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Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Marketing Tip, November 2017 |
Bruce Springsteen, Lady Gaga, Willie Nelson, Rage Against the Machine, and You
Last month, I attended a concert by The Nields, who always put on a great show (they are local to me and I’ve heard them many times). Near the end of the show, they sang “Tyrants Always Fall,” a song that so blew me away that I went up to Nerissa Nields (the song’s author) after the show and told her it needed to get in front of someone who could bring it to audiences numbering into the seven or eight digits. Someone like the people I named in the headline. She answered that finding such a person “is your job.”
I take that seriously. So…if you know anyone with that kind of star power—or if you know someone who does—can you help me by getting the song in front of him or her? Listen to it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubWQHdHTLRI (and #westernma folks, you’ll recognize downtown Northampton).
Is Anyone REALLY Reading Your Sustainability or CSR Report?
Repurpose that expensive content, without using any staff time. I will extract the key items and turn them into marketing points that you can use immediately: https://goingbeyondsustainability.com/turn-that-nobody-reads-it-csr-report-into-a-marketing-win/ |
 Shel Horowitz is inducted into the National Environmental Hall of Fame by Judith Eiseman near his home on Barstow’s Longview Farm in Hadley, MA, December 2013 |
This Month’s Tip: How to Get the Most Marketing Oomph out of Receiving an Award |
Last month, I told you how to select the right awards to enter—the ones where your chances are higher than average.
Let’s say you were successful, and you got that certificate or trophy. This is major “social proof” for you—third-party validation. Milk it for everything you can:
- Send a press release announcing the award—but don’t just say you won an award. Use this as a chance to get your core message in front of the media. (See the example just below this article that I wote for a client)
- Put it prominently on your website
- Add it to your email signature
- Mention it several times on social media—not too often, and using an excited/humble rather than entitled tone, e.g., a Tweet like “Deeply thrilled to be named “Most Environmental Business in Pisqua. Thank you so much, @PisquaChamber” [this is a fake Twitter address] (I’d say no more than once every 20 posts or every three days, whichever is less)
- Display conspicuously in retail locations and tradeshow displays
- Mention it in radio, TV, and podcast interviews
- Blog about it, including some of the backstory—make it interesting
- Use that blog article again in your internal and external newsletters, reports to stakeholders (stockholders, employees, investors, vendors, government officials, etc.)
- Feature the award in an e-blast
- If the award is relevant, put it in your CSR or Sustainability Report, as well as in your public Annual Report
- List it on business cards, brochures, sell sheets, and other printed materials
- If your company has a Wikipedia page, make sure it’s included
- Work the award into any review sites that cover you, such as Yelp, Trip Advisor, Amazon, etc.
- To quote the king of Siam, “Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera”
Why Does This Unknown Author Keep Winning All These Awards?
BALTIMORE, MD: Coming out of nowhere last year as a debut author with an unknown press, Nick Ruth has now won an astounding eight honors for his first two books in the Remin Chronicles series, The Dark Dreamweaver and The Breezes of Inspire.
The latest honor: both titles have just won the Parent to Parent Adding Wisdom Award. In the fiercely competitive world of children’s products, Ruth, a government employee and homeschooling dad, is particularly proud that three different parenting organizations have recognized the books’ quality and appeal.
The Dark Dreamweaver:
- One of only two chapter books to win the coveted Mom’s Choice Award in fall 2005
- Chosen by iParenting Media as one of the “Greatest Products of 2005”
- A Finalist for the prestigious Benjamin Franklin Award.
- Named an American Booksellers Association Book Sense Children’s Pick
- Parent to Parent Adding Wisdom Award
The Breezes of Inspire:
- Named an American Booksellers Association Book Sense Children’s Pick
- Parent to Parent Adding Wisdom Award
- ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Finalist (winner to be announced in May)
The Remin Chronicles is a fantasy-adventure series in the tradition of the Wizard of Oz and The Chronicles of Narnia. The books are imaginative stories of magic, friendship, and adventure—with a bit of environmental science blended in. In The Dark Dreamweaver, ISBN 0974560316, David, a boy from our own world, visits Remin, the world of dreams…does battle with the evil sorcerer Thane…and is aided by an imprisoned wizard battling the dream thief and living repeatedly through the lifecycle of a monarch butterfly. David and several cousins return to Remin in The Breezes of Inspire, ISBN 0974560332, but quickly get transported to the equally threatened world of Inspire. Both were published in hardback by Imaginator Press and are available at or through Greenleaf Book Group, Ingram, and Baker & Taylor.
Journalists: Ruth and his illustrator Sue Concannon are available for interviews and the books are available for review.
Hear & Meet Shel
I recorded a brand new keynote, “Terrific Trends for Enlightened Capitalists,” for the Enlightened Capitalist Virtual Summit November 28-30, and it came out great. I’ll be on the line for live Q&A following the broadcast on November 30. Listen to all the sessions; they promise to be excellent. I’m especially looking forward to hearing Jeff Golfman, Donna Lendzyk, and Ravinol Chambers. https://shelhorowitz.com/go/EnlightenedCapitalist/
Friends Who Want to Help
Want to build a successful content brand? My friend Marc Guberti released his latest book Content Marketing Secrets which is available at a steep discount for a limited time. The book will teach you how to create, promote, and optimize your content for growth and revenue.
Order your copy of Shel’s newest book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World
Learn how the business world can profit while solving hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change (hint: they’re all based in resource conflicts). Endorsed by Chicken Soup’s Jack Canfield, business blogger and bestselling author Seth Godin, and many others. Find out more and order from several major booksellers (or get autographed and inscribed copies directly from me). https://goingbeyondsustainability.com/guerrilla-marketing-to-heal-the-world/
Another Recommended Book—We Rise |
We Rise: The Earth Guardians’ Guide to Building a Movement that Restores the Planet by Xiuhtezcatl Martinez
Martinez has been an activist for 11 years—and he’s not even old enough to vote. Only 17, he became aware of the earth’s current distress at age six and has been organizing ever since. Not just organizing. Performing original rap music and traditional dance, speaking at major conferences and even becoming only the second non-diplomat, non-politician to address the UN General Assembly, being featured in a film on youth activism, receiving an award from President Obama, standing up as one of 21 youth activists who are suing the US government to enforce climate change, and now, releasing his first book (with a major publisher, too—health and organic gardening leader Rodale). He was at the 20th Anniversary Rio Conference, organized a youth presence at COP21 (where the Paris Climate Accord was hammered out), and performed for the Water Protectors at Standing Rock.
I was a child activist too, starting—not counting an action against smoking I took in my own home at age 3—at age 12 when I went to my first demonstration, opposing the Vietnam war. And I, too, have been an activist ever since. Now, as I turn 61 next month, I’m seen as an elder—but I’ve got a few decades before I catch up with some of my activist friends in their 90s and 100s, such as Arky Markham.
But I was 16 before I turned vegetarian, 17 when I started speaking on the issues of our time, 20 before I participated in an action that definitely made a difference in the world (the Seabrook occupation of 1977), and 23 when my first book (on why nuclear power is a terrible idea) was published. So I’m in awe of this kid. We can think of him as a Malala Yousafzai for the United States. By the time he’s my age, he could have credits like toppling the whole fossil-fuel power structure or maybe managing a successful campaign to create a world unity government. I don’t know the specifics, but I do know he’s destined for greatness.
Martinez comes naturally to a holistic, intersectional approach that sees the relationships among multiple issues. Whether it’s getting big money out of politics, raising climate awareness among youth, or supporting the intersectionality of opposing different “isms,” he’s on the job. Raised in Boulder, Colorado by indigenous activists (his parents founded Earth Guardians, where he works as Youth Director), Martinez is strongly rooted in his own Mexica/Aztec tradition and very knowledgeable about the traditions of many other indigenous cultures, around North America and the rest of the world. This culture, where every living thing is sacred, informs his activism and his lifelong vegetarianism. It also provides a solid frame of earth guardianship and water protection from which he reaches out on a host of other issues.
That ability to see others’ oppression no matter what shape it has taken leads to deep wisdom: “Rather than pointing fingers, let’s work with people to help make better food choices” like eating less meat rather than instantly going cold turkey to vegetarianism (p. 135, pun intentional). That philosophy extends beyond food, to other areas where we can build connection, change our habits, and come together stronger.
And shifting our internal compasses to accept victory is part of that. He quotes activist Mika Maiava of Samoa: “You need to win from within, so that even if people look at you like you’re losing, you’re not losing because you’ve already won in your heart.” (p. 71)
At the same time, in a world where 200 species go extinct every day (p. 85), he demands immediate progress on climate change. And he’s doing what he can to create an empowered intergenerational movement to get us off fossil fuels into renewables, to create a humane and nutritious and just food system, and to secure the rights of every ethnic and cultural group on the planet. He’s doing his part to build a coherent, focused movement that can actually generate this needed shift, using every nonviolent tactic from lobbying through nonviolent direct action. Direct activism, he reminds us, “doesn’t wait for permission from leaders to act.” (p. 102)
He’s also very media-savvy. He understands the power of Standing Rock pipeline opponents self-identifying not as protestors but as water protectors—“defined by what we love and seek to defend” (p. 180). And writing in the earliest days of the Trump administration, he recognizes how the 2016 US election changed things for climate activists.
The book is well-researched, with plenty of facts and figures to back up his assertions. Even I didn’t know that not only does the fossil fuel industry receive $548 billion a year in direct subsidies, but also leaves us holding the bag for $5.3 trillion in externalized costs, for example (p. 144). On the positive side, he cites a study of college and university campuses investing in “green revolving funds” to finance the campuses’ own energy improvements; they show an astonishing 32 percent return (p. 219). The advance copy I have was in need of another round of proofreading, but hopefully that was fixed in the final printing.
Martinez is also using the book to spread messages from many leaders in the fight for global and local climate justice; the book includes his interviews with such luminaries as India’s environmental economist Vandana Shiva, Paul Watson of the environmentalist direct action group Sea Shepherds, climate activism pioneer Bill McKibben (founder of 350.org), actor/activist Mark Ruffalo, Bernie Sanders’ campaign liaison to Millennials, Moumita Ahmed, and several others including his own grandfather.
It gives me lots of hope to find a book this comprehensive and also (in places) really fun to read, written by a teenager. People like Martinez are our future, our bright hope. His book is well worth your time. |
Recent Interviews & Guest Articles:
Shel’s done 25 podcasts recently, ranging from 5 minutes to a full hour. Click here to see descriptions and replay links.
Accurate Writing & More
14 Barstow Lane
Hadley, MA 01035 USA
About Shel & This Newsletter
As a green and social change business profitability/marketing consultant and copywriter…award-winning author of ten books…international speaker and trainer, blogger, syndicated columnist – Shel Horowitz shows how green, ethical, and socially conscious businesses can actually be *more* profitable than your less-green, less-socially-aware competitors. His award-winning 8th book Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green: Winning Strategies to Improve Your Profits and Your Planet was a category bestseller for at least 34 months (and is now available exclusively through Shel), his newest book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, has already won two awards and is endorsed by Jack Canfield and Seth Godin. Shel also helps authors/ publishers, small businesses, and organizations to market effectively, and turns unpublished writers into well-published authors.
Shel Horowitz’s consulting firm, Going Beyond Sustainability, is the first business ever to earn Green America’s rigorous Gold Certification as a leading green company. He’s an International Platform Association Certified Speaker and was inducted into the National Environmental Hall of Fame in 2011.He began publishing his monthly newsletter all the way back in 1997, making it one of the oldest marketing e-zines (it’s changed names a few times along the way).
“As always, some of the links in this newsletter earn commissions—because I believe in the products and services enough to promote them (I get asked to endorse lots of other programs I don’t share with you, because I don’t find them worthy).” |
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We collect your information solely to let our mailing service send you the information you request. We do not share it with any outside party not involved in mailing our information to you. Of course, you may unsubscribe at any time—but we hope you’ll stick around to keep up with cool developments at the intersections of sustainability, social transformation, and keeping the planet in balance. Each issue of Shel Horowitz’s Clean and Green Newsletter has a how-to or thought-leadership article and a review of a recommended book. We’ve been doing an e-newsletter all the way back to 1997, and some of our readers have been with us the whole time. |