Let Jingles Jangle Your Cash Register: Clean and Green Marketing Tip
Fill in the blanks:
Double your pleasure, double your fun with _____________
You wonder where the yellow went when you _______________
___________ can put good food in your family and chaaaange back in your pocket
Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, ____________
Bonus question for those who grew up in or near New York City and northern New Jersey:
Palisades from coast to coast, ____________
Palisades Amusement Park.
If you’re over 50 or so, chances are you know all the answers:
Double your pleasure, double your fun with Doublemint, Doublemint, Doublemint gum
You wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent
McDonald’s can put good food in your family and chaaaange back in your pocket
Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh, what a relief it is
Palisades from coast to coast, where a dime buys the most.
Palisades Amusement Park. (Hear the whole 31-second jingle at https://www.palisadespark.com/sounds_comeonover68.html.)
In July, I mentioned that if you’re doing branding campaigns, you want to engage as many of the senses as possible. Whether it’s about branding or a call to action, engaging more senses makes your message far more memorable.
The fill-ins above are all from ads that haven’t run in decades. Palisades closed in 1971, nearly 40 years ago! What made them memorable? The jingles! While a good slogan can make an ad memorable, a jingle adds the elements of music and rhyme—and a mediocre jingle has much more staying power than a mediocre slogan. As a marketer, I really don’t understand why they’ve largely gone out of fashion.
If you use jingles, be smart and include the brand name right in the jingle. Note that all the above examples except for Alka-Seltzer include the brand.
So if paid advertising is part of your marketing mix, and if those paid ads include radio or TV, think about commissioning a really powerful jingle. Even if you’re not dong paid ads, think about using jingles on your website.
Friends Who Help
Lots of stuff for you this month!
Benefit Gulf Oil Spill Victims
Raise money for those impacted by Deepwater Horizon’s massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and get a cool song, too. Scott Blum and his group Wilderland are donating *100 percent(* of the proceeds for Scott’s music single, “Fragile Day.” Scott, by the way, has worked with Peter Gabriel, Toby Wright, and other music superstars. He and his associates hope to make this “the biggest viral event ever.” https://www.fragileday.com/
Scot writes, “The Gulf Restoration Network is a charity that has been operating in the Gulf of Mexico for over 16 years and because of their proximity to the disaster, they were first on the scene and has been working around the clock to help the habitat directly affected by the spill. The second charity is the WILD Foundation, which is looking for a long term solution to ensure these tragedies never happen again. Their first initiative is enacting a formal recognition for the Marine Wilderness that can be protected from all development, and eventually ensuring that ‘Nature Needs Half’ to heal herself while we live on the other half.”
Excellent New Book on Customer Service: And the Clients Went Wild! I got to preview a really excellent book on marketing and customer service: And the Clients Went Wild! by Maribeth Kuzmeski. Read a little taste:
“Perfect clients” are those who will pay for the full value of your product or services, rave about what you do, and go wild for anything that you offer. Lots of businesses have good clients; but only an elite few have passionate, loyal, vocal clients. This type of client is one that not only keeps coming back for more, but also finds the need to share you with family, friends and even strangers. Perfect clients are often what drives a firm’s explosive growth. And although the perfect client is found only in a perfect world (which doesn’t exist), there are a lot of businesses that can enjoy the results from the enthusiasm of the nearly perfect passion of their clients…
I have ultimately been searching, as many of us are, for the “secret sauce” that some businesses have mixed together to create incremental success…
People nowadays are far less likely to become loyal, given the overwhelming noise of the countless marketing messages they face. The objective is to get clients into the game — your game. And to accomplish this feat in today’s “new media” world, businesses are being forced to change…
Businesses that have effectively created a loyal following of passionate and vocal clients have followed some, if not all, of five fundamental marketing principles.
And then 19 chapters on the principles and their practical application. I think this is one of the best marketing how-to books I’ve seen in a long time. I’m hoping to get an excerpt posted on my site, down the line. But meanwhile, do yourself a favor and mark your calendar for September 14. I’ll send the link in a special mailing mid-month so you can get yourself a copy and a whole bunch of bonuses, including one from me.
Monetize Your Passion: Powerful E-Book at No Cost
We all want to turn our passion into a good living. Even though it took him two years to write it, Rich German is *giving away* e-copies of his new book, Monetize Your Passion, filled with good advice on doing just that. You’ll have a chance to donate to rich’s favorite charity, Generation Why, helping America’s 1.6 million homeless children–but that’s optional. Rich’s 238-page book is your blueprint for living a life of passion, indescribable abundance, and happiness–not just his own experience, but also those of people like the book Gary Vaynerchuk, David Riklan, Mari Smith, and Marci Shimoff . I highly suggest you click now, https://shelhorowitz.com/go/richgerman2, and collect your free copy of Monetize Your Passion.
Deepak Chopra’s New Book on the Prophet Muhammad
The one and only Deepak Chopra is releasing his third book on great religious teachers (having already done books on Buddha and Jesus). September 21, HarperOne releases Muhammad: A Story of the Last Prophet. I haven’t seen it yet, but I’m betting it will be amazing. You can hear Deepak talk a bit about his motivation and read a brief excerpt on this video https://blog.beliefnet.com/intentchopra/2010/09/muhammad-a-story-of-the-last-p.html. I don’t have the order/bonus link for you yet; look for a special mailing mid-month with that, and possibly some other goodies.
Superstars of the New Consciousness: No-Charge Audio Series
Here’s an awesome-looking no-cost teleseminar series from Michelle Bersell: The New Consciousness Evolution Audio Series features such experts as Marci Shimoff, Janet Attwood, Arielle Ford, Jo Dunning, David Wolfe, Joan Borysenko and Marcia Wieder–wow!
Kids around the world love The Wild Soccer Bunch!
I’m told the book motivates kids to get involved in team sports and supports values such as diversity, sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership and self-acceptance. The book “exudes passionate storytelling and an equal passion for the game kids love: soccer, as well as a nice root-for-the-underdog adventure,” according to the promoters.
Purchase the book on September 9, and receive dozens of free bonus gifts for yourself and the kids in your life, including a copy of my Painless Green e-book: https://www.wildsoccerbunch.com/launch. Plus, you’ll automatically go into the draw to win 2 tickets to Hollywood, to the filming of The Wild Soccer Bunch Television Ad, featuring Landon Donovan.
David Mathison’s Blockbuster Online Success System Webinars
Mathison, author of the remarkable book Be the media (which I recommend frequently) is a very smart guy who understands how traditional media, self-made media, social networks, and progressive social change all fit together. He’s assembled an awesome group of instructors for this set of webinars, which include both no-charge and for-pay events. The course covers blog and web traffic, mining your content, self-publishing, licensing, even music–to name a few–and the faculty includes such luminaries as Janet Switzer, Katheen Gage, and Joel Comm. https://shelhorowitz.com/go/dmathison
Hear & Meet Shel, September 2010
I’m especially thrilled about partnering with Green America for a webinar on September 28 and a live event in Washington on October 23. (BTW, I’m looking for another gig while I’m in DC. If you find me one, you could earn a very nice commission).
- Tuesday, September 7, 1 pm ET/10 a.m. PT, Lillian Brummet interviews me on Conscious Discussions Radio (646) 478-4758
- Monday, September 20, 5:30 to 7:30 (program starts at 6:00), at the Media Education Foundation, Northampton, MA: Claudia Gere and I present on Book Publishing in the Digital Age
- Monday, September 20, live interview for CreateChatter.tv https://getresponse.com/click.html?x=a62b&lc=mi1u&mc=m&s=ANhX&y=j& 9 pm ET/6 pm PT
- Tuesday, September 21, Ronda Del Boccio (The Story Lady) interviews me about Green marketing (90 minutes). Noon ET/9 a.m. PT. Listen in by calling 646-478-0823 (it will be featured for a week).
- Monday, September 27, 8 pm ET/5 pm PT: Sandy Lawrence interviews me on the creative book marketing strategies we used for Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green., for the Perceptive Marketing Hour.
- Tuesday, September 28, 2 pm ET/11am PT: Webinar for Green America, Green and Ethical Messages to Reach Green and Ethical Customers. Preview call for our live event October 23 in Washington, DC. Contact: Denise Hamler, denisehamler (at) greenamericatoday.org
- Wednesday. September 29 at 5 pm ET/2 pm PT, Dave Mathison from Be The Media interviews me about green guerrilla marketing (postponed from July). https://getresponse.com/click.html?x=a62b&lc=mi1x&mc=m&s=ANhX&y=U&
- Saturday, October 2, I’m speaking at the second annual Self-Publishing Book Expo in New York City
- Tuesday, October 12 at 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT: My third annual presentation to the MUSE Online Writers Conference. This time, Selling a Self-Published Book to a Traditional Publisher
- Wednesday, October 13, I’ll be interviewed again for the Guerrilla Marketing Association’s weekly calls–this time by Alexandru Israil from Romania, 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT.
- Saturday, October 23, 2 pm ET, Green America’s Green Fest, Washington Convention Center, Green Business Pavilion, Washington, DC. Live talk: Green and Ethical Messages to Reach Green and Ethical Customers. Contact: Denise Hamler, denisehamler (at) greenamericatoday.org
- Thursday, December 2, 1:00 ET: 90-minute webinar for Association of Strategic Marketing (this one costs money and I believe provides certified continuing education credits) Writing Copy That Sells: Case Studies from the Green Market. Contact: Erica Rokus, 866.226.0828, erokus (at) associationofmarketing.org. Please tell you friends and colleagues about this one.
Shana Tovah! Happy 5771 to all my co-religionists. Happy Ramadan and a blessed Eid to those who celebrate that.
Accurate Writing & More, 16 Barstow Lane , Hadley, MA 01035, United States
Some of the above links are affiliate links that earn me commissions if you purchase.