Positive Power Spotlight, February 2008

Web 2.0 is a lot more than social networking sites. Here’s a great example: uses Amazon-like Web 2.0 features to build a database of service providers based on reputation. Founder Jenna Raby started the service as a kind of domestic arm of the fair trade movement, with a specific stated goal of helping people in the lowest economic strata pull themselves up out of poverty.

Her site plays matchmaker between consumers and often-underpaid workers such as housekeepers and gardeners (as well as much higher paid specialists such as web designers and event planers).

Hiring through LaborFair, a consumer pays a living wage, directly to the service provider–a much greater wage than typically paid by an agency, although less than the consumer would have paid that agency.

So…the consumer saves money, the service provider gets paid more, and the choice is made on the basis of trust-building features like reports back from actual consumers about the quality of service.

LaborFair supports itself by charging the service provider a small fee: either $5 per job accepted or $25 per month for unlimited matches.

Fairly well established in the Bay Area, the service has just begun expanding into Las Angeles, Presumably, it will spread organically to other parts of the country.

(My thanks to my friend Kare Anderson for steering me to Jenna)

Ally Relationships (recommended book)

Another Recommended Book: Ally Relationships: The Key to Sustained Success for Your Service Business, by Anthony O. Putman (Burns Park Publishers, 2007)

Those of you who’ve read my award-winning sixth book Principled Profit know that I’m a big fan of marketing through relationships–and of marketing approaches that move your offering out of the realm of commodity, and into the realm of value.

Anthony Putman is very much in alignment with this approach, pointing out that any service business’s biggest asset is the willingness of the customer to buy from you–and that building strong relationships is a very good way to protect that asset. “You cannot differentiate a service…but you <i>can</i> differentiate a relationship,” he says.

I’m not convinced that services can’t be differentiated. At least some of them can be; that’s the whole concept of the unique selling proposition. However, it’s always going to be much easier to highlight the strengths of your offer when you do in fact differentiate the relationship.

In Putman’s view, a business relationship will have one of three levels:
* Service source–a vendor, pure and simple
* Solution provider, there to solve your client’s problems
* Ally: a strategic partner who is <i>thoroughly committed to your clients’ growth and success</i>, and who is always thinking about ways to grow the relationship by being more helpful

It’s not about selling–but about being seen as the go-to person for trusted advice, and thus products. Allies, of course, make themselves indispensable–and thus not only recession-proof, but also protected against clients jumping ship or price-shopping because they may be satisfied, but they’re not inspired.

One way to be seen as an ally is to decline business that isn’t right for you, and couple that with a referral to someone who specializes in that need. There are many other paths as well, which involve your ability to refrain from traditional selling, think about your clients’ needs instead of your own, and ask the questions that make the client understand how to grow (rather than those that lead toward a one-shot sale).

While it may be easier to build ally relationships with new clients, Putman also includes specific steps to push you up the ladder with existing clients, one person at a time–and with often-dramatic results as clients subconsciously but happily accept the “free upgrade” in their status.

One final point: this approach is rooted in high ethical standards. As Putman says, there is “no place for deceit or spin.” In short, this is an excellent complement to my own award-winning book Principled Profit, especially if you’re in sales.

Click to order ALLY RELATIONSHIPS from Amazon

Rebuilding A Business Relationship That Went Bad

Shel Horowitz’s Monthly Frugal Marketing Tip, February 2008

Sometimes, you have to eat some crow. Over the years, I’ve built a number of relationships with reporters who have interviewed me or used me as a source.

One of these reporters was looking for sources on a story, and I responded. He came back with a no, thank you–and I asked why.

When he responded, I made an almost fatal mistake, and made a remark that he interpreted as pushing too hard. He found my remark patronizing, thought his judgment was being attacked, and basically told me never to darken his door again.

Ooops! Time to mend fences.

I’ve learned from my friend Bob Burg, author of Winning Without Intimidation, that antagonistic interactions are almost always less effective than being nice. And I hadn’t even meant to antagonize this man to begin with!

So I let it set overnight so as not to do anything even more rash, and then wrote a note with a one-word subject line: “Apology”:

I am so sorry. I totally respect your decision and wasn’t trying to badger you to change it–but rereading what I wrote, I can see how it came across. I’m a morning person. I should just not do email late at night when I don’t always say what I mean. I actually thought you’d be amused by the irony, as I was.

Mea culpa.

Happy holiday to you and yours.

The apology was effective. I got back a note that began, “Thanks for the apology – I can understand a tone going awry.” he then outlined a bit more about what the was actually looking for, and I responded with a few suggestions that didn’t have anything to do with what I’d been pitching and didn’t benefit me personally. In fact, I even cited one book that “I just tried to find it for you on Amazon but it seems to be out of print.”

He wrote back a very friendly note.

The lesson here is that it was worth the time and effort to redeem a relationship that had turned sour–and not just because he’s someone with the power to help me by writing abut me, but because my life is better for not carrying around the negative baggage of building an unnecessary wall of hostility.

I had the advantage that the reporter actually communicated his frustration with me, giving me the chance to respond. Sometimes you have to actually figure out what’s really going on, because the other person hasn’t told you. This was brought home to me many years ago, when a relative expressed concern that he felt a lot of distance from me. That gave me the opening to explain (rather loudly) exactly why I was furious with him. He hadn’t had a clue what was going on inside me and why, but to his eternal credit, he acknowledged his contribution to the problem, changed the behavior, and rebuilt the relationship he had lost. And we’re both very glad of this, more than 30 years later.

Does Your Book have a Seasonal Tie-In? You Need Multiple Publicity Timelines

As I write this at the end of January, you might be thinking about Valentine’s Day. And daily newspaper journalists, TV and radio broadcasters, and Internet media are also thinking about Valentine’s stories.

But…at a large monthly magazine, the assignment editor is already thinking about events way in the future: summer vacation stories, back to school, or even Halloween! If you pitch a story a month or two ahead to one of these publications, they’ll just laugh as they hit the delete button. They work six to eight months ahead.

And that means when you pitch these publications, you’ve got to be working seven to nine months out–and then come back to similar pitches for weekly newspapers and magazines perhaps one month to six weeks ahead, and then the short-deadline media outlets maybe two or three weeks ahead, sometimes even less.

It’s a schizophrenic existence, but it means more media coverage for you.

Bonus tips: 1. Your book (nonfiction as well as fiction) may be of seasonal interest even if it doesn’t mention the specific holiday. Any love story has a Valentine tie-in, any that takes place in the summer could be tied to summer stories–as could a book about treating sports injuries.

2. Having trouble finding those tie-ins? Use the same resources that media do: Chase’s Calendar of Events and Celebrate Today

Positive Power Spotlight: Chelsea Green Publishing

Positive Power Spotlight: Chelsea Green Publishing

Today, I had a reason to get very angry with a large New York publisher–and it got me thinking about how lucky I was to work with Chelsea Green for my fifth book, Grassroots Marketing: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World.

There are of course many highly ethical publishers, but I’m profiling Chelsea because I have personal experience. Maybe I’ll profile others in the future.

Some of what I like:
* Every book they publish tries to make the world a better place. Their line emphasizes environmental sustainability, social change, viability of small agriculture, and eating well
*  They’re not afraid to take on very controversial topics and aren’t intimidated by the political climate of the day
* They are nimble enough to scale up quickly, as they did with George Lakoff’s bestselling Don’t Think of an Elephant in 2004
* It’s easy for an author to reach senior executives, even the publisher–and that stayed true even when the publisher who’d bought my book stepped down and was replaced
* Contract negotiation was remarkably painless, despite my requests for some very nontraditional clauses–and even the original contract draft (before my changes) was among the most author-friendly I’ve ever seen
* As an author, my input was valued at every step, and the company was very open to suggestions such as awards to enter
* The design and editorial staff worked very collaboratively with each other and with me, and gave me their best work even though I was far from a superstar (something that did not happen with other publishers I’ve dealt with)
* Chelsea keeps the book in print almost eight years after publication and has become my only US publisher to pay me royalties beyond the initial advance
* Every single person I’ve ever met, phoned, or e-mailed, including people staffing a book table at a conference where I wasn’t even speaking, has been gracious, friendly, and helpful

Ah, if only all publishers were like this! If I ever publish the work of others, I’ll use Chelsea as my model.

Review: Made to Stick

Another Recommended Book: Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die, by Chip Heath and Dan Heath (Random House, 2007)

If I wanted to follow one particular principle in this book, I’d put my last line first–but for this article, I’m following a different one. See if you can guess the one I followed and the one I didn’t. [Quiz answer is below the review, in brackets]

I’ve long been fascinated by the study of influence: what changes an individual’s mind? What changes the direction of a whole society?

This is something I look at in my own organizing and writing, and when a book discusses what makes ideas last–or “stick,” in the authors’ parlance–I want to take a look.

It wouldn’t be the first book I’d recommend on the topic, but there’s some great stuff here, all built around a formula spelled SUCCES (just one s at the end), each with its own extended chapter:

Oh, and to increase the stickiness of their own messages, the authors end with a sound bite/bullet point recap of the whole book in outline form. I may try that on my next business book.

For me, the two most compelling chapters by far were Unexpectedness (which includes creating insatiable curiosity) and Emotions–and Stories create a path to those other attributes. Some key insights from the former:
* The best “‘aha’ moments” may be preceded by “‘Huh?’ moments”
* When creating a message, don’t think about what you need to convey–instead, think about what questions you want your audience to ask
* Keep things simple–don’t do brain dumps but focus on your key point, and make sure the core message is in front
* Big ideas are audacious–but not insurmountable (Like President Kennedy setting a goal of a man walking the moon within ten years; a manned mission to Mercury would have been too difficult)

And from the Emotions chapter:
* Concepts lose value when they become clichés through overuse–but concepts can also be made fresh–as in the algebra teacher who told his students that algebra was like weight training for the mind–it wasn’t about needing the math skill but about exercising and challenging the brain to keep it in shape
* Talk to people where they can hear you, as the creators of “Don’t Mess With Texas” did: a macho anti-littering campaign designed to appeal to Texas rednecks–but don’t insult them, as did researchers who tried to bribe firefighters into considering a safety program not by appealing to the desire to save lives, but by offering popcorn poppers
* The Abraham Maslow hierarchy of needs isn’t a ladder; we pursue all of them at once–so don’t let your ideas get stuck in the basement–don’t be afraid to tap into human desires for greatness
* Making benefits (or problems) tangible and personal is more successful than making them big
* My favorite of all: *Principles can trump self-interest*

QUIZZ ANSWER: [Did you guess? I buried the lead at the bottom, but I at least hope I created curiosity}

Conversations, Part 2: Seize the Moment

I’ve decided to stay with last month’s theme of email conversations for a couple of more issues. Long-time readers will know that I’m very big on building relationships–before you need them–with people who can help you.

Here’s an example of how I turned my negative reaction to an article in a very prominent Internet marketing newsletter (circulation 40,000 or so) into a bylined article in that newsletter. Read the rest of this entry »

Another Recommended Book: Working Ethically…On a Shoestring

Another Recommended Book: Working Ethically…On a Shoestring: Creating a Sustainable Business Without Breaking the Bank by Lorenza Clifford, Tim Hindle, Nick Kettles, Carry Somers, and Lesley Somers (London: A.C. Black, 2007)

Although this book is thin and easy to read, it’s actually quite substantial–just concise. And necessary.

In a world where 56 percent of US MBA students admit cheating (p. 9), and where companies that claim social/environmental responsibility but don’t measure up can face a strong backlash, a little handbook of practical stories that show how ethics works and doesn’t increase the price of doing business may be just the ticket.

It’s also good for those of us who are American to see outside perspectives. In this case, the authors are from the UK.

Among the points I appreciate:

  • As you increase your ethical commitments, give your suppliers a chance to walk that path with you
  • Early adoption of Green/ethical principles provides a marketing advantage (something I say over and over again in Principled Profit: Marketing that Puts People First)
  • Specific steps to take in making an environmental audit
  • Ethics quandaries can become opportunities
  • Actual numbers on the cost savings and environmental benefits of turning computers off at night versus leaving them running

If the book has a flaw, it’s that the focus is weighted so heavily on environmental issues. Greening a company is certainly a major concern in ethics work, but the book could address more clearly some of the non eco-related aspects of business ethics.

Disclosure: one of the authors, Nick Kettles, is a fan of mine and provided some gratis (and very useful) consulting. Also, I am cited in the book.

Order a copy from Amazon.

94.7 The Globe: Positive Power Spotlight, December 2007

Well, this is certainly different! A Big Media (CBS) radio station that appears to break from the mold.

This station, 94.7 FM, is a long-established classic rock number serving the Washington, DC market. About a year ago, it rebranded–still a classic rock station, but with a very clear focus on environmental issues–and a promise to play music beyond the hits.

What does it mean to have an environmental focus? The station’s press release announcing the February 2,2007 changeover notes,

The Washington D.C. station will operate using renewable energy to power its 50,000 watt signal. This move will contribute to lowering the threat of global warming through the purchase of energy resources generated by wind.  Additionally, station vehicles will be replaced with hybrid models, and 94.7 The Globe will further its “green” focus by taking a number of steps on and off-air to consistently promote ways for listeners to live an eco-friendly lifestyle.

In keeping with this new focus, the station website offers quite a bit of Green content, including eco-tips compiled by station staff and also submitted by listeners.

The station’s mission statement doesn’t specifically address environmental issues, but it quite cogently promotes the station as an alternative to the sound-alike hitmakers around the country. It notes the importance of musical diversity, promises that DJs have a voice in the programming (a rarity at many corporate radio chains these days), and insists it will be receptive to listener ideas.

And I know, some may call this “greenwashing”–but I prefer to think that it ight be a laboratory for exporting new ideas into the very, very tired and bland commercial radio band.

There is, after all, quite a bit of precedent for large corporate entities developing product lines that offer more individuality and social consciousness, and integrating some of the best practices corporate-wide. Saturn, to name one example, is a unit of General Motors. And Saturn’s low-pressure buying experience has migrated not just to other units within GM, but across the entire industry.

And like most stations these days, you can listen to it on streaming audio.

A Lesson on Targeting–And On Redirecting the Conversation to Your Advantage

Shel Horowitz’s Monthly Frugal Marketing Tip: December 2007

Shel Horowitz’s Monthly Book Marketing Tip: November 2007

[Note to Frugal Marketing readers: I believe the points in my last Book Marketing column are very relevant to marketing in general, even though some of what I cited is industry-specific. If you subscribe to both newsletters, you may have read this article ten days ago, though I’ve modified it slightly and added a third point.]

I was just beginning to think about what I’d write in today’s issue when an email arrived with a rambling, incoherent book proposal for a genre I don’t publish in. It is clearly being sent to every publisher this author could find, although at least this person had the sense to send individually addressed e-mails one at a time.

It’s not a coincidence that this showed up just as I was contemplating my monthly message. So, rather than hitting the delete key, I actually answered–and I’ll share my answer with you.

There are three marketing points I want to make with this letter:

1: In any business communication–a book proposal, a joint venture proposal, a salesletter, even a press release–understand who is reading it and focus on what your audience has to gain from your idea

2. Do your research, so that *you* understand the other party’s interests and markets.

3. If someone who doesn’t understand the above approaches you inappropriately, think about how you can respond in a way that draws that person’s attention to how you can solve that person’s problem or satisfies his or her desires in a way that benefits you as well–just as I turned the conversation to why this author needs my book. Ultimately, marketing is always about a conversation.

And now, on to my response.

Dear (author’s name):

Thank you for your proposal. It isn’t going to work for us, and I wanted to explain why. This is going to sound harsh–but you will be wondering why your proposal isn’t even being answered–and I’m going to tell you, because I believe you have a right to know, and that once you understand, you’ll be in a better position to do it differently, and perhaps eventually find the publisher you seek. I am guessing my response will be the only answer you get other than a form note saying thank you, not interested.

1. If you want to be taken seriously in the publishing world, you need to do your research. You would see that my firm doesn’t publish books like this, and in fact doesn’t publish books by other authors. Just as you wouldn’t propose a business venture to a car manufacturer to make breakfast cereal, so you wouldn’t query a business book publisher with one author about a book that is not about business.

2. No publisher wants to know that you’re sending this around to lots and lots of publishers. You want to make the publisher feel special, talk about the books they’ve done that are in the same market, show them you know something about their company–and with the Internet, it’s so easy to do this now.

3. A book proposal should focus on why it is to the advantage of *the publisher* to take on this project. That means you look at how similar books have performed, you demonstrate the size of the audience, and you show the publisher how you intend to reach this audience through your speaking and writing, your personal networks, the publications with which you have relationships, etc.

4. Your proposal shows a lack of understanding about the industry. Most publishers do not translate in-house; they sell the rights to a publisher that produces books in that language (and not all books get translated–there has to be a publisher interested in the destination country). And publishers don’t find you a “famous book store.” Most publishers reach bookstores through distributors and wholesalers, and those orders occur for the most part when you, the author, generate interest in the book through media interviews and other methods (I go into this in detail in my own book Grassroots Marketing for Authors and Publishers).

I would suggest that you visit and purchase a copy of my book Grassroots Marketing for Authors and Publishers. Orders from that website (either printed book or electronic edition) include several bonuses, including a five-chapter e-book called “How to Write and Publish a Marketable Book” (which I think would be extremely helpful to you). It also includes two actual marketing plans that you can use either to use as a model for your book proposal (though you would have to add an analysis of competing titles and your own credentials) or to map out a workable strategy for becoming your own publisher.

Wishing you the best of luck,
Shel Horowitz, Publisher
AWM Books