Friends and Colleagues Who Want to Help

1. Read Mark Joyner’s New Book For Free–A Year Before Publication

Mark Joyner continues to amaze me! I’ve been following him for about ten years, long before we became friends. Not only is he one of the smartest people in marketing, but he also has a strong sense of social justice.

Anyway, on the smart side of things, he’s written a new e-book on Integration Marketing. If you’ve read my own my award-winning sixth book, Principled Profit: Marketing That Puts People First, some of the concepts will be familiar to you (though I don’t use that term in the book).

In this book, Mark actually demonstrates a complex mathematical formula to determine if a Joint Venture is worth your time. I haven’t seen anyone else do anything remotely like this, except that I’ve seen Bob Bly’s evaluation of whether it’s worth it for him to do an e-mail blast for your product. But Mark goes much deeper. You can use Mark’s tool to evaluate absolutely any JV proposal, far more than e-blasts. And use his creative and visionary thinking to open many doors to growing your business massively, spending little or even no money to do it.

Oh yes, and Mark’s concluding chapter ties in ecology and peace themes in a way that will strike a chord with all of you who see business as more than making money, but also a social good. Yes, he’s ReMarkAble (sorry, couldn’t resist).

Mark Joyner has a contract to publish this book, but it won’t be out for a year. I imagine that will be a greatly expanded version. But meanwhile, go ahead and blow your mind with the e-book version. It’s only 49 pages and it’s easy to digest. And with a price of zero, what are you waiting for? Get it here.

2. Train in Person with Jay Conrad Levinson, Founder of Guerrilla Marketing, for three days at the Guerrilla Marketing Business University from August 27-29th in Orlando. Not cheap–but the level of value he expects to deliver is so high that he makes this guarantee: If you aren’t blown away at the end of the first day, simply turn in your materials, and receive a refund for whatever you have paid.

You’ll come away with your own custom 1-year Guerrilla marketing plan for your own business, as well as an introduction to “200 crucial and innovative weapons in marketing today. More than 100 of them are completely free!”

Visit to register

3. Funny how so many people are terrified of speaking, and then they do their worst to sabotage their own presentation, so the next time an opportunity presents itself, they’re even more afraid and do even worse. Me? I love to speak in front of groups. It amazes me that people pay me, and pay me well, to essentially do my own marketing while imparting useful information. Master speaking coach and media trainer TJ Walker is doing another program to train you as a professional speaker. His office writes,

At the Presentation Training Workshop you will learn:

1. Look your best in front of groups
2. Speak in a way that doesn’t put people to sleep
3. Techniques for reducing nervousness
4. Speak so people remember what you say, act on it, and pass the information along to others.

Most importantly, you’ll learn the techniques that can keep you looking calm, collected, and in control.

Click to see an introductory video about TJ’s training process.

4. Your Chance to be in the Movies

The Choosing America Project is calling for dramatic
anecdotes from immigrants who chose to live in America.

“We are looking for those special moments, encounters, surprises, experiences, disappointments, which vividly convey what it’s like

to be an immigrant in America. The good, the bad, the sad, the miraculous, the joyful–every anecdote is welcome as long as it’s authentic and well told.”

They hope to turn some of these stories into short films that will be shown in the movies and broadcast on TV.

For more details go to:

Disclosure: some of the links are affiliate links and earn me a commission. I believe in the affiliate model as long as I have vetted the product or know that a speaker/trainer delivers value.

1 Comment so far »

  1. Shel Horowitz’s Monthly Newsletters » Blog Archive » Positive Power of Principled Profit, August 2008 said,

    Wrote on September 16, 2008 @ 4:05 pm

    […] –> Friends and Colleagues Who Want to Help […]

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