Links about the Gulf Spill:
BP’s behavior, if these sources quoted in NY Times are accurate, is probably criminal (via @gfriend, quoting @climateprogress):
If this is the plan that’s working, I’d hate to see the one that failed: (via @BusinessGreen)
RFK, Jr.: Gulf oil spill caused by anti-ethics culture of Bush’s “regulators” in collusion w/ BP, Halliburton:
BP’s Louisiana oil disaster will have repercussions across numerous industries (Triple Pundit)–and WHY are we still talking about expanding offshore drilling? I think we should be looking at the safety of all the existing rigs, first:…siana/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TriplePundit+%28Triple+Pundit%29
The always-brilliant George Lakoff on how Obama could have used the BP disaster to create a unified multi-issue leadership/moral position #fb
Other Links:
My favorite energy futurist Amory Lovins’s TED talk on how to get the US OFF oil entirely, add 1 million jobs & lots of ROI #fb #li #Green (I love his “Faroffistan”)
Go Green Cars: Videos: Hemp sports car by Lotus lighter, cheaper, stronger than steel. Research by Henry Ford, 1941! – (via @GreenCelebrity)
Prevention Mag: Why you’re greener than you think/24 easy green steps
World Bank $12 million program to replace African kerosense lamps (polluting, nonrenewable, carbon spewing) w/ solar (via @whatgreeninvest)…sNews+%28News+%2F+US+%2F+Green+Business%29&utm_content=Twitter
Even a very conservative study finds that investments in climate change mediation and other Green measures are well-worth doing: