April 2010 Frugal/Green Marketing Tip
Long-time readers of this column will know that I think speaking is one of the most powerful tools in the frugal and ethical marketing toolkit. One of the reasons is that it’s so easy to make other good things happen when you have a speaking gig set up.
Among the many possibilities, here are some that I’ve used to increase the impact of my speeches. Note that many of these need some advance preparation. Don’t expect to do all of this for every speech, but think about which ones make sense for a particular gig…
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- The live call with John Ritskowitz (Marketing Medic) and Jay Conrad Levinson (Guerrilla Marketing), originally scheduled for March, was rescheduled for medical reasons to Tuesday, April 6, 3pm ET/noon PT. John is actually coming up from his home an hour away (we’ve never met), and bringing some high end audio AND video equipment, so this may be a very high-fidelity call. It should be pretty exciting and I hope you’ll join us as we discuss Green Guerrilla Marketing. And there will be some extra excitement in the air, as it’s the last few hours of Passover, and I’ll be eagerly looking forward to Bread Day, which starts at sundown
To join the call sign up free at https://www.johnritz.com/blog/guerrilla-marketing-in-your-living-room/ We’ll be giving away autographed copies of the book and other goodies on the event, so don’t delay…
- April 15, 9 pm ET/6 pm PT: Tweleseminar, “Communicate the Value in Your Values.” Justin Sachs, justin (at) justinsachscompanies.com
- April 24, I’ll be exhibiting at the Sustainability Expo in downtown Amherst, MA: CiccarelloS (at) amherstma.gov
- April 25, I’ll be speaking on collaborating with a co-author at the American Society of Journalists and Authors conference in New York. https://asja.org/wc/2010/ (using my new co-authored book, Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green, as a case study)April 29, 3 pm ET/noon PT, I’ll be presenting on Grassroots Book Marketing Strategies for Stephanie Chandler’s virtual Nonfiction Book Writers Conference: Contact janica (at) authoritypublishing.com
- May 8, I’ll be speaking once again on book marketing at CAPA University in Hartford, CT: https://www.aboutcapa.com/capa_university_writers_conferen.htm
- May 11, 8 pm ET/5 pm PT, I will once again be speaking on “Create Value from Your Values” for Hilton Johnson’s teleseminar series (and this means you will once again get a series of mailings from me about Hilton’s health coaching program and about the other calls he’s hosting in May).
- May 14, 12 pm ET, I’ll be interviewed on Solo Talk with Donna Amos. https://www.blogtalkradio.com/solotalk
- June 9, I’ll be interviewed again for the Guerrilla Marketing Association’s weekly calls–this time by Alexandru Israil from Romania. Contact: alexandru.israil (at) gmail.com
- June 15, I’ll be Linda MacKenzie’s guest on the Creative Health and Spirit Show, on HealthyLife.Net radio. Linda has interviewed me a few times in the past, and is actually the CEO of this Internet radio network.
- It looks pretty likely that I’ll be speaking on Green Marketing at SolarFest, sometime the weekend of July 16-18, in Tinmouth, Vermont. This is a wonderful event; I attended several years ago, and you can read about it here: https://www.frugalfun.com/solarfest.html
- September 19, I speak at Live Green! in Norwalk, CT. Contact: sweicker (at) sbweventsgroup.com
- October 2, I’m speaking at the second annual Self-Publishing Book Expo in New York City, https://selfpubbookexpo.com/
- October 12 at 7pm ET/4 pm PT: My third annual presentation to the MUSE Online Writers Conference. This time, Selling a Self-Published Book to a Traditional Publisher
- There’s no better way to get traditional press (a/k/a mainstream media) covering you than to answer inquiries from reporters looking for sources. I’ve used this strategy to be cited multiple times in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur, even Woman’s Day (among many, many others). I subscribe to every service I know about that connects journalists and sources. My old friend Steve Harrison from Radio TV Interview Report has just launched a new one, with no charge for leads. https://bit.ly/bD6WzG (affiliate link). Given how much it costs to advertise in RTIR, this is a real bargain, at zero cost.
- There’s an extraordinary new book that has just been published, one that will show you exactly how the billionaires/superstars and geniuses of our world get the results that they get. An international bestseller within days of its release, “The Leader Who Had No Title: A Modern Fable on Real Success in Business and in Life“ (Simon & Schuster) is the game-changing book by top leadership expert Robin Sharma, who’se books (Including The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari) have transformed the lives of millions of people worldwide. For the first time, Robin shares the proprietary success formula that he’s shared with his billionaire coaching clients and companies like NIKE, FedEx, IBM, Microsoft and GE. In “The Leader Who Had No Title”, you will discover exactly how to awaken your inner leader, play at wow in all you do, unleash massive amounts of excellence and productivity, get to world-class in your work, build an unbeatable mindset and really win in these turbulent times. This book will blow the doors off your past ways of thinking, performing and being. “If you want to operate at the level of WOW, be an exceptional leader and live full out-buy this book.” – Darren Hardy, publisher, SUCCESS magazine “The Leader Who Had No Title is a game-changing book…get ready for an AMAZING new life!” – Marci Shimoff, New York Times bestselling author of “Happy for No Reason” Buy this book April 6th (it’s less than $20!) and you’ll get over 100 incredible bonus gifts from bestselling authors (worth over $1,057) and a chance to win one of 24 iPods. To puchase, visit www.theleaderwhohadnotitle.com on April 6th.
- Carolyn Howard-Johnson, award-winning novelist and author of the How to Do It Frugally series of how-to books for writers, is doing an October writing retreat in Rome! Even this far out, she’s down to just a couple of spaces. Want more info? Write to her at hojonews (at) aol.com
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Published monthly since May, 1997 by Shel Horowitz
16 Barstow Lane, Hadley, MA 01035 USA