copy of Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World by April 18 from Amazon–all sales before the pub date count in figuring out best-seller status, and I’m close to being a category best-seller. Would love to have your help in getting there. The book comes with cool bonuses, too: see . Scroll down and you’ll see a green-tinted box (or plain text if you have HTML turned off) with the order link.

If you would like to do a very small and easy thing to help, consider donating a single automated Tweet and/or Facebook post, pre-written for you. It takes 30 seconds to sign up at — just click one or more of those big red buttons.
This Month’s Tip: My Selfish Motivation for a Lifetime of Activism
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You know by now that I’m not only a marketer but a committed activist, working more than 40 years to create a better world. Now, here’s the part you might not know: I put those thousands of hours in, gave all those speeches, wrote all those books, started several movements and organizations—because I’m selfish.

But what differentiates me from, say, Donald Trump or the Koch Brothers (besides their obvious vast wealth and ultraconservative politics) is this:

—>I define making the world better as in my self-interest. I work to make the world better, so I (and my kids, their as-yet-unborn kids, my friends, and those who are suffering currently) can have a better world. That helps me and the people I care about.

It’s looked pretty much like this, going back to age 12 when I really got going with making the world better:

1969-75: peace in Vietnam. Because I didn’t want to go to war when I turned 18. I actually started mentally working on my Conscientious Objector essay when I was about 12. 

1970-present: environment, at least to a limited degree (I helped defeat my first nuclear plant in 1971, before I really knew very much). I thought clean air and clean water were not just nice-to-haves, but have-tos. How to bring them about if not by working for a cleaner environment?

1971-73: high school student rights/multiculturalism at my high school, and oddly enough, a side exploration in the Libertarian Party. Because my rights were at risk. I wanted freedom to dissent as a student, and freedom from draconian laws about things that were really no business of the government.

1973-85: LGB activism (we didn’t know more than a couple of Ts back then). The B part is about me.

1974-81: Safe energy/no nuclear power/no nuclear weapons. Because keeping the world from cataclysm is a part of those environmental have-tos.

1983-98: A lot of community board service on affordable housing, reinventing democracy, a free-form dance collective (the arts have always been part of my social change work), disability rights, and even a board advising the local District Attorney on civil rights issues from various minority perspectives. Worked with my city councilor to create the first nonsmokers’ rights regulations in our area. Also was involved in several mayor and city council races, including three where I ran as a council candidate, one where I managed a successful insurgent campaign (we won by seven votes), and a mayoral race where I wrote all the press releases. Because I wanted a better city and county to live in, and I saw the City Council as constituted in the early 1980s as a very repressive institution that did not represent the wave of new immigrants to town such as myself.

1999-2000: Founded and played key organizing/leadership roles in a group that saved a local mountain in just 13 months (I thought it would take 5 years). And it means that every time I drive by that site (just a mile from my house), I DON’T have to look at ugly houses going all the way up to the ridge line, or sit in traffic as they exit onto the main road.

2002-present: Reinventing the business world as an ethical, environmentally conscious partner in transformational social change
the last two years of it focused on turning hunger and poverty into sufficiency, war into peace, and catastrophic climate change into planetary balance. Because, thinking holistically, making business a partner in bettering the world betters conditions for the people and other critters that live here—and that includes me. And also because business has the resources, technology, and yes, motivation to do this work, where activists are often lacking some of those pieces.

So there you have my true confession: I make the world better, so I can live in a better world. And isn’t that as good a motivation as any?

What’s YOUR motivation to change the world?

Preorder your copy of Shel’s newest book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World

Learn how the business world can profit while solving hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change (hint: they’re all based in resource conflicts). Endorsed by Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, business blogger and bestselling author Seth Godin, and many others. Release date is April 19, just in time for Earth Day, and you can now preorder from several major booksellers (or get autographed and inscribed copies from me). Learn all about this powerful book at
Shel Interviews Thought Leaders
Michael Shuman, author of The Local Economy Solution, is the first person I’ve interviewed for a new series with thought leaders in enviro-friendly and/or transformational business. Michael talks about why most conventional economic development makes no sense and what to do instead.
Hear and Meet Shel
Connect with Shel

Find on Facebook

About Shel & This Newsletter

As a green and social change business profitability/marketing consultant and copywriteraward-winning author of ten booksinternational speaker and trainer, blogger, syndicated columnist – Shel Horowitz shows how green, ethical, and socially conscious businesses can actually be *more* profitable than your less-green, less-socially-aware competitors. His award-winning 8th book Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green: Winning Strategies to Improve Your Profits and Your Planet was a category bestseller for at least 34 months (and is now available exclusively through Shel). Shel also helps authors/ publishers, small businesses, and organizations to market effectively, and turns unpublished writers into well-published authors.

Shel Horowitz’s consulting firm, Green And Profitable, is the first business ever to earn Green America’s rigorous Gold Certification as a leading green company. He was inducted into the National Environmental Hall of Fame in 2011.

He began publishing his monthly newsletter all the way back in 1997, making it one of the oldest marketing e-zines (it’s changed names a few times along the way).

“As always, some of the links in this newsletter earn commissions—because I believe in the products and services enough to promote them (I get asked to endorse lots of other programs I don’t share with you, because I don’t find them worthy).”
Privacy Policy: We Respect Your Privacy

We collect your information solely to let our mailing service send you the information you request. We do not share it with any outside party not involved in mailing our information to you. Of course, you may unsubscribe at any time—but we hope you’ll stick around to keep up with cool developments at the intersections of sustainability, social transformation, and keeping the planet in balance. Each issue of Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Newsletter has a how-to or thought-leadership article and a review of a recommended book. We’ve been doing an e-newsletter all the way back to 1997, and some of our readers have been with us the whole time.

NEW YORK BOOK LAUNCH EVENT for Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World: Green America’s Green Festival—New York, TOMORROW, Saturday, April 16, Javits Center. Mainstage talk at 11:30 a.m. followed by book signing. This is a great event; I’ve attended several times and this will be my third time speaking. Not just terrific speakers but also great organic food samples and cool products like the wallet and purse vendor who makes stuff out of old tires (I use one of those wallets that I bought there a couple of years ago).
GUEST ON THE BILL NEWMAN SHOW, WHMP 1400 AM & 96.9 FM, Northampton, MA and online, Monday, April 18, between 9-10 a.m. ET

GUEST FOR ASK THOSE BRANDING GUYS, Monday, April 18, 1:15 p.m. ET/10:15 a.m. PT, and live over KVSF (101.5 FM) Santa Fe, NM

INTERVIEW WITH TODD SCHNICK,, airs April 18 (and beyond)

OFFICIAL PUBLICATION DATE FOR Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World is Tuesday, April 19—and Earth Day is Friday, April 22

SECOND OF J.V. CRUM’S TWO INTERVIEWS ON CONSCIOUSMILLIONAIRE.COM, Tuesday, April 19 (almost no overlap between this and the earlier show listed at “recent interviews”) 

AN EXCERPT FROM Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, Brand Identity in a Global Economy, is scheduled to run Tuesday, April 19 at

WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS BOOK LAUNCH EVENT for Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, Wednesday, April 20, 7 p.m., Odyssey Bookshop, South Hadley. Come early if you want a seat; I’m expecting to fill the room.


SLOW LIVING SUMMIT, Brattleboro, VT, April 28-30 (theme: Food and Agriculture Entrepreneurship), My talk will be on the 30th @ 1:30 pm: “Impossible is a Dare: How Your Food Business Can Make a Difference on Hunger, Poverty, War, and Catastrophic Climate Change

GUEST ON THE BARRY MOLTZ SHOW, any time after Sunday, May 1, 6:30 a.m. ET


GUEST ON THE ENRICHMENT HOUR WITH MIKE SCHWAGER, Thursday, May 19, 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT (and archived on that link afterward)

WEBINAR FOR INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS OF NEW ENGLAND, “Green Audiences, Green Titles, Green Printing” Thursday, May 26, 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT

Recent Interviews & Guest Articles:

Guest on Leon Jay, Socialpreneurtv (you’ll get to see what I look like when I’m overdue for a haircut/beard trim—a rare glimpse at Shaggy Shel)

Western Massachusetts Small Business Show with Ira Bryck

Friends Who Want to Help
Shift Network presents a telesummit, Earth Day Summit: Renewed Hope, Real Solutions and Reverence for Mother Earth, April 22 (Earth Day).

On April 22, esteemed green experts, spiritual leaders, innovators, activists, scientists and luminaries from around the globe are coming together to offer us all a renewed sense of hope, real solutions and reverence for Mother Earth. Join Starhawk, Kenny Ausubel, Vicki Robin, Chief Phil Lane, Jr., David Crow, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez and others for this no-charge online gathering — and find inspired actions for a healthy, sustainable and thriving planet.

Another Recommended Book: The Earth’s Best Story
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The Earth’s Best Story: A Bittersweet Tale of Twin Brothers Who Sparked an Organic Revolution by Ron and Arnie Koss (Chelsea Green, 2010)

This is a very well-written book—but not a pretty story. The twin brothers who founded Earth’s Best, the first company ever to produce organic baby food at commercial scale and with national distribution, planted a flag in the ground for 100% organic, top quality, and unwavering ethics.

Starting an organic baby food company turned out to be a whole lot harder than, say, manufacturing natural ice cream. Especially when you have no experience manufacturing anything at all (never mind the specific and very complex world of making baby food), you’re wildly undercapitalized, you discover that no existing manufacturing plant can keep the organic food separate so you have to build your own, your production equipment is beyond ornery, and you’ve chosen to locate in Vermont—3000 miles from the California base of most of the organic commercial growers that existed in the late 1980s US.

It gets even harder when you have to bring in venture capitalists with no understanding of the organic movement and no respect for the company culture, and you’re forced to give up control inch by inch over a period of years. These two very decent men got slapped in the face by the production issues and then knifed in the back repeatedly by the players they brought in to save the company.

Amazingly, Earth’s Best somehow survived, and was eventually sold to Heinz, and then to the natural foods conglomerate Hain Celestial. And it eventually became profitable, though long after the founders were forced out. And not so amazingly, the idea of natural baby food caught on, and all the major players eventually added natural and organic lines. For this, eco-conscious parents should give thanks to these brothers.

But the real reason to read this book is to learn from their mistakes. Use it as a negative playbook, so if you’re ever going for funding, you’ll know how NOT to get shafted. Too bad crowdfunding didn’t exist back then.

Of course, the book is told from their points of view. Those they battled with might tell a different story. And they made a number of errors, and then kept making them. Issues with sourcing and manufacturing had to be overcome, and sometimes that meant dumping unsatisfactory inventory for pennies on the dollar. These things happen. But their tolerance for incompetent, arrogant managers surprised me. And even worse, after getting burned multiple times, I’d have thought they would figure out that no oral promise is worth anything. Get. Everything. In. Writing.

I’ve read a lot of corporate histories, including several in the natural foods industry or other green sectors, and I don’t think I’ve ever read such a heartbreaking one. It’s an unfortunate reminder that too many people in power see business as worse than dog-eat-dog, and those of us who view high ethical standards and a compassionate approach as assets need to protect ourselves from others who are rapacious and uncaring.

The Clean and Green Club, March 2016

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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip, March 2016
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Do you have five minutes to help me better understand and serve your green/social change business needs? Please fill out this quick survey:
This Month’s Tip: What’s Really Involved in Launching a Book
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Bad news for authors who think the work is done when they turn in the manuscript. That’s when the real work just begins. There’s always so much to do for a book launch.

As you know, my 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World comes out April 19. I could keep five of me busy, full-time, between now and the launch date.

Here’s a bit of a window on what I’ve been up to with it. I post this both as a guideline for how to launch a book and as inspiration that even though I’m doing most of this myself, I’ve been able to get quite a bit done—even while doing numerous non-book-launch projects as well (including ghostwriting a book and helping my daughter plan her wedding). This is only a partial list:

Last summer: 

  • Secured endorsements from 22 well-known people including Jack Canfield, Seth Godin, Ivan Misner (founder of BNI), Joel Makower (founder of, and the author of The New Rules of Green Marketing (among others). 
  • Obtained four guest essays from marketers Yanik Silver and Ken McArthur, as well as Cynthia Kersey (author of Unstoppable/Unstoppable Women) and Frances Moore Lappé (Diet for a Small Planet)
  • Began talking up the book and showing around the cover at live events and media interviews
  • Put up for the corporate market and for entrepreneurs/startups
  • Secured cooperation from my charity partner Green America and support from Jeannie and Amy Levinson, wife and daughter of my late co-author Jay Conrad Levinson


  • Wrote and posted several press releases with different angles
  • Assembled and posted a full media kit:
  • Prepared sample reviews in three different word lengths
  • Did the first of three bulk mailings to my list
  • Began to actively tout the book in my newsletter and on social media


  • FINALLY came up with the elusive brand I’d been trying to find for two years. I feel it accurately and interestingly describes the new work I’m doing showing business how to turn hunger and poverty into sufficiency, war into peace, and catastrophic climate change into planetary balance (this is what the new book is about)—and built a new website around this brand:
  • Booked in-person launch events in NYC (4/16, at a major green festival), Western Massachusetts (3/8 at a prestigious college, 4/20 at our best local bookstore), and Brattleboro, VT, 4/30 (at Slow Living, a very well-regarded environmental conference)
  • Booked about a dozen podcast and radio appearances and began to tape the first several
  • Went through 1500 media and 3300 personal contacts, selecting several hundred people to reach out to, personalizing my letters to them (not just with name but with a line or two specific to each). Some I invited to be launch partners, some to cover me in their media, and some to attend the local book launch (I still have room for people in all those categories, BTW)
  • Secured commitments to promote to their own lists and/or on social media from 85 people (as of March 1) with aggregate total list size of several hundred thousand
  • Wrote a bunch of tweets, newsletter solo mailings, newsletter blurbs, and social media posts, tweaking them for three different audiences: guest essayists, endorsers, and supporters
  • Hired a publicist, worked closely with him to shape a lengthy and unusual press release, and had him send out two blasts, to 5000 reporters each time—and answered each response individually
  • Renewed contact with a VA who had sold me ten hours of time a few years ago and told her I’m ready to use it on a social media campaign
  • Contacted a publisher where I had ad credits and arranged to use them
  • Submitted several articles to various publications and had most of them accepted

March (except for a trip abroad with probably very little Internet) and April will be equally busy.

Preorder your copy of Shel’s newest book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World

Learn how the business world can profit while solving hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change (hint: they’re all based in resource conflicts). Endorsed by Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, business blogger and bestselling author Seth Godin, and many others. Release date is April 19, just in time for Earth Day, and you can now preorder from several major booksellers (or get autographed and inscribed copies from me). Learn all about this powerful book at
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About Shel & This Newsletter

As a green and social change business profitability/marketing consultant and copywriteraward-winning author of ten booksinternational speaker and trainer, blogger, syndicated columnist – Shel Horowitz shows how green, ethical, and socially conscious businesses can actually be *more* profitable than your less-green, less-socially-aware competitors. His award-winning 8th book Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green: Winning Strategies to Improve Your Profits and Your Planet was a category bestseller for at least 34 months (and is now available exclusively through Shel). Shel also helps authors/ publishers, small businesses, and organizations to market effectively, and turns unpublished writers into well-published authors.

Shel Horowitz’s consulting firm, Green And Profitable, is the first business ever to earn Green America’s rigorous Gold Certification as a leading green company. He was inducted into the National Environmental Hall of Fame in 2011.

He began publishing his monthly newsletter all the way back in 1997, making it one of the oldest marketing e-zines (it’s changed names a few times along the way).

“As always, some of the links in this newsletter earn commissions—because I believe in the products and services enough to promote them (I get asked to endorse lots of other programs I don’t share with you, because I don’t find them worthy).”
Privacy Policy: We Respect Your Privacy

We collect your information solely to let our mailing service send you the information you request. We do not share it with any outside party not involved in mailing our information to you. Of course, you may unsubscribe at any time—but we hope you’ll stick around to keep up with cool developments at the intersections of sustainability, social transformation, and keeping the planet in balance. Each issue of Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Newsletter has a how-to or thought-leadership article and a review of a recommended book. We’ve been doing an e-newsletter all the way back to 1997, and some of our readers have been with us the whole time.

WARREN WHITLOCK HOSTS ME ON BLAB, Friday, March 25, noon ET/9 a.m. PT. This is an open conversation. You can turn your camera on and join in, or ask real-time questions in the chat, as long as you give your Twitter screenname. – this will be my very first time guesting on Blab.

GUEST ON THE BARRY MOLTZ SHOW, any time after Sunday, May 1, 6:30 a.m ET

GUEST FOR RONALD M. ALLEN’S MANAGING CHANGE SHOW, Monday, April 4, 10 a.m. ET/7 a.m. PT–going-green-raises-revenues-and-lowers-costs


GUEST FOR ADAM LERNER’S MARKETING PODCAST, Wednesday, April 13, 1 pm ET/10 a.m. PT (episode will be recorded and posted after production @

NEW YORK BOOK LAUNCH EVENT for Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World: Green America’s Green Festival—New York, Saturday, April 16, Javits Center. Mainstage talk at 11:30 a.m. followed by book signing. This is a great event; I’ve attended several times and this will be my third time speaking. Not just terrific speakers but also great organic food samples and cool products like the wallet and purse vendor who makes stuff out of old tires (I use one of those wallets that I bought there a couple of years ago).

GUEST ON THE BILL NEWMAN SHOW, WHMP 1400 AM & 96.9 FM, Northampton, MA and online, Monday, April 18, between 9-10 a.m. ET

Guest for Ask Those Branding Guys, Monday, April 18, 1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT, and live over KVSF (101.5 FM) Santa Fe, NM

OFFICIAL PUBLICATION DATE FOR Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World is Tuesday, April 19—and Earth Day is Friday, April 22.

SECOND OF J.V. CRUM’S TWO INTERVIEWS ON CONSCIOUSMILLIONAIRE.COM, Tuesday, April 19 (almost no overlap between this and the earlier show listed at “recent interviews”)

An excerpt from Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, Brand Identity in a Global Economy, is scheduled to run Tuesday, April 19 at

Mid-April (air dates not set yet): Interviews with Todd Schnick,, and Leon Jay, SocialpreneurTV. I should have more complete information on these next month.

WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS BOOK LAUNCH EVENT for Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, Wednesday, April 20, 7 p.m., Odyssey Bookshop, South Hadley. Come early if you want a seat; I’m expecting to fill the room.


SLOW LIVING SUMMIT, Brattleboro, VT, April 28-30 (theme: Food and Agriculture Entrepreneurship), My talk will be on the 30th @ 1:30 pm: “Impossible is a Dare: How Your Food Business Can Make a Difference on Hunger, Poverty, War, and Catastrophic Climate Change

WEBINAR FOR INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS OF NEW ENGLAND, “Green Audiences, Green Titles, Green Printing” Thursday, May 26, 6 pm ET/3 pm PT

Recent Interviews & Guest Articles:

Two-part interview on Steve Sapowksy’s excellent EcoWarrior Radio podcast: (Listen to Part 1 before Part 2, of course)

Book excerpt: Green Goods and Services Are Much Easier to Market:

Friends Who Want to Help

Are you an introvert? My friend Val Nelson is offering a small-group mastermind just for you: The Introvert SOULpreneurs Club:

Another Recommended Book: Business in Blue Jeans
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Business in Blue Jeans, by Susan Baroncini-Moe (Sound Wisdom, 2013)

With 34 years in business, I’m not really the market for another book on startup success. But many of my clients and readers are, and I often read books with that audience in mind (and wish I’d read a few in the very early days of my business).

This book is warm, approachable, and full of common sense, as well as a lot of Law Of Attraction and personal motivation material to get a new business up and running on solid footing. I found that many of the suggestions were clumped into certain sections of the book; I’d take a bunch of notes on successive pages and then go 10 or 15 pages without any notes. But even those less useful sections were still a good read.

The book contains several exercises. One I found especially useful is a new way of looking at brainstorming (p. 123). She also has a very small section on business helping the wider world, and I’m glad to see it there, even if it’s not very comprehensive. (My own next book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, goes into far more detail on this.)

Some of the wise nuggets I especially like:

  • Learn how to find the love often hidden in negative messages from friends and family
  • Understand that thinking Law Of Attraction thoughts isn’t enough; you also have to do the work 
  • Create a story that’s consistent with your reality AND with your customers’ experience of you
  • Seek out not only the intersection of your skills and interests and a market, but also for the intersections of both fiery passion and the warm gentle glow (much like a successful long-term marriage)
  • Develop great branding by first targeting your market as narrowly and carefully as possible (and recognize that if you’re in different markets, you probably need different branding and marketing even for the same product)
  • Use “lean in marketing”: be interested, not just interesting, and create a positive user experience
  • Recognize that search keywords, headlines, etc., should speak to the need (the hole your prospect wants to drill) rather than the tool you provide (the drill bit)
  • Acknowledge that more isn’t always better
  • Make sure all employees know that they are the customer service department
  • See mistakes as opportunities to fix things
  • Give value, even when you’re networking